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CBD for Dogs?

Posted by CANNASaver on Thursday, 22 September 2016 in Canna Blog

CBD for Dogs

Unlikened to the 2000 stoner movie Dude, Where's My Car? where Jesse (Ashton Kutcher), and Chester (Seann William Scott), are entertained by Nelson's (David Herman), stoner dog as the dog tokes from a self resembling pipe, CBD for dogs seems to be having a positive growing effect on man's best friend.
CBD Cannabis produced pet products are produced mostly from hemp which has significantly different properties than the most consumed pot plants. Further discussion on the difference between hemp and medicinal marijuana will be discussed in another post, but for the most part, Hemp is part of the cannabis plant family but has an extremely low level of THC,  grows differently than THC-containing cannabis, and is well known for industrial use. Both are derived from the Cannabis Sativa L plant. Hemp contains from 0.3%-1.5% of THC while medicinal cannabis contains around 5% to 10%.
CBD extracted from Hemp -aka- Hemp Cannabidiol, or Hemp CBD is a non-psychoactive oil  extracted from cannabis plants.  Non-psychoactive meaning your dog won't get stoned!
Dogs, similar to humans produce natural chemicals in the body that interact within the endocannabinoid (EC) system called cannabinoids.  These cannabinoids work the same way in animals as they do in humans.  They work directly on the endocannabinoid (EC) system through cannabinoid receptors.  
Cannabinoid receptors are a class of cell membrane receptors. There are two types.  CB1 receptor which is expressed mainly in the brain, the central nervous system, lungs, liver and kidneys. The CB2 receptor is expressed mainly in the immune system. 
There are several companies and entrepreneurs already extracting, baking and shaping cannabis derived pet products. A quick internet search and you'll delight your best pal with a variety of healthy CBD treats including liquid concentrates, oils, edibles, biscuits, and capsules with plenty of treats sure to please and keep your pet at peace.
The American Pet Products Association suggests that the U.S. pet industry grew at an 8% CAGR to reach $58.51 billion in 2014.  $13.72 billion of that was derived from the retail pet medicine market with CBD-based products.  
The APPA ( American Pet Products Association) has shared some interesting data that should provide insight as to the future revenues of CBD for dogs. They report that in 2015 the total pet industry expenditures in the United States hit $60.28 million and is estimated to hit $62.75 million this year.
$15.42 billion was spent on animal care, followed by $14.28 billion spent on animal supplies and over-the-counter medicine. Live animal purchases captured $2.12 billion while  pet food delivered $23.05 billion. Pet services such as grooming and boarding grew to $5.41 billion in 2015.
Dogs are best friends and family members.  They are loyal and trustworthy. They also know all your secrets and see everything you do when no one else is around.  Just think... what if your dog could really speak?!
Enjoy the Now!
About the Author: MrD. (pen name) is a writer, educator, musician, producer, public speaker and founder of 420GIVES(tm) a non profit organization giving back to the community.  420GIVES.com

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What is Hemp? Difference Between Marijuana

It is reported that the United States founding fathers were hip on hemp. George Washington grew industrial strain hemp crops that were used for the production of rope, thread, canvas, and many other industrial applications.  It's also been rumored that refusing to grow hemp in America during the 17th and 18th centuries was against the law!  You could be jailed in Virginia for refusing to grow hemp from 1763 to 1769.

Amazing how times have turned and today ladies and gents, let's take a look at this crop and shed some light on this animal, well actually plant.

Hemp is a part of the Cannabis sativa plant family. It grows very fast and has a very low level of THC with much higher concentrations of cannabidiol (CBD).  It has been said that hemp use dates back ten thousand years ago when it was first spun into useable fiber.  Modern day use after it's been refined include commercial items such as paper, textiles, food, fuel, and clothing to name a few. Hemp does not produce psychoactive effects.

There are many differences between hemp and marijuana with the most obvious being its use. Marijuana is used as a consumable and topical product for medical and recreational purposes. Hemp is used for industrial purposes. Hemp fibers are very strong and have many practical applications.  Marijuana has psychoactive effects (you feel stoned). Hemp does not have psychoactive effects. Hemp is a high-growing plant and produces CBD which has many of the same pain management benefits of marijuana without feeling stoned. Marijuana plants produce high levels of THC (the get stoned compound).

