• Cannabis News

How Do You Smoke Sugar Wax

How Do You Smoke Sugar Wax

Posted by CANNASaver on Tuesday, 17 November 2020 in Canna Blog

With every innovation in cannabis, consumers have to learn the lingo. Sugar wax is yet another term to add to the marijuana dictionary, and having a definition is a much different thing than having experienced it. That’s why we not only cover what makes the wax different from other cannabis concentrates, but also the different - and equally awesome - ways you can smoke sugar wax. So how do you smoke sugar wax?

We'll teach you all there is to know.

What is Sugar Wax?

For every unique texture, refinement process, or technique to extract, there is a name for it. For casual or bargain cannabis consumers that are searching out the THC molecule, these distinctions do not offer much, yet for the engaged connoisseur, it can be the difference that builds brands.  

Sugar wax is no exception.

Sugar wax has a lower viscosity than other forms of wax and offers a robust aroma and flavor. The crystalline texture helps preserve the terpenes of the strain or strains the wax is extracted from, as does the agitation process during extraction. We will get into that later.

Sugar Wax Color

Sugar Wax describes a texture and a method of refining extracted THC and other cannabinoids from the cannabis plant.

Sugar wax can range in color - though is often amber to off-white yellow. 

Sugar Wax Texture

Have you ever had a really, really old bottle of honey? The viscous honey overtime has the moisture content removed and turns into wet-looking crystalline granules.

In many cases, sugar wax is similar - wet-looking sugar-like crystals. 

How is Marijuana Sugar Wax Made? 

It’s unsurprising, really. The fact that more varieties of cannabis concentrate continue to hop into the consumer view makes sense. Cannabis concentrates are a great way for consumers to achieve desired effects with less and for producers to maximize the value of every crop. 

Sugar wax is heat purged and vacuumed during the refinement process. This allows the product to gain the crystalline structure needed to become good and ‘sugary’. By encouraging nucleation, or the creation of crystal from a solution via heat and oxygen removal, producers are left with a beautiful cannabis concentrate full of the desired effect and with terpenes preserved. 

For more information on how cannabis concentrates are made, check out this guide for dummies (not that you’re a dummy by any means).

How is Sugar Wax Different From Other Marijuana Concentrates? 

The vacuum and heat purge method used to create sugar wax most closely resembles how shatter, another cannabis concentrate, is made. The main difference is contained within the process of agitation. 

Agitation is the part of the extraction process wherein the cannabinoids and terpenes are stripped from the plant to create a concentrated version. 

Sugar wax uses substantial agitation throughout the extraction process, in combination with dialed-down temperature and lowered condensation when compared with other concentrates (thus the vacuum purge). This allows THC or CBD crystallization to happen more readily while keeping the terpene profile intact. 


The Two Best Ways to Smoke Cannabis Sugar Wax

Sugar wax is like all other cannabis concentrates in that they can be smoked, vaporized, or included in edibles.
The difference in textures and consistency make some concentrates better than others for certain types of consumption methods. To truly grasp an appreciation of marijuana sugar wax, where flavor and aroma are maximized, the following two methods have been tested (personally) to great success. 

Dab Your Sugar

Dabbing is the standard when it comes to most concentrates. Smoking or, more accurately, vaporizing cannabis sugar wax via dabbing is one of the best ways to ensure the flavors and effects are fully appreciable. 

Why do you ask? 

Dabbing can be done using various types of apparatus and with numerous accessories. For instance, this writer chooses a rig - the most common consumption tool for dabbing - with an e-nail. E-nails allow dabbers to choose and maintain a temperature they dab at, while the rig itself allows the act of dabbing to occur. 

These work in tandem for a single reason: the melting points of terpenes and cannabinoids present in the wax you are smoking. Yes, the “chemistry in high school” melting points.  

The melting point determines the dab flavor and can affect the effects (yes - I wrote that bit to make you reread it.) 

Given the robust presence of terpenes found in sugar wax, dabbing it with an accessory like an e-nail makes for a consistent dabbing experience. Be careful though, the experience may be too glowing for your high eyeballs to want to look at. 

ALWAYS take it slow with cannabis concentrates. 

PRO TIP: Keep your e-nail somewhere between 500 and 750 degrees Fahrenheit for optimal use. Keep this scale in mind:

  • Lower temp: better flavor, higher potential for waste

  • Higher temp = bigger dabs, still excellent flavor, less potential for waste

Infuse Your Flower

It could be an experienced take, but I can’t see a reason to not pump up the volume on any flower I’m consuming. That means adding wax and other cannabis concentrates to the fresh flower. 

PRO TIP: Get concentrates and strains that align or complement. 

It’s not that this is a new idea. We just find it reliably produces a better flavor than even smoking weed through fruit. People have always added hash or kief or both (aka Moonrocks) to products - though it has become a lot more commercially available as of late.

