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Colorado Moon Rocks

Posted by CANNASaver on Wednesday, 14 April 2021 in Canna Blog

Looking to blast off into outer space and bounce on the moon with the ultimate weed high? Well, if you're not Elon Musk, you're probably wondering how you can space travel. The ticket to ride: Moon rocks.

Moon rocks are some of the most expensive marijuana products that you’ll find on your dispensary menu. It is like the caviar of weed. They are considered one of the most potent ways to smoke marijuana out there.

But what are they exactly?

What are Moon Rocks?

Moon rocks originate from rapper Kurupt bringing them to fruition in 2014. The name comes from the way this particular brand of cannabis actually looks; like moon rocks.

Moon rocks are not a type of marijuana strain, but more of a cannabis experiment gone oh, so well. Moon rocks in Colorado (as well as anywhere else, for that matter) are made up of different cannabis products rolled into one very potent product admired and very desired for smoking.

They are premium marijuana buds, around a quarter width in size, that get dipped in hash oil, rosin, or live resin.

Moon rocks are then finished by rolling concentrate dipped, premium bud in beautiful golden kief.

Simply put, moon rocks are one big nugget covered in concentrate upon concentrate. Because of this, moon rocks can contain more than 50% THC. 

What Exactly is in Moon Rocks?

If you’re breaking apart a moon rock for the first time, it’s a lot like being a kid eating the perfect ice cream cone. Beginning with the most important, a premium base.

Premium Cannabis

The first and arguably most important ingredient used in moon rock production is premium, top-shelf cannabis. Moon Rocks are produced using any of the hundreds of premium strains out there.

A high concentration of trichomes often shows a particular marijuana strain with advanced cannabinoid production over other strains. High potency and terpene production tend to follow these strains. The color of these buds is incredibly vibrant and every cannabis strain is unique in its own terpene profile. 

But what ice cream cone is any good without some syrupy drizzle??


Cannabis concentrates are oils that are derived from the cannabis plant. Cannabis concentrates often hit between 60-80% in THC potency. Concentrates maintain terpenes from the marijuana plant thus adding to the overall cannabinoids being absorbed, natural taste involved, and controlling your overall high. 

Then, to top everything off, a nice cherry on top.


Kief is that precious goodness collecting in the bottom of your weed grinder. Dried buds are rubbed over a screen to separate the trichomes. Back and forth, this turns surrounding trichomes into a pile of THC crystals or kief.

Kief has much higher levels of THC than you find in regular buds. It can have around 50% THC making it about twice as strong as a regular flower. 

This beautiful concoction of kief, concentrate, and premium cannabis leads to high THC potencies between 50-90%.

Fly Me to the Moon, Already!

OG marijuana buds can be hit from a bong, or added to a pipe, vaporized, or even smoked out of an apple. But when it comes to consuming these delicious moon rocks, things get trickier and quite a bit stickier.

Attempting to roll up a joint of moon rocks just doesn’t really work all too well.

Moon rocks are made up of an assembly of different marijuana ingredients, the rocks have to be consumed differently than your ordinary buds. The wet/stickiness of the moon rocks caused by added kief and oils make the buds hard to light and to, therefore, smoke those delightful rocks.

Short Guide To Smoking Moon Rocks

  • Hand-break moon rocks, don’t grind: It can be difficult to grind up moon rocks due to their juicy coating of concentrate. It will completely gunk up your grinder and likely remove most of the moon rock's kief. Instead, break them up slowly with your fingers or cut off small pieces with scissors.

  • Glass Pieces: Pipes and bongs are the best way to smoke moon rocks without creating a huge mess. Lightly pack bowls of moon rocks into your favorite glass piece to ensure you lose as little of the moon rock ingredients as possible.

  • Use a hemp wick: The consistency of moon rocks makes holding a flame to your bowl needed for longer than one would typically hold for a regular bowl of MJ. Hemp wick will save you from potentially tasting way too much butane from a lighter and burning your fingers.

  • And finally: you should avoid rolling moon rock joints or blunts. Moon rocks are far too sticky to be rollable or anywhere near smokeable. Also, don’t pack bowls of moon rocks too tight. Too tight and the bowl will be incredibly difficult to light.

What Are the Effects of Moon Rocks?

