Toke or Treat! A Guide to Halloween in Denver
Howdy, y’all, and welcome to the spookiest season of them all.
The best time of the year for some and home to our favorite spooktacular, Halloween.
With things beginning to reopen we at Cannasaver thought it would be a fine idea to inform you of some going-ons around the Denver area.
We’re also going to tell you about some groovy weed-themed Halloween games and activities if you feel like staying at home and handing out candy to the kids.
Light up a doobie and get your reading glasses on!
Parties and Concerts
If you and your posse are looking to go out and hit the town this Halloween we have tracked down some parties that are sure to be lit!
This will without a doubt be one of the biggest parties in Denver for Halloween this year.
With Halloween falling on a Sunday most events are happening on Saturday, October 30th.
This lets everyone party hearty without having to go to work Monday morning with a hangover. Although that doesn’t mean you can’t prove us wrong and go hard both nights!
The theme for this party is Multi-verse.
A theoretical reality that includes a possibly infinite number of parallel universes.
When you look in the mirror beyond your reflection, what do you see?
What does your reflection see?
An intergalactic superhero? An evil villain? A space cowboy? A naughty librarian? A vampire bunny? A forest fawn?
All are welcomed at Coloween! There will be live music, a $1500 costume contest, and drinks to be served.
Get your tickets because this will sell out for this one so get them while you can!
Paranormal Palace 2021
Talk about a Halloween party!!
These guys do it up over at Paranormal Palace! They have been throwing the party for over 10 years!! The best part? It’s all for charity. This party has some very cool attractions. Multiple live DJs, a $2000 costume contest, a free open bar that is included with your ticket price. Don’t let the higher than average price tag detour you from considering this party for your Halloween celebrations! In fact, you could check out some of our smoking hot deals on flower this month to save some money for a ticket. Check out their event page for tickets and more details on this PARTAY!!
Dumpstaphunk at Cervantes' Other Side
If live music and groovy boogie get-downs are more your squeeze, we recommend checking out Dumpstaphunk at Cervantes’ Other Side!
These guys play some really stellar music to smoke to and dance with.
The venue is smaller so you won’t have to worry about a huge crowd to spoil your high.
There is a great bar here and it’s encouraged to wear costumes.
Tickets can be found at the link.
Halloween Bash with the Motley 2 at The Venue
Start growing your hair out now so you can come shake it out this Halloween with Motley 2 at The Venue.
These guys are one of the best cover bands around!
Throwback to the ragin’ ’80s and come get down with some drinks and tokes this Halloween at The Venue.
Costumes are encouraged but not necessary.
Stay Home and Smoke
Maybe going out to a bar or concert isn’t your jam this year? That’s cool too.
There isn’t a single reason you shouldn’t feel chill about staying home and rolling one up by yourself, with some friends, or some spooky spirits that decided to stop by for the sesh.
One game we like to play is called Sponsor a Trick or Treater.
In this game, every time you have a kid come to your door and give them candy, you eat a piece too.
Check out our great deals on edibles this month from Cannasaver.
Another game you and your friends can play is called “Weed billiards”.
Here in the game you and your friends take turns to draw the best Pot leaf you can!
It is much harder than you would think.
For extra fun, everyone has to ante up one weed nugget and the person who draws the best leaf gets the whole shebang.
We do this at Cannasaver even on non-holiday celebrations!
We hope you will enjoy the tradition as well.
Happy Halloween folks!!
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