There is a question that arises, however. And particularly in an environment where a buyer can get a 1/8th of weed and a gram of sugar wax (or other concentrates) for $30 or so dollars (in Colorado [Nov. 2020] low end and $100+ on the higher end.)

Some more experienced consumers may find the stellar in-house or branded infused joints and moonrocks to be just fine, but personally, I like to turn the dial myself. 

That is where infusing your own joint comes into play - and why it is such an awesome way to appreciate the robust and somewhat granular aspects of sugar wax within some of your favorite flower. 

Other Ways to Use Sugar Wax

Sugar wax can additionally be added to edibles, though it has to go through the process of decarboxylation first. You can click on that link of the term for more info. Once activated via decarboxylation, it can basically be added to anything. 

Did we just change how you use sugar wax? Let us know. 

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Best Weed Deals in LA Today

With the new regulations for legal marijuana in California finalized and set to go into effect this coming January, recreational dispensaries in California will at last be able to open their doors. In the meantime, the Savvy Stoner here has the best weed deals in LA  from your favorite medical dispensaries in west Hollywood, downtown LA, East LA and other Los Angeles neighborhoods. Here’s where to get the lowest priced ounces in LA, dabs, and edibles in LA this week.

East LA Weed Deals Near Cal State

Some of the lowest priced weed in LA this week can be found at Union Collective East LA dispensary. They have a deal on an eighth for $20 for first time patients. For one of the best weed deals near Cal State, the Space Lounge has you covered with a first time patients deal on any eighth for just $25. Located less than a half mile away from the university, Space Lounge is one of the best rated dispensaries near Cal State. It’s a swift two-minute drive or a pleasant ten-minute walk away from the main Cal State LA campus.

West Hollywood Dab Deals

West Hollywood dispensary MedMen on Santa Monica boulevard has an excellent FTP deal this week on concentrates. If you’re a first time patient, select wax and shatter grams are buy one, get one free. This is one of the best dab deals in West Hollywood, and the luckiest part is that they have the same deal going on select edibles and flower, too.

Private Reserve Flower Deals in West LA

If you’re a marijuana connoisseur who wants only the best, head to BSE Pre-ICO for one of the best private reserve flower deals in West LA this week. Just $10 will get you any gram of private reserve flower that this West LA dispensary near UCLA and Westside Pavilion has in house.

Best Edibles Deals in Downtown LA

The atmosphere of downtown LA can make anyone hungry for a buzz! If you’re craving some tasty edibles and looking for discount deals in downtown LA, Mr. Nice Guy dispensary has a first time patients deal on edibles for 10% off. Located in the heart of downtown LA, this dispensary near Pershing Square is an easy walk or transit ride from the LA Convention Center, the Grammy Museum, and the Staples Center.

How to Find the Cheapest Dispensary in LA Today and Everyday

The CannaBlog here will give you a round-up of some of the best weed deals in LA today, but to see ALL the deals and get a feel for the vast amount of money you can save on buds and dabs, you need to check out all the marijuana deals and discount concentrates on CannaSaver. Featuring free coupons from LA dispensaries in virtually every neighborhood, it’s the easiest way to find the best LA discounts and deals fast. LA dispensary coupons are updated daily and the best deals sell out quickly, so subscribe to deal alerts if you want to be the first to know which weed store in Los Angeles has the lowest prices on dabs, buds, and edibles every day of the week. With deals this good already, we can only imagine what incentives weed stores in LA will offer when California recreational dispensaries can finally open in 2018!

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CannaSaver Blog

Is Dabbing Intimidating to First Timers?

Posted by CANNASaver on Tuesday, 01 November 2016 in Canna Blog

The Dabbing Intimidation Factor

 Seeing someone pull out a dab rig for the first time can be pretty intimidating for someone unfamiliar to the process. Dab rigs are pretty similar to any kind of water pipe, but they have some kind of heated element like a titanium or quartz nail that has to be heated to around 300 to 400 degrees before the concentrate is applied to it, more often than not with a hand-held torch. So when your friend busts out a bright blue propane torch when all you wanted to do was smoke a little there is definitely understandable doubt. Mostly I was just reminded immediately of hot knifing, which again did not garner any confidence in me. There are also straws, essentially a straight glass or glass and metal pipe, which also require their tips to be superheated, some with water chambers for some filtration but some literally just being thick glass tubes. But luckily with the constant expansion of the marijuana industry there have been a number of great improvements to this process that can make regular concentrate use a much less hassling process.

One of the more important ones that I unfortunately do not see people using as often is enails. Enails attach to the heating element of a rig and run electrical current into it to heat it up, and can do so at specific temperatures, which they can then maintain fairly constantly so you don’t have to go through the process of relighting your propane torch every time you want to dab, which as a regular user can be several times in a row. There are a wide variety of enails, many with digital readouts to dial in exact temperatures, which can be nice for those familiar enough to do specific temperatures for different kinds of concentrates to make sure they are getting the most out of them.