The biggest difference between marijuana and hemp is that research has shown, CBD acts to reduce the psychoactive effects of THC. That means what is extracted from hemp counteracts that which is extracted from marijuana, even though they are from the same Cannabis sativa plant family.

Hemp is hip!  It's a usable practical plant that has incredible benefits.  As states continue to legalize marijuana and countries open their borders, the Cannabis sativa family of plants has a great chance of becoming the new "cash crop" of the millennium.


Cool quip from wiki: Hemp was made illegal to grow without a permit in the U.S. under the Controlled Substances Act passed in 1970 because of its relation to marijuana. Some states have made the cultivation of industrial hemp legal, but farmers in many states have not yet begun to grow it because of resistance from the DEA. In 2013, after the legalization of cannabis in the state, several farmers in Colorado planted and harvested several acres of hemp, bringing in the first hemp crop in the United States in over half a century.


Way to grow Colorado! A state where new beginning flourish and new ideas come to life.


Enjoy the Now!


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CBD vs. THC - What are the Differences?

Posted by CANNASaver on Sunday, 18 September 2016 in Canna Blog

Differences Between CBD and THC

To explain the difference between CBD and THC it's important to first know what these abbreviated symbols mean and then explore what each compound is made of and it's effect on the human body.

CBD is short for Cannabidiol.  Why CBD instead of CNL? Who know's. There's still worldwide confusion over the term "jumbo shrimp".

Cannabidiol is a natural compound within the Cannabis sativa plant. As scientist continue to research the many different types of cannabis plants, scientist are also discovering the chemical properties that make up the plants. Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of several hundred compounds found within the chemical structure of the sativa plant. It has become popular due to its effects on the human brain and body.

THC is short for Tetrahydrocannabinol. Now this abbreviation makes a lot more sense. The t, the h, and the c are all right there standing front faced at attention as proud members of the american english alpha-bet should be!

THC is the chemical compound in cannabis that produces the "high" effect. CBD on the other hand, does not produce   a "high" feeling like THC.

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is probably the most popular compound in cannabis because it is the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. Psychoactive is anything capable of affecting mental activity. It's a chemical substance that changes brain function and results in alterations in perception, mood, or consciousness.  It's the chemical that leads to various euphorias felt within the body and brain.  Some  examples of psychoactive substances most people have heard of include LSD, cocaine, crack cocaine, methylphenidate (Ritalin), and ephedrine to name a few. Both THC and CBD  interact with the cannabinoid receptors found in the human body.

Hundreds of different cannabinoids have been isolated from the Cannabis plant. Cannabinoids in simple terms are chemical compounds that act on cannabinoid receptors in cells within biological systems.    

The human body has what is called an Endocannabinoid system.  Cannabinoid receptors are located throughout the body connected to this system.   Having a well-functioning endocannabinoid system is vital for human health. It is responsible for many of body's physiological processes such pain-sensation, mood, memory and appetite.  

With this understanding, one may ask, what are the benefits of using one over the other.  The answer would have to be based on each individual's preference.  A look at a few of the other differences point out that CBD is technically legal because it does not produce the psychoactive “high” effect that THC does.

CBD is widely used for medical purposes and especially important for children and elderly patients who may be greatly helped by the cannabis plant but certainly would not and should not have any substance that would affect mental activity.

THC on the other hand produces a 'high' that people just love and it's high time the cannabis plant is respected for all the medicinal, social and financial benefits it produces.

The one thing about CBD and THC that is most impressive, is that you can try them both and see what works best for you!


Enjoy the Now!


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Marijuana Use by Adults and Seniors on the Rise

Posted by CANNASaver on Wednesday, 14 September 2016 in Canna Blog

Marijuana Use by Adults and Seniors on the Rise

According to a recent report issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, today's parents are smoking weed more often than their teenage kids do. Marijuana use among kids age 12 to 17 has fallen, while marijuana use among adults age 35 and up has sharply increased. With marijuana dispensary deals offering deals on ounces of buds, coupons for edibles, deals on concentrates, daily specials on marijuana and other incentives, older adults with more spending power have become one of the largest and most influential groups of marijuana consumers.