Moon rocks are POTENT cannabis products. These are for people who have indulged in high-quality THC products. Since moon rocks contain much higher levels of THC, effects are stronger than regular cannabis products.

Effects intensify depending on some factors including the strain used in the rocks and your personal tolerance. Someone who’s not used to high THC cannabis tends to have more intense effects. Some of the common effects of moon rocks are:

  • Increased heart rate
  • Anxiety
  • Sleepiness
  • Impaired memory
  • Cough
  • More, non-life-threatening effects, like red/dry eyes, dry mouth, etc.

So maybe for the first-timers, try some other products first. If you know what you're getting yourself into, check our deals below.

Current Locations and Deals For Moon Rocks In Colorado

Herbs 4 you is located in the Capitol Hill Area

Current deals on Moon Rocks include:

Pure Marijuana dispensaries are located throughout the Denver area

Current deals on Moon Rocks are:

So if you get the opportunity to try some moon rocks for yourself, do it!

They offer a strong and unique cannabis experience for the canna-connoisseur.

Moon rocks will have you hopping on the moon.

You will not be disappointed.

Say hello to Frank Sinatra!

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CannaSaver Blog

Kief vs Hash

Posted by CANNASaver on Thursday, 25 March 2021 in Canna Blog

Frazier vs Ali. Coke vs Pepsi. Red Sox vs Yankees. Kief vs Hash.

Fortunately, there is no rivalry between kief vs hash – just some key differences.

Both are great ways to get high, though there are changes in composition, production, and ingestion that make each unique.

By the end of this article, you’ll know everything there is to know about both hash and kief.

Definitions of Kief and Hash

·         Kief – an accumulation of trichomes sifted from cannabis flowers with a mesh screen.

If you’ve ever used a grinder, odds are you’ve already run into some kief on your own. Kief is the small, powder-like substance you’ll find in a kief catcher. Most grinders are equipped with one on the bottom third portion. When using the grinder to break down flower, the smaller cannabis particles fall down to the kief catcher. These are among the strongest parts of the cannabis plant – kief can get you really high. Kief contains the highest concentration of cannabinoids (THCA, CBD, etc.) in the entire plant.

·         Hash (hashish) – a concentrate created by pressing the resin glands of the cannabis plant together.

Hash is essentially pressed and heated kief. When pressed, the composition of the kief changes. Kief itself is like a powder – hash is more akin to soft brick. This hash can be ingested on its own or used to make other concentrates. All concentrates – wax, shatter, oils – are essentially made from hash. Hash can be many different colors but is typically brown, green, or tan.  

History of Kief and Hash

Kief: Comes from an Arabic word meaning “pleasure.” This makes only makes sense, as kief holds some of the highest amounts of cannabinoids of the entire marijuana plant. It’s hard to track down the first time kief was ever used – wherever someone was breaking down marijuana, kief was being made. Old civilizations had been known to sift marijuana plants in order to obtain kief. As cultivation of weed has been traced back to as early as 500 BCE, one can assume kief was being used as well.

Hash: Hashish is really the original concentrate. Yes, kief is technically a concentrate – but that’s just collected, vs pressing/heating. Hash requires a process to be made. It’s been used both recreationally and medically for thousands of years. A reference to hash can be found in the book 1001 Arabian Nights, which was first published in 1775 – but the contents are likely from much earlier, somewhere between the 8th and 14th Centuries. There are also stories that link the use of hash to Haydar, the founder of the Sufi order. Hashish was widely used among ancient civilizations in the Middle East, Asia, and Europe. The concentrate even began to be studied for medical purposes in the early 1900s.

How Kief and Hash are Made

Kief: Kief isn’t as much of a making process as it is a collecting process. It’s really quite simple – use your grinder. The frequently you grind up flower, the more kief you will collect. Kief can also be collected using a sifter.

Hash: The process of making hash is slightly more labor-intensive. Kief is needed to get started on production. The higher the concentration of cannabinoids, terpenes, and trichomes, the stronger the hashish will end up.

The most common way of making hash at home uses a flat-iron or hair straightener, some parchment paper, and kief. Kief goes in the parchment paper, then it is pressed and heated with the iron or straightener. After a short amount of time, the kief will turn into an solid/liquid that can be dabbed or smoked.