I have also used a few devices that are essentially an enail built into a full rig, though really just classifying as box vaporizers with some  new level of portability, for instance the VapeXhale which heats your concentrate in it’s own proprietary setup with glass attachments for actual inhale. These can give especially clean hits, and are a little more stable than trying make sure all your enail cables and rig are constantly safe, especially if you use them often. I would personally go this route, as ultimately ditching the torch fuel cost overtime would be worth it for me. These setups have also gotten considerably cheaper now that there are more companies producing them, some of them incredibly easy to use as well.

Vape pens are another growing market now that their demand has risen, similar to the previous vaporizers but almost always pocket sized. These of course don’t have quite the power or stability but they can still be a good option if you’re someone who’s out and about, and there are a huge number of options for them, from disposables to crazy high end, though some can only do specific concentrate types with specific attachments, and I definitely recommend finding one with a double coil over anything else, as vape pens can run into some issues as far as making sure to vaporize all of the concentrate loaded in them, less at a time is definitely better. There are also the preloaded disposable cartridges that can fit many e-cigarette batteries, which can be incredibly portable but may offer less as far as range of strains.

So why do it any other way? One of the important element of marijuana usage has always been the process. Some people enjoy getting their nails heated perfectly by themselves, some people still only smoke blunts or joints just because that’s what they’ve always done, some people only break up weed with their hands. But as concentrates continue to grow as an industry it’s nice to know there are people still making innovation in the accessories sector. I recommend trying new gear when you can, you never know what apparatus will hit you the hardest and new things come out all the time

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CannaSaver Blog

Should I Try Marijuana Concentrates?

Posted by CANNASaver on Monday, 31 October 2016 in Canna Blog

Is It Time for Concentrates?

Concentrates are a far more prevalent product in the current marijuana industry than they ever have been, but for new customers and tourists the idea can be a little daunting and much of the time not something that they are actually looking for. I have seen tourists drop hundreds of dollars on concentrates and the necessary apparatuses to consume them, just for a few days worth of their trip, when really they could have gotten more than enough regular marijuana to meet whatever chemical demands their body may have had.

While concentrates are understandably a more purified form of what we are all smoking anyway, they can bring with them some disconcerting effects. There is of course the stigma that if you’ve not done concentrates before, your first time dabbing can be a little ridiculous compared to smoking regular flower. The first time I dabbed was right when I first moved to Denver, and I was blisteringly high for almost three hours. But the first thing I noticed was after having dabbed, regular flower did not hit me the same way for a few days. Concentrates can wreak havoc on your tolerance, and if you get too used to doing concentrates you can find yourself not even getting anywhere smoking regular weed. This is one of the main reasons I don’t do concentrates, because I enjoy actual smoking too much to let it get ruined by that level of tolerance. Even things like disposable vape pens can do a number on your resistance to THC, though generally only the higher end pure hash cartridges, as some of the ones cut with polyethylene glycol come in only slightly above smoking normally.

But for some people, particularly those who genuinely use it for medical benefits and need an incredibly strong high as fast as they can get it, and after building up a tolerance to regular marijuana it can be the next step for people not interested in edibles or tinctures. It can be pretty depressing for medical patients to find that their tolerance has risen to the point that an intake method doesn’t work anymore, and having this next step option is a nice trade off, though it can get considerably more expensive if you do it very regularly. That being said, because of the new regulation on concentrates only allowed to be sold as attributing to 3.5 grams of your allowed buying quantity, many dispensaries are running sales on concentrates, since they used to be able to sell considerably more at a time under previous regulations.

Some new products have cropped up as well, making ultra purified concentrates that then have additional terpenes added back in for an even more enhanced effect. These are very clean compared to regular flower as with smoking weed or tobacco there is a good amount of plant matter you are dealing with in the process of trying to get your chemicals. Terpenes can sometimes get lost or lessened in the case of some concentrate production, which can take away from the complexity of the high, but these days extractors have gotten much more skilled than when this all was starting. For people with greater levels of health concerns as far as what they put into their body can find concentrates to be the thing they might be looking for, though intake methods can have a decent presence in this decision as well.

This also comes into play when selling to people in a dispensary, as sometimes the people that want concentrates are only going to be in town for a few days and aren’t going to want to spend a whole bunch on a reliable setup, making for a growth in the available vaporizer pens, varying in price and reliability from 13$ disposable pens to several hundred dollar gold plated options. I have used a few of the disposables and had a roughly $60 pen that worked fairly well, but it is definitely a learning process as far as how much each pen can functionally use and timing for good hits.

Ultimately concentrates are for those with an already established tolerance, or an option every once in a while to have slightly too good of a time. They are definitely a big choice to make if you plan on switching to them regularly, though the industry is constantly working to make them more accessible so who knows maybe that’ll be the only way we smoke in a year or two. Just be wary, they can often be more than anyone regularly needs. 