Since 2002, marijuana use by middle-aged adults in the 45 to 54 age group increased by 48%, while marijuana use by adults age 35 to 44 rose by 43%. These are pretty sharp increases, but they're nothing compared to the numbers of even older adults who are now using marijuana regularly. Marijuana use by seniors aged 65 and older increased by 333% over the past decade, while marijuana use by adults age 55 to 64 has increased by a whopping 455%. The one group who is using marijuana less often, however, is kids and teens. Only 7.4% of kids and teens age 12 to 17 reported that they use marijuana regularly, showing a 10% decrease in marijuana use compared to data collected ten years prior.

The report highlights the ways in which marijuana legalization is shaping our culture. In the “War on Drugs” era, more kids and teens were using marijuana. Now that parents and even grandparents are doing it, doctors are prescribing it, and national media outlets report on it daily, marijuana has lost much of the glamour it received from being something illicit and illegal, rebellious and “wrong” in the eyes of the parental units and society as a whole. Marijuana has become acceptable, recognized for its many potential benefits on both physical and mental health, as well as for its advantages over the far more dangerous and detrimental choice of alcohol for purposes of recreational relaxation. Opponents of marijuana legalization often tout their fears about legalization leading to increased marijuana use among youth, but the study by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention proves these fears to be unfounded. It's a timeless truth that kids usually don't want to be like their parents, so if their parents are toking down, teens are less likely to see marijuana smoking as an appealing activity that's in any way cool or desirable. Stephen Colbert even did a skit about the phenomenon of parental marijuana use on a recent episode of “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.” The skit featured a very normal-looking, middle aged Minnesota couple chilling out at home on the sofa. They're obviously stoned, bong in hand. Their teenage son walks in and they quickly stash the bong behind the throwpillow. The son accuses his mom and dad in a resigned and annoyed sort of way if they're smoking marijuana yet again, then he makes a comment about he doesn't use marijuana himself, but instead snorts adderall like a normal person.

Ideas about marijuana use are definitely changing, and parents are finding new ways to talk to their kids about drugs and marijuana use more honestly and openly than ever. With marijuana's benefits as a medicine widely recognized by the scientific and medical community, and medical marijuana dispensaries and recreational marijuana dispensaries a common feature in many communities in states like Colorado, no longer can parents pretend to their children that marijuana use is something criminal or extremely detrimental or dangerous, especially when they are using it themselves to relieve insomnia, back pain, anxiety, just to unwind, or for a number of other valid and logical reasons. If we don't want our kids to use marijuana, it makes sense to talk about it as honestly as possible, being genuine about the positive as well as the negative aspects of pot smoking. When marijuana is unfairly demonized, kids who try it and discover its real-life effects are much more likely to distrust any warnings they've received about other drugs which actually do pose very serious risks. Legalization has forced a more honest and open dialogue regarding marijuana use, which in turn is leading to fewer kids overall using marijuana for recreational purposes.

Marijuana has matured, both in terms of its users and in terms of the marijuana industry itself. With all the medical and recreational marijuana dispensaries such as Livwell, Medicine Man Denver, and MMJ America, plus all the cultivation facilities, research institutes, seed banks and more, the marijuana industry has become big business. Paired with an increasingly older demographic of marijuana users, marijuana is no longer kids stuff. It's ironic that where the War on Drugs failed, marijuana legalization has apparently succeeded. Putting marijuana into the hands of parents and grandparents and other older adults has been the unexpected key to keeping it out of the hands of youth.






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Choosing the Right Marijuana Edible For You

Posted by CANNASaver on Friday, 09 September 2016 in Canna Blog

Choosing the Right Edible for You

Edibles are becoming a major aspect of the Marijuana industry, in some people’s mind they have even more importance than just weed by itself. For a decent part of the Medical side of the weed industry they are very important, as they allow somewhat of a more seamless delivery of the cannibinoids they are looking for without having to interact with their lungs and respiratory system, as well as eliminating some of the less desirable aspects of smoking like coughing, dry mouth, resin dirtying up smoking utensils, as well as being a less challenging option for people with harsh arthritis or tremors, as grinding weed and packing a bowl and even smoking it can become a hassle for regular users. But more and more people are finding that the edibles they have been directed towards may not be as effective as they may have hoped, though the problem may not be with the quality of the edible itself. 