Another common way to make hash is by just using the hands. Called charas, and popular in India, flowers are rolled in the hands until a paste-like solid is formed.

The production of hashish has a rich history and is different among many cultures. Still, the end result is the same – a strong concentrate rich with cannabinoids and terpenes.

How To Use Them

Kief: Kief can be used in a variety of ways. Since it’s so commonly collected among stoners, many people have found great ways to utilize all of the cannabinoids located within.

·         Top Off a Bowl or Joint: Kief is pretty strong by itself. It is possible to smoke it on its own, but its powdery texture often leads to incredibly strong hits and coughing fits. Kief really is strong enough that most people don’t need to smoke it by itself. Topping off a bowl or a joint is a great way to make your weed much more potent.

·         Make Cannabutter: Cannabutter is exactly what it sounds like. This product can be used to make stronger edibles than those made with just flower.

·         Spike Your Coffee: That’s right – a popular way to consume kief is by putting it in the morning cup of coffee. The heat of the coffee will activate the cannabinoids in the kief, leaving you with an ultra-relaxing cup of joe.

·         Make Concentrates: Kief can be used to make a variety of concentrates – hash, live resin, shatter, and others. A good way to use your kief is to make moon rocks. These are a combination of flower, hash oil, and kief and are an accepted form of homemade concentrates.

Hash: Hash can be used like most other concentrates – but also like flower as well.

·         Put It In a Joint: You can roll up hash in a joint like you would with kief. The hash will up the potency of your joint.

·         Smoke a Bowl: Hashish itself can be put into a bowl and smoked just like flower. Hash is typically very strong, so not as much will be needed as flower.

·         Dab: If made correctly hash can be dabbed like other concentrates. With enough heat, the hash will be melted into a liquid that can then be dabbed.

Kief vs. Hash

In the end, whichever you like better is really personal preference.

Though both kief and hash have distinct differences, the end result is the same – you’ll be high.

Check out our homepage to get great deals on kief, hash, and other marijuana products. 

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CannaSaver Blog

Most Potent Forms of THC

Posted by CANNASaver on Thursday, 26 August 2021 in Canna Blog

When it comes to consuming cannabis there are many routes one can choose from. There is the tried and true tradition of rolling up a joint, or maybe even cracking a “Backwoods” or “Swisher” down the middle and loading that bad boy up with some tasty, ground flower. Or maybe you’d like to try some of those “fire extracts” your buddy has been raving about. Brownies, cookies, Rice Crispy treats; sometimes it seems like more choices than someone may want to make when all you really want is to unwind after a long day and smoke some jazz cabbage. Well, fear not, friends! We here at Cannasaver are here to sift through scientific reporting and many, many smoke sessions to bring you a guide to THC potency and give you our recommendations on what we’ve been puffing on. Here’s our take on the most potent forms of THC for you big doobie dawgs out there.

The Testing

If you’ve ever been to a dispensary, I’m sure you’ve seen those percentage numbers on every different strain at the counter.  

What those numbers mean is that the entire crop of whichever strain you are looking at had to be tested by a Colorado Marijuana approved lab before it is able to be sold at a recreational store.  

  • The first things a lab always tests for are residual pesticides, heavy metals, or other contaminants that may have been left behind during the buds growing period.  

This is fantastic for us as cannabis consumers because we know coming from a reputable source that it is clean, green weed!  

  • The second thing a lab will test for is the potency of the cannabis, extract, or edible that the grower wants to sell. 

In most cases, flowers will typically range from 15% THC to as high as 35% in some strains. 

That’s some chronic weed, man.  

Wax, shatter, distillate, and rosin can range from the mid-70s to mid-90s in the percentage of THC.  

Blast off, baby!! These are your most potent forms of THC. 

Edibles are measured a bit differently in the sense that it’s not a percentage of THC per edible, it is milligrams of THC per serving.

The Flower

Just like you and I, every cannabis plant has its own set of genetics that gives it the physical characteristics and potency that it possesses.  

Some strains come in with much higher and potent THC levels than others. 

Here are some of our favorites:

Here's a deal for one of our favorite strains, Cherry Lime Haze -  $59.99 oz of Cherry Lime Haze 20% THC

This strain is a hybrid blend of Sativa and Indica.  