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CannaSaver Blog

Best Concentrates in Colorado

Posted by CANNASaver on Wednesday, 27 January 2021 in Canna Blog

Sometimes flower just doesn’t cut it. Maybe you’ve built up a tolerance, or maybe you’re just looking for a better high. Good thing for concentrates. These are the best concentrates in Denver.

What are Concentrates?        

Whether you're a first-time or experienced dabber, you might still be wondering exactly what concentrates are. Deciding what concentrate to choose and knowing how to use it properly takes a little background knowledge.

Concentrates are where you isolate the most desirable parts of the cannabis plant through a process of heat and extraction. Basically, concentrates are the best part of marijuana in a convenient package. Scientifically, it’s a bit more complicated. Suffice it to say concentrates will get you higher than the average flower.

Types of Concentrates

         Concentrates come in a variety of forms:

·         Live Resin

·         Shatter

·         Wax

·         Budder

·         Crystalline (Diamonds)

Though there are many different types of concentrates, they are essentially all the same product—extracted, compounded marijuana oils. They are named differently based on the consistency, density, and texture of the end product, as well as differences in how the concentrates are prepared.

How are Concentrates Used?

Some concentrates can be used topically or taken orally, while others are used in a vaporizer commonly known as a vape pen. Dabbing is also popular. This is the process of heating up a small amount of concentrate such as live resin with a device called a dab rig, and inhaling the vapors.

Think heating up a drop of hash on a penknife and breathing in the smoke—same basic concept, only now you can buy an actual factory-made contraption for this. Concentrates can also be cooked into edibles, or you can go the old-fashioned route and top off a bowl of ordinary flower to give it an extra kick. 

Live Resin

Live resin is simply cannabis oil that has been extracted from fresh flowers that have been freeze-dried rather than air-dried and cured the typical way. This produces a different flavor in the resin, imparting a more aromatic and floral bouquet. Live resin is usually somewhat gooey in consistency and typically has a higher terpene content.


Shatter is heat extracted or chemically extracted cannabis oil that has hardened into a glasslike substance that's usually amber colored and mostly transparent. When it's heated, it becomes a viscous liquid similar to thickened honey. Shatter can be relatively inexpensive, with deals as low as 15 dollars a gram.


Wax refers to concentrated marijuana oil that has been extracted--often with butane or other chemicals—to produce a thick, oily, and wax-like substance that can be smoked or vaporized. Unlike shatter which is see-through and hard, wax is soft and opaque.


Like the other concentrates, budder is extracted from flower to make a more potent product. Unlike wax or shatter, budder has the consistency of, well, butter. It’s a type of hash oil that can be up to 70 percent THC.


Also known as dust or diamonds, crystalline is concentrated THCA that comes in a solid form. Think kief. Crystalline often has little flavor because of the relatively low amount of terpenes but makes up for that lack of potency.

The Best of the Best Concentrates

Colorado is home to some of the best, award-winning concentrate companies in America. Recreational weed use has been legal in Colorado since 2012, allowing local businesses to branch out and perfect their extraction techniques. The use of concentrates by stoners continues to grow as time goes by.

Here are some extraction experts that make some of the best concentrates you can find in Colorado:

·         Green Dot Labs, based in Boulder, makes some of the best live resin in Colorado. Deals on their live resin can be found here.

·         Sano Gardens, based in Commerce City, specializes in cannabis extraction. Their live resin is popular among Coloradoans.

·         710 Labs makes some of the best concentrates for both Colorado and California.

·         VIOLA is a marijuana company started by former NBA player Al Harrington. Their concentrates can be found in dispensaries across Colorado.

·         Nomad Extracts make their concentrates from Colorado-grown cannabis. They’ve won awards for both their wax and shatter, among others. You can find their platinum wax for 30 dollars a gram at dispensaries in the Denver-metro area.

·         Lazercat Cannabis are Colorado-based growers and extractors. Their live rosin is a premium concentrate.

·         Kush Masters is an extraction company “nested in a log cabin next to Boulder’s Flatiron mountains.” You can get eight grams of their wax for 120 dollars in Denver.

Where to Find Concentrates in Colorado

         Most local dispensaries will have plenty of choices when it comes to concentrates. A budtender is always willing to help or answer any questions one might have. We’ve put together a list of some Colorado dispensaries that have great deals on concentrates:

·         The Lodge Cannabis has locations on Federal Blvd and High Street. There’s currently a deal for two grams of Green Dot live resin for 90 dollars or four grams of wax for 70 dollars.

·         Pure Marijuana Dispensary has five locations across the Denver-metro area. You can find deals on cartridges, wax, and shatter (among many others) at any location.

·         The Stone Dispensary, located in Denver, has a wide variety of concentrate deals for the frugal stoner. The previously-mentioned Kush Masters live resin is 24 dollars OTD per gram. There’s also a deal on all brands of wax or shatter.