One of the major differences I have noticed people running into regularly is the kind of concentrates used to create the edibles themselves. The companies that produce edibles can go a few different routes in the infusion of their products, from the actual infusion process to the form of the THC being infused. For instance, some companies use what is essentially a very clean BHO product, similar to dabs but extra clarified, which work well for most people but in some cases doesn’t seem to process correctly in specific patient’s systems. When I encounter patients like this I generally try and push them to try something that has been created with cannabutter instead, which processes somewhat different and can be the missing element for several people I’ve talked to. Cannabutter also has some potential to retain a more complex profile than concentrates, as the flower itself is mixed straight with the butter that is then used to make edibles, usually more along the lines of baked goods and some chocolate hybrid edibles. If you have been having trouble getting the effects you’re looking for out of things like gummies or candies, it’s possible that this switch could greatly benefit you. 

Another element that is always important to consider is how much of the edible you are actually consuming. In some cases with larger edibles, such as full sized candy bars or very low dosage candies that you have to consume many pieces of to meet your dosage, the sugar content can become an issue especially when looking to use edibles for sleep, as the sugar can adversely affect the THC doing this job. This is also heavily dependent on what your actual dosage is, the higher you end up having to consume the more often you may run into these problems. I have talked to several customers that stray from edibles that may actually be more cost effective or the actual Indica/Sativa specific item they may be looking for simply because they don’t want to eat that much chocolate or candy. I am personally much more in favor of eating less actual edible mass in all categories, though I think there is definitely a market for full substantial actual snack or meal edibles. 

Some people that run into the common “THC gives me the munchies,” issue definitely benefit from having more to eat so as to avoid the problem of eating more than their dosage of edibles. Unfortunately because of the lack of regular demand for these kinds of products they are much harder to find on many dispensary shelves, even though there are companies that produce things like THC infused frozen pizzas. One solution to this is to go with pure cannabutter and just use it in conjunction with the food you  are going to eat anyway, everything from baked potatoes to a dollop in soup could be a much easier to control dosage option, though you will definitely have to feel out exactly how much yous hould be using, companies will always disclaim how much is technically in what amount of cannabutter bought at a dispensary but if you go the make-your-own route you definitely need to pay attention and start low, one of my neighbors basically quit trying after making a slightly too bomb plate of spaghetti. 

So there are many things to consider when you look for the edible that will give you the best version of what you are looking for, and I highly recommend making notes on what works for you and what seems to work less. I also recommend putting chocolate bar edibles in oatmeal, it’s the best. 

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Best Price on 100mg Edibles in Denver

Posted by CANNASaver on Thursday, 02 February 2017 in Canna Blog

Best Deals on 100mg Edibles In Denver

One of the best perks of having legal marijuana dispensaries in Denver is the amazing variety of marijuana edibles that are available and at all Starbuds locations you can get your choice of 100 mg edibles for $15 including tax on select brands.  Lucky for you, the Savvy Stoner knows you don't have time to do all that research, so I've put together this handy guide to the best 100mg edibles for the money, and how to get the best dispensary deals on edibles in Denver.

A Beginner's Guide to Marijuana Edibles 

Edibles come in many forms such as marijuana chocolates, gummies, mints, hard candy, drinks, and even frozen treats and pastries all made with marijuana extracts. You can find both THC edibles and CBD edibles at dispensaries in Denver. Edibles are labeled according to the amount of THC or CBD that's in the entire package. For example you will see 100mg edibles, which is typically intended to be divided into ten 10mg servings. If you're an edibles first timer, start with the 10mg serving and give it a couple hours to take effect before you gobble down any more. This is the danger of edibles --it's against human nature to eat only a small portion of a 100mg chocolate bar and then put it away for later, but that's exactly the kind of iron willpower that marijuana edibles require. The best defense is to divide the edibles and share with some friends so that there will be exactly enough to go around. Or, if you're into the whole iron willpower thing, look at it as a healthy test of restraint. Who knows? Maybe edibles could be a gateway drug to moderation!

Which 100 mg Edible is the Best?

So which of the 100 mg edibles are the best value for the money? There are many popular brands of edibles that deliver when it comes to consistency and quality. Here are some of the best 100mg edibles you can find at Denver dispensaries:

Marijuana Chocolates best 100 mg Edibles: Incredibles Edibles

Incredibles makes gummies, concentrates, and handcrafted cannabis infused chocolate bars. You can get these delectable marijuana chocolates in 100mg or 300mg. Among their 100mg offerings are the 100mg Boulder Bar which combines chocolate and toffee with THC, and the 100mg Mile High Mint. IncrEdibles products are lab tested so you can trust in a consistent dosage when you indulge in these tasty sweets. They have only a slight,mildly herbal flavor that blends well with the chocolate and other ingredients.

