Top 5 Dispensaries in Denver with the Best 420 Weed Deals for 2018!
Posted by CANNASaver on Saturday, 14 April 2018 in Canna Blog
The 2018 Top 5 Denver Dispensaries for 420 Weed Deals
It’s almost 420, and it’s time to stock up on the party supplies! We’ve scoured through hundreds of Denver dispensary deals to find the very best of the best deals on weed, concentrates, and edibles that you can grab just in time for the 420 holiday. Here are the top 5 dispensaries in Denver for 420 weed deals, and the highlights of the amazing deals that you can get at each one.
1. The STONE Dispensary
4820 Morrison Rd.
Denver, Colorado
The STONE Dispensary ranks high on our list of the top 5 dispensaries for Denver 420 weed deals. This Denver Westwood dispensary near Lakewood is offering some phenomenal weed deals and concentrates deals for the 420 holiday. For one of the best dispensary deals in Denver this week, take advantage of their special 420 concentrates deal where you can get eight grams of recreational wax or shatter for only $100. You can even mix and match the grams. The STONE dispensary deals on weed include ounces starting at just $67, or $89 for select top-shelf strains. For the lowest price and the biggest value, pick up a quarter of shake for only $12. Want a connoisseur marijuana deal for 420 to celebrate in high style? Moonrocks will do the trick! The STONE has one of the best moonrocks deals for 420 in Denver, with three grams going for just $45.
2. Pure Marijuana Dispensaries
Pure Marijuana Bannock
1133 Bannock St.
Denver, Colorado
(303) 534-7873
Pure Marijuana Colfax
5702 East Colfax Ave.
Denver, Colorado
(303) 733-9956
Pure Marijuana W. 40th
505 W 40th Ave.
Denver, Colorado
(720) 287-4211
Pure Marijuana dispensary also gains a place on our directory of the top 5 Denver dispensaries for 420 weed deals. They have three locations serving both medical and recreational customers. There’s a Pure Marijuana Denver Golden Triangle dispensary on Bannock, a dispensary on Colfax near Montclair and South Park Hill, and a W. 40th Avenue dispensary near the Regency student housing. All three of these Denver dispensaries are offering great deals for 420. There’s a distillate deal on a 1000 mg distillate syringe for just $18, or if you’re curious to test out the reputed medicinal benefits of Rick Simpson Oil, you can pick up a 1000 mg Rick Simpson Oil from West Edison for just $25 right now with the Cannasaver coupon. This is one of the best RSO deals in Denver. They also have one of the best Denver edibles deals for 420, with 25% off all edibles in the store. Pure Marijuana dispensary has a pretty solid ounce deal for 420 going on, too, with any ounce in the house on sale for just $85 recreational, all strains included.
3. The Lodge Cannabis
The Lodge Federal Blvd.
82 S Federal Blvd.
Denver, Colorado
(303) 945-4774
The Lodge High St.
3944 High St.
Denver, Colorado
(720) 328-4539
If you haven’t been to The Lodge Cannabis , you’re missing out on one of the best Denver dispensaries for deals on weed and concentrates as well as friendly, personalized service. The Lodge also has some of the best marijuana available in Denver. Connoisseur strains are on sale for just $17 an eighth for medical customers, while recreational customers can pick up an ounce of any connoisseur strain for just $120. There’s also a selection of strains that are available for $15 an eighth recreational. If you’re looking for a terp jelly deal for 420, you can get 4 grams of live resin terp jelly at The Lodge for $125 recreational with the Cannasaver coupon. Visit The Lodge downtown Denver dispensaryon High Street, or their Denver South dispensary on Federal Boulevard.
4. LaConte’s Clone Bar
La Conte’s Clone Bar Central
105 E 7th Ave.
Denver, Colorado
(303) 292-2252
LaConte’s Clone Bar North
5194 Washington St.
Denver, Colorado
(303) 292-2252
LaConte’s Clone Bar & Dispensary definitely garners a place of honor among the top 5 Denver dispensaries for 420 weed deals, because the prices they’re offering this week are the lowest weed prices in Denver that this savvy stoner has seen in a while. Select eighths are on sale for just $10, with quarters starting at $20. They also have one of the lowest priced ounce deals for 420, with select strains available for just $69. If a concentrates deal for 420 is what you’re after, LaConte’s is offering live resin deals for recreational customers including a deal on five grams of Quest concentrates whole plant live resin or live budder for $121.70. LaConte’s has two locations. There’s a LaConte’s Central dispensary in downtown Denveron 7th Avenue, and a LaConte’s North Denver dispensary on Washington Street.
5. Golden Meds Leetsdale
970 S Oneida St. #17
Denver, Colorado
This Denver Cherry Creek dispensary has a great Denver weed deal for 420, with eighths of Jack Fruit on sale for just $10 each recreational. You can buy up to an ounce at this price. They also have many edibles deals for 420, including a Keef Cola coupon for a four-pack for only $20. Want a moonrocks deal? Golden Meds Leetsdale dispensary has Colorado Moonrocks on sale for only $20 a gram, and they’re testing up to 58% THC.
420 is soon! Get ready now and get to these dispensaries before all the good deals are gone! You can find all the above deals plus many more of the best Denver weed deals for 420 on Cannasaver, the original marijuana coupon site.
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