·         Mary Jane’s House is located on Quentin Street just a little outside of Denver. They have deals on wax right now for just 27 dollars for two grams.

Which Concentrate is Right for Me?

The first time trying concentrates can be confusing. There are a ton of choices, but only you are going to know which is best for you. Trial and error, so to speak. No shame in trying them all.

Looking for More?

There are tons of places to buy concentrates or other marijuana products in Colorado. Cannasaver can be a fantastic tool for finding the right wax, live resin, or any other concentrate for you. 

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Get a Deal on Weed and go to a Cannabis lounge, coming soon...

Last November, voters approved Initiative 300, which legalized cannabis consumption lounges in Denver, and at looks like these lounges will at last soon be open. So pretty soon you will be able to get a Denver weed deal and head to a cannabis lounge with your friends. These cannabis lounges will allow patrons to consume marijuana on site, meaning Colorado tourists as well as locals will have a much easier time finding a place to legally blaze up all this fine weed we have around here. Currently, public consumption is off limits, so if you have some concentrates or bud you wish to enjoy, you have to either hide out and watch your back, be in your own private residence, or find a friend who will let you come over--all pretty difficult tasks for a traveler who doesn’t have friends here and who doesn’t know a whole about the city. Being able to shop at a Denver dispensary then immediately be able to find a place where you can actually smoke it without fear will be a huge improvement, especially for tourists.

City officials have met numerous times this year to try to work out the rules and regulations for cannabis consumption lounges, and as of June 30th, they have finally succeeded in finalizing the details. Some of those details are rather restrictive, intended to limit the number of cannabis consumption lounges operating in the city. Potential cannabis lounges will have to seek approval from the city as well as from the neighborhood in which they wish to locate, and businesses that hold a liquor license will not be eligible to apply. These rules will remain in effect for the course of Denver’s three-year pilot program. In 2020, the City Council will meet again to reexamine the measure and see if any adjustments need to be made.

With marijuana a booming business, entrepreneurs have been impatiently waiting to be the first to open a public cannabis consumption lounge. They’ll have to wait a little longer though, unfortunately, as the city has still yet to open up the application process. Once new licensing procedures are set into place and city inspectors have done their part, say officials, the applications will be open. Those interested in opening a cannabis consumption lounge should start saving up now and gaining neighborhood support, as the licensing procedure will be tedious, and the fees decidedly hefty.

Despite the delays, the city is anticipating that Denver’s first public cannabis consumption lounges could open in just a few months time, as early as Fall 2017. So what will these new lounges look like? We know they won’t be able to serve alcohol, so perhaps some of the lounges will consider serving coffee, tea, or other treats. Perhaps there will be cannabis cafes that serve gourmet marijuana edibles. Or, we might see art studios doubling as cannabis lounges. Live music seems like a great fit for weed-smoking, so I expect many of the cannabis lounges will feature live bands and other performances. Ultimately, we’ll all just have to wait and see, and at least we won’t have to wait too much longer (hopefully!) to find out.

With so many tourists flocking to Denver to enjoy the beautiful flowers, super-potent concentrates, and out-of-this-world edibles, one thing is certain: Denver’s cannabis lounges are bound to be a huge success.

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Tagged in: CannaSaver dabs

Marijuana Concentrates Quiz


So you think you know all about marijuana concentrates? Find out how much you really know with this marijuana concentrates quiz from CannaSaver, the Savvy Stoner’s favorite source for the best dispensary coupons and newest marijuana deals near me! Are you a dunce when it comes to dabbing, or are you a clever concentrates connoisseur?

Cannabis Concentrates Quiz Questions

Choose one answer for each of the following questions. You’ll find the answer key and the results of your marijuana concentrates quiz at the end.

1. Which of the following could be used for dabbing?

A)    caviar

B)    shake

C)   budder

2. Which of the following is the hardest in density at room temperature?

A)    wax crumble

B)    shatter

C)   sugar wax

3. What is bubble hash?

A)    Hash that is extracted with BHO

B)    Hash that is extracted in cold water

C)   Hash that is extracted through high-pressure compression

4. What is live resin?

A)    extracts made from frozen marijuana

B)    extracts made from cured marijuana

C)   extracts that must be mixed with water before use

5. Which of the following is part of a dab rig?

A)    Hammer

B)    Nail

C)   Level

6. Which of the following is a type of marijuana concentrate?

A)    Whipped cream

B)    Ear wax

C)   Pancake syrup

7. What does BHO mean?

A)    Butter Hash Oil

B)    Brown Hash Oil

C)   Butane Hash Oil

8. What is sugar wax?

A)    Concentrates with added sweeteners

B)    Small flakes of shatter

C)   A concentrate with a slightly grainy texture

9. Which of the following is NOT a type of concentrate?

A)    Ice wax

B)    Honey oil

C)   Moon juice

10. Which of the following concentrates is considered the purest?

A)    Distillate

B)    Sugar Wax

C)   BHO


Answers: Count up your correct answers and see how well you scored! 1)C 2)B 3)B 4)A 5)B 6)B 7)C 8)C 9)C 10)A

Answer Key: Are you a dabbing dunce or a Savvy Stoner when it comes to your knowledge of concentrates?