Best Marijuana Drink 100 mg Keef Cola:

If you're looking for the best marijuana infused drinks, it's hard to beat the THC drinks made by Keef Cola. They make a variety of 100mg THC drinks including a cherry flavored cola --the 100 mg Cherry Bomb, and their award-winning 100mg Bubba Kush root beer, which surprisingly tastes very much like ordinary root beer. If you’re a med card holder, you can pick up some discounted Keef Cola at CannaBotica right now for just 4 for $20 with the coupon on CannaSaver.

Best Denver Dispensary Deals on Edibles

The best way to save money on edibles is to take advantage of dispensary coupons and daily dispensary deals. You can find the best deals on edibles on CannaSaver. Many of the best Denver dispensaries for edibles feature coupons and other promotions on CannaSaver, so you can compare dispensary deals and products from different stores and determine what’s the best deal for you. CannaSaver is also a good way to stay informed about dispensary daily specials such as the edibles deals at MMJ America and Whole Meds. MMJ America offers 25% off edibles on Munchie Mondays for both rec and med customers, while Whole Meds Dispensary (which carries the above mentioned Incredibles chocolate bars) offers 10% off edibles on Tasty Tuesdays for recreational customers. You can find tons more deals like these on CannaSaver. You can browse different categories like edibles deals or ounce specials or concentrates, so it’s very easy to find the coupons and deals you need quickly.

May your adventures with marijuana edibles be delightful!


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How Much Weed Can You Buy in Colorado

Posted by CANNASaver on Saturday, 03 September 2016 in Canna Blog

How Much Weed Can You Buy In Colorado?

So you’re perhaps visiting colorful Colorado and you want to partake in as much cannabis smoking as humanly possible. We get it – with so many strains, terpenes, and types of marijuana products available, it’s like being a kid in a candy store. But how much weed can you buy in Colorado? Well, there seems to be a few set rules, but a lot of grey area around such rules. 

Let us explain. 

Weed Purchases Colorado

Buying Weed: How It Used To Be

It used to be that there were special marijuana deals you could get at marijuana dispensaries in Colorado that included an ounce of marijuana flower and a couple of grams of concentrates. These and many more of the best marijuana deals and best deals on concentrates in large quantities became a thing of the past on October 1st when new Colorado marijuana regulations went into effect that more specifically defined purchase limits by clarifying the concentrate to flower equivalency.

At the time, a gram of THC was considered a gram of THC, and tourists could only purchase up to 7 grams of it while residents in Colorado were allowed to purchase up to 28 grams of it, be it in the form of concentrates like wax and shatter, in the form of edibles, or in the form of buds. 

New(ish) Marijuana Regulations for Consumers

When the new marijuana regulations went into effect on October 1st, 2016, 800 mg of edibles or 8 grams of concentrate were considered equivalent to 28 grams of marijuana flower. One gram of concentrate is now considered equivalent to an eighth of flower, while two grams is equivalent to a quarter ounce. 

This meant that no longer would Colorado marijuana dispensaries be able to offer their retail customers anything close to an ounce of flower, paired with two grams of concentrates. 

So, now, if you purchase two grams of concentrates, the most bud you can buy is just three quarters.

Deals on whole ounces of concentrates have changed, too. The new regulations greatly diminished the quantity of concentrate purchased in a single transaction, and no longer are recreational marijuana consumers allowed to purchase more than 8 grams of concentrates at a time without exceeding the purchase limit. 

Weed Limits Colorado

And, with many edibles packing 200mg THC per package, a few marijuana-infused candy bars can add up to the 800mg purchase limit very quickly. If you want to mix and match with some flower or edibles or concentrates, you have to really be smart in tallying up exactly how much of what you can legally get. The biggest challenge that marijuana dispensaries face now is to come up with alternative bundle packages that include a carefully thought-out balance of flower and concentrates or edibles that will appeal to marijuana consumers while staying within the rules (although you will see different dispensaries offer certain bundle packages that maximize how much weed you can buy in Colorado at a time).