While it’s not one of the most potent forms of THC, it’s a great choice for a midday smoke break because it only has 20% THC levels.  

It gives a great heady high and tastes great!  

This is a great strain for encouraging creativity and relaxing the body. 

One of our favorite stores, Herbs4you, always stocks a great mix of sativas and indicas at great prices.  

Here, you can talk to a trained "bud-ologist" about the different strains they have for sale.

The Extracts

When it comes to weed and its potency, some have taken the method of getting a “high score” to a new level.  

There are several different ways to consume weed extracts whether it be through shatter, wax, dabs, rosin, distillate, or cartridges.  

All of these products tend to have a much higher level of THC than the flower your grandad used to puff on.  

Wax or shatter is usually made through a hydrocarbon method of extraction giving it a very pure and clean taste.  The rosin is made through a pressure and heat extraction giving it a very terpene-filled earthy taste, and the distillate and cartridges people smoke are a very convenient and tasty way to puff on the go.

Our friends over at The Stone Dispensary have you covered on your wax and shatter needs. 

Right now they have a deal on grams of extract so you can sample a few different flavors and pick your favorite.  

We recommend their ever-potent Wedding Cake.  

As for distillate, one of our favorite, most potent deals is from La Bodega.

They are offering two carts right now for $30.  Cartridges are one of the most potent forms of THC. They’re a great way to smoke high percentage THC on the go.  

They smell great, are discreet, and get you super ripped.


The edibles available today have come a long way since making a double boiler out of a mixing bowl and pot in your friend's kitchen to make some dank cannabutter.  There was always the one batch of cookies that came out way stronger than anyone expected and got everyone catatonically stoned for the night.  There are some great bakers out there who specialize in getting you baked. 

Edible dosage is measured in milligrams per serving instead of THC percentage.  In general, edibles will keep you high longer but creep up slower than taking a bong rip or smoking a joint.  Your body is able to uptake the THC and cannabinoids through the digestive system giving a great body high along with the head high. 

Check out our friends over at AMCH Denver for a smoking mix and match deal. 

They allow you to pick 4 different edibles for $60!  It's a great way to eat and get the munchies at the same time.  The more you eat, the hungrier you get. 

Gummies are a great way to dose out THC in manageable amounts if you need to be productive.  We love to mix CBD with THC in one tasty treat.  Check out Stone Dispensary for some dank deals on some dank gummies.  These aren't quite the same as the old Flintstones gummies we had as kids but they do pack 50 mg of vitamin THC (not actually a vitamin, don’t come at us). 

Thanks for reading our guide to the most potent forms of THC and have fun testing them out for yourselves. 

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Weed Deals Near Me View All

Crestwood - Recreational 272.8 miles
(each) Savvy - Disposable - Summer Melon (S) - 0.3g
(each) Savvy - Disposable - Summer Melon (S) - 0.3g
Columbus - Rec & Med 4.99 miles
North Cannabis Company 1/8 Flower $25
North Cannabis Company 1/8 Flower $25
Hazel Park - Recreational 169.6 miles
(0.3g) Glass City Gas | Vape Pen | [0.3g]
(0.3g) Glass City Gas | Vape Pen | [0.3g]
Columbus - Rec & Med 2.97 miles
Terpene Tanks Maxx Pod $40/1G
Terpene Tanks Maxx Pod $40/1G
Detroit - Medical 167.26 miles
Apothecare Certified Organic 100mg Gummies $16
Apothecare Certified Organic 100mg Gummies $16
Ann Arbor - Recreational 163.6 miles
(3.5g) Flower | Flora | Affie OG [1.99 % Terps]
(3.5g) Flower | Flora | Affie OG [1.99 % Terps]
Matteson - Rec & Med 269.42 miles
1/8 Flower Select Strains $40
1/8 Flower Select Strains $40
Center Line - Medical 171.09 miles
Vape 1000mg Terpene Tanks $40
Vape 1000mg Terpene Tanks $40
River Rouge - Recreational 157.33 miles
Live Resin Element Extracts $55/1G
Live Resin Element Extracts $55/1G
Warren - Medical 170.91 miles
Choice 100mg Edibles $10
Choice 100mg Edibles $10
Detroit - Medical 169.63 miles