0-4 correct answers: Dabbing Dunce! When someone asks you if you want to dab, you’re likely to bust out with some outdated dance moves. You have a lot to learn about concentrates! Look at this beginner's guide to concentrates to get started.

5-8 correct answers: Clever Concentrates Connoisseur! You’re no stranger to dabbing, and you’re even familiar with a lot of the lingo when it comes to concentrates. There is still much to learn, though, so get some wax or shatter and take some notes!

9-10 correct answers: Savvy Stoner! You are a Savvy Stoner with all your concentrates knowledge and know-how! Reward yourself with these coupons for cheap concentrates to celebrate!




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CannaSaver Blog

To Dab or Not to Dab - What is Your Question?

Posted by CANNASaver on Thursday, 14 September 2017 in Canna Blog

What is Dabbing? To Dab or Not to Dab

Dabbing Dictionary: Live Sauce, Terp Jelly, Bubble Hash, Dab Rig - What is all this stuff?

A strange thing has happened alongside the phenomenon of marijuana legalization. A lot of us old timers who have been smoking weed for literally decades are suddenly feeling a bit out of the loop. With marijuana legalization and the opening of marijuana dispensaries in Denver and other places where weed is legal has come a plethora of new products and new terminology-- especially when it comes to dabbing, which is becoming extremely popular among the younger set of marijuana enthusiasts. What is live sauce? What is terp jelly? What is bubble hash? The younger generations and the dude at the weed store definitely seem to know, at least, because these concentrates are flying off the shelves. There’s no real reason why older people don’t tend to be as interested in dabbing, except for possibly confusion over all the new terminology that can make dabbing seem more complicated than it actually is. I mean, I’m used to packing a bowl and smoking it, or rolling a joint and smoking it. When I first heard of dabbing, I didn’t understand why I would ever want to have a special device called a dab rig and something called a nail, and even a miniature blowtorch in order to get high. It just all seems so...complicated. Until you try it, and discover that you can get incredibly high with just a couple of hits. Dabbing is a way to achieve a more intense high more quickly, so if you don’t like to feel like you’re wasting a lot of time smoking weed, dabbing will make getting high a quick and easy minute-long procedure. If you’re wondering where to start or what some of the dabbing terms mean, here is a dictionary of common terms you will see relating to concentrates and dabbing.

What is Live Sauce?

Sauce is a type of concentrate that has a texture similar to sugar wax, which is somewhat grainy, except that it also has a liquid layer on the top. Live sauce just means that the resins are extracted from fresh marijuana as opposed to dried marijuana.

What is Terp Jelly?

Terp jelly is a concentrate made with pure cannabinoids so you get more of the isolated terpenes in the final product. If you want to try terp jelly, one of the best terp jelly deals in Denver right now is at Lightshade where they have Black Diamond terp jelly for just $40 with the CannaSaver coupon, which is a $10 savings off the usual price.

What is Bubble Hash?

Bubble hash is a concentrate made by processing marijuana in ice cold water. It produces an interesting texture and pure product that is free from harsh chemicals. If you’re looking for bubble hash near capitol hill in Denver, AMCH has deals for bubble hash, five grams for $100, tax included. AMCH is a Denver dispensary near capitol hill that sells both recreational and medical marijuana.

What is a Dab Rig?

A dab rig is a type of smoking accessory that is used for dabbing concentrates. It looks similar to a bong, only the bowl--which has a part called a nail--is different. It has a little post type thing in the center of the bowl which is heated, then you touch the concentrates to the hot post and then proceed just like you were using a bong. CannaBotica, a Denver dispensary near Sports Authority Field at Mile High Stadium, has a sale on dab rigs right now for $18.

What is the Difference in BHO Concentrates vs Co2 Concentrates?

These terms are pretty self-explanatory, really. It’s just what you think it is. BHO concentrates are extracted with butane, whereas CO2 concentrates are extracted with CO2. Many people feel there is not much difference in the end product, but if you are concerned about chemical residues, CO2 concentrates are the more popular choice for those who want a purer product. Curious to try for yourself? Check out this Golden Barn CO2 oil deal available at CannaBotica,or head to Doc’s Apothecary Northglenn dispensary for a 500mg Lucky Turtle CO2 vape cartridge deal for just $25--a twenty dollar savings off the usual price! Just mention the deal you saw on CannaSaver.

Where can I get more deals on concentrates?