New(ish) Marijuana Regulations for Dispensaries

Other new(ish) regulations have affected the cannabis industry more than the marijuana consumer. Remember that weird label that comes on every marijuana product you buy in Colorado, that looked a bit like a sheriff's badge, only it said, “Department of Revenue” and “marijuana” on it? That became a thing of the past as a new marijuana warning label has since been adopted. 

The new retail marijuana symbol features a diamond shape surrounding the word “THC” coupled with an exclamation mark. Each individually wrapped edible also contains this new icon. The new symbol for medical marijuana is virtually the same, only with an additional letter “m” to denote that it is a medical product. The new universal symbols came into use on October 1st, but there was a two-month grace period extending the compliance period until November 30th, 2016. Any establishments found selling marijuana labeled with the outdated universal symbol face serious penalties.

How Much Weed Can You Buy in Colorado Now?

The simple answer of how much weed you can buy in Colorado: Colorado residents and visitors alike may purchase up to 1 ounce (Oz) of marijuana at a time, once a day. 

Medical marijuana patients are allowed up to 2 ounces (Oz) of marijuana at a time, once a day. 

Weed Purchasing Limits Colorado

Possession of Marijuana in Colorado

Now, there currently isn't any system in place that actually prevents consumers from simply heading from one dispensary to another to get around the purchase limits, but the law also says that Colorado residents and visitors alike may only POSSESS up to 1 ounce at a time, while medical marijuana patients may only POSSESS up to 2 ounces at a time. 

So, nothing’s stopping you from going from dispensary and dispensary and maxing out your pot purchase limit, but be ye warned – if you’re caught with the possession of more than an ounce at a time (given you’re not a medical marijuana patient), there may be a fee or civil penalty assessed. We don’t recommend doing this. 

Don’t think you’re wise in leaving a dispensary with the maximum weed allowed, only to return and buy more, as they’ll have record of each transaction made. An example was made out of one of Colorado’s largest dispensaries, Sweet Leaf, after being busted for working around some of the loopholes.

If you’re driving, you can have weed in your car, but it must be under the allowed limit and must be in a sealed container. It is not allowed to consume marijuana in the car or while driving. It’s also not allowed to carry marijuana across state borders. 

So, whether you’re a Colorado resident and just don’t buy weed much or you’re only visiting Colorado for a short period of time, the new laws allow you to buy a significant amount of weed. So, how much weed can you buy in Colorado? The short answer is, enough. Unless you’re smoking an ounce a day, then we have a few problems to address. If an ounce a day isn’t enough, then just come back tomorrow! 

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Simple Rules to Using Weed Coupons

Posted by CANNASaver on Saturday, 27 August 2016 in Canna Blog

Basic Rules of Using Weed Coupons

Now that your weed coupons are printed and organized it’s time to use them, but if you have never used coupons before then this can be a little bit frightening.  Let’s face it, nothing looks less cool than walking up to that cute budtender and stumbling around with a coupon.  Situations like this have been the cause of more abandoned coupon purchases than anything else.  Embarrassment, or the fear of it, is a major reason why many people fail to get the best deals on weed.  Well, all that stops now – These are the basic rules of using weed coupons.  Read these rules and remember them and you too can enjoy the great savings that weed coupons have to offer.

Now all you non-conformist, anti-authoritarian pot smokers out there, remember that it’s a sad fact of life that rules do exist and that we have to follow them once in a while, so don’t freak out.  Just like everything else, coupons have rules that must be followed in order to get the best weed deals and save money to buy more weed.  The rules of using weed coupons are easy enough to follow – about as easy as making a box of macaroni and cheese, and like the mac-n-cheese, well worth the effort.  Using coupons is always one of the easiest ways to get the best deals on weed in Denver, Boulder, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, or anywhere.  Let’s get on to those annoying rules.

One per Purchase

If there were one weed couponing rule that was set in stone, it would probably be the one per purchase rule.  When using weed coupons, or any kind of coupon for that matter, it will always state one per purchase somewhere in the fine print.  In all my years of clipping coupons of every kind, not just weed coupons, I have never seen one that didn’t say that.  This rule means that you can’t use 2 or 3 or twenty coupons for say, one bag of marijuana edibles.  This would bring the price paid to less than what the dispensary paid for it, and make the sale not worth the effort for the shop.  Something to know about the one per purchase rule is that this is does generally mean that you can use one weed coupon for each item, or group of items, purchased up to store limits.  So if you were to have two coupons for a half price gram of shatter, you couldn’t add them up and get a gram for free, but you could buy two grams of shatter, each for half price. 