CannaSaver is the best source for deals on concentrates, because you get deals from many of the best dispensaries all in one place so you can comparison shop and find the lowest prices on concentrates in Denver with just a quick glance. Unlike other sites that have a lot of ads and pop-ups, CannaSaver is clean and user-friendly, and you only see the deals that you want to see, like BOGO concentrates deals and ounce specials and such. If you want to get the best prices on concentrates and weed deals galore, CannaSaver is the way to do it. There’s also lots of information about concentrates, dabbing, and the latest deals and news in marijuana that you can find here on the Savvy Stoner Weed Deals Blog, so you can get up to date with all the newest and best in cannabis culture.

May your adventures in dabbing be merry!

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CannaSaver Blog

Wax Dabs

Posted by CANNASaver on Thursday, 24 June 2021 in Canna Blog

Cannabis concentrates are becoming a staple to the marijuana industry. With marijuana use increasing around the country, more people are aware of “dabbing” or “dabs” With 7/10 around the corner to celebrate marijuana’s “OIL” products such as wax, shatter,  hash oil, and live resin. Whether you're a newer consumer or an old-school consumer being introduced to the term dabbing, you may have questions.

Dabs come in several different sizes, shapes, and ultimately, forms. Dabbing can reference many kinds of THC concentrates; from shatter to live resin. But today, we’re going to look at my favorite concentrate known as a wax dab.  

The Titular DAB

A dab can essentially be seen as the measurement to which people dose out their marijuana concentrates. Depending on their consistency, these marijuana concentrates are also commonly referred to as wax, shatter, live resin, etc. These kinds of concentrates are heated on a hot surface, a banger/e-nail, and then inhaled through a bong-like device known as a dab rig. The term has been used for about a decade or so. 

Dabs are made by pouring butane over marijuana. This process allows the THC to leave the marijuana plant and dissolve into the butane leaving a gummy, somewhat solid product that contains high amounts of THC.

What is This?! Wax Made From Bees?!

Wax, despite its name, is not made from beeswax. This type of marijuana gets its name from the concentrate’s texture and appearance. Varying between being relatively gooey being incredibly brittle; wax has an opaque appearance that appears throughout.

Depending on moisture, temperature, and techniques used to extract wax; the concentrate can take on many different forms in the outcome. When the wax is a gooier wax, that tends to be a budder. The other end of that breeds consistencies like crumble.

Different Types of Wax

BHO - Butane Hash Oil, extracts various cannabinoids. Extracting wax, using BHO, is a way to cultivate leftover parts on the marijuana plant remaining after trimming; like leaves or stems. This is why it's cheaper and easier to find.

BUDDER - Considered the cleanest and most wanted wax concentrate. Budder closely resembles butter you would put on toast. Budder is smooth in texture and a highly potent concentrate often hitting 90% THC potencies.  The process is a difficult one due to the process requiring strenuous whipping during the extraction process.

CO2 - solvent-free and tends to be pricey. Produced without toxins, while retaining terpene flavors. Extraction is pricey due to needing specialized equipment. But delivers in terpenes and cannabinoids.

CRUMBLE - Crumble is made from BHO. Crumble is made during the process of purging oil in a large vacuum oven. In the process, the extraction develops a soft consistency but maintains an extremely brittle consistency which can crumble when being prepared. Crumble is a favorite for vaporizers.

PHO - Propane Hash Oil, is an extraction method using propane instead of butane. Everything else is pretty much the same. Some people prefer it because it can be made into a pretty good budder (kind of creamy/buttery concentrate) with vigorous whipping. Experienced PHO makers note that, depending on the strain, it’s possible to get more terpenes and fewer residuals by using propane.

WAX -  Resembles honey which is where it gets its name. Wax concentrates have a very high content of THC and other cannabinoids (much higher than regular buds or trim runs) and need to be handled carefully. If you’re not used to vaporizing something so potent, the best advice I can give you is to start slow.

How To Dab That Concentrated Wax

Unlike smoking a bowl, you are going to need a specific set of tools. Tools that will make any wax concentrate cower in fear of you.


  • Dab rig - A small, bong-like smoking apparatus 

  • Nectar collector - A straw-like smoking device

  • Vape Pen - Concentrate vaporizer

Some consistencies of concentrate are easier to consume using all the various ways. Brittle/crunchy concentrates, like shatter, are easier to smoke when dropped onto a hot banger. It’s also worth noting that the higher the temperature you burn the nail, the much more harsh your smoke will be. When temperatures remain lower, the more flavor and cloud production.

When using a Nectar Collector, specifically designed trays/dishes are a must. These kinds of products are made out of glass, quartz, or silicone. After putting a small dab onto the container, blowtorch the tip of the collector. While heated, drag the hot nail across the wax while sucking through the mouthpiece. 

Health and Dabbing Wax

Dabbing wax is arguably one of the healthiest ways to smoke marijuana, although there haven't been too many studies quite yet. For us, it is a bit lighter on the throat and lungs (depending on how hot you prefer to dab).