Only What’s Specified

Another thing that all coupons have in common – even weed coupons, is that they always specifically state what they can be used for, when they can be used, and sometimes even where they can be used, like the individual dispensary coupons found on Cannasaver.com.  When something is specified on the coupon, then 99.999% of the time, that is the only way that the coupon can be used.  That tiny fraction of a percentage point when this rule does not apply only happens when a store holds a promotion that specifically breaks this rule on purpose.  In most situations this unique discount will take the form of one dispensary offering to take another dispensary’s weed coupons or even accepting expired coupons for a very limited time.  If and when this type of sale pops up, be sure to take full advantage of it, they are as uncommon as seedless Mexican brick weed.

Anything that is specified in words on a coupon is non-negotiable.  Dispensaries will not be willing to make changes or substitutions even if they run out of an item.  If the pot shop does run out of an item you have a cannabis coupon for, try asking for a rain check so that you can take advantage of that cheap shatter deal when its back in stock. 

Be Honest

Coupons really don’t seem like a whole lot of anything to most of us, nothing more than a marketing tool that is generous enough to save money and help us to get the cheapest dispensary deals.  But coupons, even weed coupons, are actually legal tender.  Look closely at a big name manufacturer coupon for something like cereal.  Somewhere in that fine print it will say “cash value 1/100 ¢.”  This tiny phrase technically should mean that you could take 100 coupons to a store and cash them in for a penny – although, I don’t really know if any would do that.  More importantly, in common use, this phrase means that if you alter or change a coupon it is just as illegal as counterfeiting money.  So don’t do it no matter how tempting it may be.  Even if your weed coupons don’t have any of this printed on them, don’t take chances.  No one wants to go to prison for coupon fraud, not to mention, it hurts in so many ways.  Cashiers and budtenders will be reprimanded or maybe even fired for accepting altered coupons. And if too many fraudulent coupons are discovered, the dispensary may stop giving out their awesome weed coupons. 

Following these basic rules of using weed coupons will make your couponing experience easier and happier and much more profitable.  Remember these rules and save more money with less hassle while using coupons from Cannasaver.com.







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Pot Quiz: Test Your Knowledge of Weed?

Posted by CANNASaver on Sunday, 30 July 2017 in Canna Blog

Pot Quiz - Test your weed trivia knowledge

It’s soon to be back-to-school time, so I thought I would give you all a little “pot quiz” to get your brain back in gear. Test your knowledge of weed trivia with this quick marijuana quiz, and find out if you’re a newbie, a Shaggy, or a Savvy Stoner when it comes to those sweet, sweet buds.

Marijuana Quiz Questions

Choose one answer for each of the following questions. You’ll find the answer key and the results of your marijuana quiz at the end.

1. What is the technical name for the marijuana buds, or flowers?

A)    Node

B)    Calyx

C)   Terpene

2. Which of the following parts of the female marijuana plant does NOT contain significant amounts of THC?

A)    Pistols

B)    Trichomes

C)    Sugar Leaves

3.Which was the first state to legalize marijuana for medical use?

A)     Alaska

B)    Colorado

C)    California

4. Which was the first state to legalize the recreational use of marijuana?

A)    Oregon

B)    Washington

C)    Colorado

5. Which of the following is NOT used for dabbing?

A)    shatter

B)    shake

C)   budder

6. What does CBD stand for?

A)    cannabedrium

B)    cannabinoid

C)    cannabidiol

7. Which of the following smoking devices requires water?

A)    steam roller

B)    bubbler

C)    vaporizer

8. What is the brown sticky stuff that builds up in marijuana smoking devices called?

A)    wax

B)    budder

C)    resin

9. Which marijuana store requires the customer to be twenty-one years of age without exception?

A)    medical dispensary

B)    recreational dispensary

C)    mmj dispensary

10. What is CannaSaver?

A)    A marijuana coupon site for saving money on weed

B)    A recreational dispensary in Denver

C)   A bank for marijuana businesses



Scoring Key:

0-4 correct answers: Newbie! You have a lot to learn still about the wonderful world of weed. Read through some of the info in the marijuana blog here to start brushing up on your knowledge of marijuana trivia. And for goodness sakes, at least learn how to roll a blunt so you won’t look like an amateur!