Benefits of Dabbing

Cannabis enthusiasts will find some advantages to dabbing if they maintain clean and tested products. Dabbing is known for its quick onset time and lasting powerful effects on the user. For those who deal with chronic pains, use dabbing as a guaranteed way to obtain swift, effective bodily relief.

When properly made, dabs can be a product that’s much easier on the lungs than a typical cannabis flower. When smoking, burnt buds create resin which isn’t great for your lungs. Concentrates tend to destroy most unwanted resins while providing terpenes and other helpful cannabinoids into your body.

Dangers of Dabbing

Now for the bad news. Dabbing is, in fact, more dangerous than normal for the average smoker. To those unfamiliar with dabbing, heating a banger with essentially a flamethrowing lighter may appear dangerously off-putting. Though as tech moves forward, devices like an e-nail are eliminating the use of crazy torches. And trust me, I’ve burned many things (including my actual body) that I most certainly didn’t want or intend to.

Deals on Wax In Denver

The Lodge has two dispensaries locations in downtown Denver.

Current deals on WAX are:

Herbs 4 you is located in the Capitol Hill Area.

Current deals on WAX include:

Chronic Therapy has a location in Wheat Ridge and Cortez.

Current deals on WAX include: 

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CannaSaver Blog

The Oura Portable Dab Rig: Sleek but Sloppy

Posted by CANNASaver on Thursday, 07 October 2021 in Wacky Racky

Oura Portable Dab Rig in a flashy green

I originally picked up the Oura Portable Dab Rig from our local smoke shop a while ago. It was my first smoke toy and product to review. I liked it because it looked like it was so easy even a crazy Squirrel could use it. Boy was I wrong!

The smoke shop owner walked me through how to use it. How to dissemble it (which seemed pretty easy) and clean it. It all appeared too good to be true.


  • Cool Design
  • Water Chamber
  • Size
  • Lifetime Warranty ("All Parts")


  • Touch Sensor "Button"
  • Replacement Coils/Atomizer
  • Hard To Clean

In A Nutshell

I will admit, the first few weeks I had this unit, when I wrote my original review, I really loved it. It wasn't wow worthy but it did get 4 out of 5 stars. Then reality hit when my first coil stopped working and I had to buy a replacement.

The first time it happened I was a little miffed that it cost $39.95 plus shipping to replace. Then when another stopped working 30 days later, no matter how much I cleaned the quartz crystal cup, it frankly bristled my fur! The third time, well , let me just say this, there hasn't been a fourth time. This unit has been sitting gathering dust ever since. With an unused coil sitting next to it.

The one "button" control seems like a great, easy idea but it can be a bit of a learning curve. The "button" is a touch sensor that tended to be a little on the fickle side for me. For whatever reason my thumb worked better than other fingers. I think I prefer more traditional buttons that you can feel work.

It's 5 touches to turn on and off. 3 touches to change temperatures (3 times for each change to cycle through the various temps) and 2 touches to start or stop a 60 sec session. Unit will automatically shut off after 4 minutes which is a nice feature because I almost always forgot to shut it off manually.

The way you hold this vape unit it is easy to accidentally end a session. Usually that was the only time the touch sensor consistently worked, when I didn't want it to.

The manual could use some improvement too. Nothing in the manual documents that when this unit starts flashing, that's indicating an active session is in process. When it started flashing on me I assumed I broke the dang thing and it was spazzing some sort of warning. Usually flashing means error! Not with Oura, flashing means working, go figure!

There is conflicting information on what can be used in vaporizer. Smoke shop and product reviews say only concentrates like wax, crumble, shatter or pull-n-snap. Website from manufacturer says concentrates and oils. Email response from customer service was extremely fast: "the Oura works with ALL concentrates".

The hole in the glass needs to line up hole in the base. There are no markings on the glass that helps you line up these holes or to check to make sure they are still aligned correctly, if the glass accidentally gets turned (which is easy to do).

It comes with ceramic and glass bowls. There is no documentation on why the two different bowls. I think it's just a personal preference on which you like to use. I know my Lookah Seahorse *which I LOVE and still use a year later, with only ONE coil replacement* offer both too.

The Oura's Bowl

Included is a carrying pouch, usb charger and wall plug. This unit seems to last a long time on a single charge but it also takes a long time to recharge it. I was told to let the battery completely drain before recharging the unit, so I don't keep it plugged in between usage. The company stands behind a lifetime warranty for all parts, which doesn't include their expensive coils.

This could honestly be a great product if it was redesigned. The reason I think the coils burn out fast is the atomizer top doesn't really snuggly fit over the crystal basket. This allows for concentrate to get on the outside of the basket which then gets to the coil. Then when it gets to the coil the basket is almost superglued to the it.

No matter how much I cleaned it between usage I could not prevent this from happening. It didn't mean squat how careful I was putting my dabs into the quartz either, it still go onto the coil. I finally gave up and that's when I found the Lookah Seahorse--and I haven't looked back. Two out of five stars, Oura.

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