5-8 correct answers: Shaggy! You know at least as much about weed as Shaggy from Scooby Doo. You may not care so much about the nerdly details, but you know enough of the basics that your friends come to you if they have a question about marijuana or they need help rigging up a gravity bong.

9-10 correct answers: Savvy Stoner! You are a cannabis-conscious know-it-all! In fact, you should reward yourself right now with a big bowl of bud--or even better, treat yourself to an ounce deal! You deserve it!



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CannaSaver Blog

The Magical Properties of Marijuana

Posted by CANNASaver on Tuesday, 27 June 2017 in Canna Blog

Marijuana Magic: The magical properties of cannabis

Cannabis is indeed a miracle plant, providing us with fiber, food, fuel, fun, and medicine. For thousands of years, people around the world have found benefit in using marijuana medicinally, recreationally, spiritually, and even magically. Marijuana has been used to honor the divine, communicate with the dead, increase psychic abilities, facilitate dream magic, and more. The magical properties of cannabis touted by humankind are numerous, and there is an infinite variety of marijuana spells, cannabis divination methods, and other types of weed magic that have been invented over the ages. Here are just a few of the many magical uses of marijuana.

Marijuana Love Spells

One of the magical properties of marijuana is that it has a very loving vibration. Marijuana is an aphrodisiac, so simply consuming it can be a love spell in and of itself, with the right intention. If you want to get a little taste of what marijuana sex magic can be like, try enjoying some marijuana with your lover while you imagine a loving energy flooding through your body. Touch one another as you blaze some buds or dab some concentrates, letting your energies mingle and unite. As the passion builds, the ecstatic energy is projected into the wider universe as a mutual goal is envisioned. Marijuana magic can also be used to attract a new love interest into your life. Try carrying a marijuana leaf or a bud in your pocket to help clear the way for romance and make all eyes turn to you. One old folk tradition is to take a handful of hemp seeds into a dark field on Halloween night, then throw the seeds into the wind while uttering an incantation: “Hemp seed, I sow thee; come after me and show me!” Then the seeker would turn around quickly to induce a vision of their future lover.

Marijuana and the Magic of Dreams

Another of the magical properties of marijuana is that it is very useful for dream magic. One way to use marijuana for dream magic is to utilize the plant’s ability to help with problem-solving and gaining new perspectives. Smoke a bowl before you go to sleep, and write down your problem on a piece of paper that you place under your pillow along with a piece of bud. When you wake, try to recount your dreams. Think of your problem and see if you have gained any new insights into a solution. Marijuana is also believed to help facilitate meetings with your loved ones in your dreams. A photo of the person that you wish to dream about is chosen, and marijuana smoke is blown over the photo as a means of invitation to come visit in the dream world. The photo is then placed beside the bed or beneath the pillow.

Marijuana for Psychic Abilities

Increasing psychic abilities is another of the often mentioned magical properties of marijuana. Some seers believe that consuming marijuana before performing psychic work helps to open the third eye, increasing one’s ability to see into the future. Communing with the living cannabis plant itself is also believed to enhance E.S.P. It’s believed that by working with the plant--either growing it or simply observing it and absorbing its energies--that one’s vibrations are brought more in tune with the astral plane. There are also marijuana talismans that can be used to increase one’s psychic powers. A piece of bud wrapped in a willow leaf and bound together with a purple thread may be carried as a charm to improve one’s sensitivity to energetic vibrations and encourage psychic visions.

More Magical Uses for Marijuana

This is just a small sampling of the many magical properties of marijuana that still thrive in modern pop culture. The energies of the marijuana plant are said to be not only in tune with the realms of dreams, love, and psychic abilities, but also healing, hope, cooperation, happiness, inspiration, lust, and a host of other good qualities. There are people using edibles for offerings and evocations, people drawing symbolic glyphs on transdermal THC patches,and people using cannabis concentrate oils to enhance sex magic. There are conjurers blowing smoke to the winds to invoke the spirits of the dead, and there are witches burning bowls under the moonlight in honor of an ancient goddess. Cannabis magic is limitless, a frontier that is being explored by modern practitioners of the magical arts in imaginative and daring ways. With the variety of strains and products available, not to mention the amazing weed deals you can get these days, the array of possibilities is definitely intriguing. Whether or not you believe in magic in general, the magic of marijuana is a power we all know and love!

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