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Best Strains For Creativity

Best Strains For Creativity

Posted by CANNASaver on Tuesday, 17 November 2020 in Canna Blog

It’s not uncommon to hear of artists and creatives, philosophers and industry leaders, consuming cannabis at some point in life and experiencing clarity of sorts. The good news is this isn’t just the experience of a few creative and critical thinkers - there are studies that show cannabis and creativity are linked. That is why we prepared this list of the 10 best strains for creativity. 

Stimulating the Artsy Brain cells – How We Define Change in Creativity 

Creativity is both nebulous and extremely specific. It allows us to define new spaces while also capturing the nuance of the ways we live. Creative pursuits, by and large, stimulate the frontal lobe. The frontal lobe of the brain has been shown to handle a huge portion of executive function, including strategic and creative thinking. When this area of the brain is activated, it’s as if a dial can be turned that tunes individual receptiveness to thoughts and ideas. 

No, not like mind control receptiveness. 

By tickling the frontal lobe with a bit of cannabis inspiration, not only can we gain clarity on the merit of an idea, but may, in fact, be inspired with an idea that is entirely new. 

Cannabis has been shown in studies to enhance creativity by increasing cerebral blood flow (CBF) in the frontal lobe. In this study, subjects with higher baseline CBF were deemed more creative whereas those with lower CBF were less so. By increasing CBF, cannabis impacts creativity, most particularly in those who are less creative, to begin with. 

And that is why we deem it necessary to deliver a list of the top creative strains out there. 

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The 10 Best Strains For Creativity 

Now that we have a basic idea of how cannabis can inspire creativity, it’s time to look at some of the best strains for it. We broke these into three buckets.

First, we have strains that inspire focus and creativity.

Second, we have strains that encourage curiosity and creativeness.

And lastly, we explore a few strains that can be excellent for creative pursuits that you are passionate about already. 

Strains For Creative Focus

Blue Dream

Great for a euphoric experience that eases open the gates of creative and divergent thoughts and often inspires the ‘hit the blunt’ moments we see in memes. 

This sativa-dominant strain is known for its light, yet funky tropical aroma and uplifting, focus-inspiring effects. Blue Dream is a cross between Blueberry and Haze strains. Expect a fun calm that gives thoughts flurrying around your cranium a place to breathe.


Island Sweet Skunk

Commonly seen as interchangeable, Island Sweet Skunk and Sweet Island Skunk describe sativa-dominant hybrids strains that tickle creative blood flow something fierce. This strain owes its genes to Grapefruit, Haze, Skunk, and Northern Lights strains. The creative focus from this strain manifests with humorful observations and thoughts. You know the type - you aren’t sure why it came to you, but it did and it’s amusing. Like a power nap, expect mindfulness to even the most out-of-nowhere ideas.


Jack Herer 

Its pungent aroma of pine and citrus is as distracting as it is focused. It’s sharp notes awaken and promote alertness. 

Jack Herer is a strain named after the famous activist. Jack Herer is known for writing “The Emperor Wears No Clothes”, a treatise on hemp and it’s legal standing. The strain that bears their namesake similarly evokes considerations and thoughts both poignant and actionable. Jack Herer owes its genetics to the strains Haze, Northern Lights, and Shiva Skunk.


Space Queen

Space Queen is a hybrid born of the Romulan and Cinderella 99 cannabis strains. A near-perfect 50:50 hybrid showcases the focus of an energizing sativa strain with the calming body high associated with indica strains. 

Consumers can expect a euphoric body high that begs the questions AND delivers some answers. The only person who can decide if they are the right answers is you. Welcome to space, Queen. 

Strains For Creative Curiosity


Have you ever experienced writer’s block? How about analysis paralysis? How about just low motivation? Jillybean is an uplifting sativa-dominant hybrid strain. Covered in colorful hues and aromatic trichomes, this hybrid busts stress and bummer moods., leaving you free to play in your headspace. 

New information - whether from a book, the news, or any other source you trust - doesn’t escape this experience, allowing for curiosity and creativity to gain a tempered edge through our behavior and in our thoughts.



AK-47 is an engineering masterpiece. Much like the weapon it gained its namesake, the experience inspires rapid action that is accessible to any who wield it. It keeps the brain moving, and, along the way, the curiosity and creativity it inspires play a game. 

With citrus and diesel among the primary aromas, AK-47 embodies alertness. AK-47 is a blended hybrid from many landrace strains including Mexican, Thai, Colombian, and Afghani varieties. 


Cinderella 99

Cinderella 99, or Cindy 99, is a hybrid cannabis strain embodying euphoric body effects and a curious rush of humorful inspiration.

The hybrid strain is perfect for daytime consumers who need creativity that is bootstrapped by curiosity. It inspires thinking and the focus to dive into it. Cinderella 99 is a cross of Cinderella 88, Princess, and Skunk strain genetics.

Strains for Creative Passion


A careful cross of sativa-dominant strain Jack Herer and indica-learning G-13, XJ-13 delivers potent experiences and pungent aromas. 

A refreshing mint with citrus and earth delivers alertness and drive. Its light body high and heavy energy boost help increase the momentum behind our creative engines, free of stress. 


Purple Haze

Purple strains are literally named to capture the color before anything else. Luckily, purple also has cultural associations with passion, with the depth of color found as inspiring and captivating. 

This potent blend of Thai and Haze strains bring the rhythm of rock and roll and the creativity of the psychedelic 1960s to launch consumers into their personal summer of love. 



Uplifting euphoria is just one key experience Tangie can inspire. This hybrid cannabis strain blends California Orange and Skunk genetics. In the process, a funky citrus aroma that captures attention and adds creativity was born. 

It’s perfect for the type of creative energy drummed up by meditative practices, pushed by passion and the limits we think we have. 


Find Marijuana Strains that Inspire Creativity by browsing our deals now


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CannaSaver Blog

Is Higher % THC Better?

Posted by CANNASaver on Sunday, 03 January 2021 in Canna Blog

Flower, waxes, and edibles, oh my! With the legalization of marijuana, many different strains and types of cannabis have become available to the public. Everyone’s looking for something unique, something different. Some people want to blast off while others just take a little edge off. Is higher % THC better? Here’s what we say...

What is THC?

Tetrahydrocannabinol is the chemical responsible for the psychological effects of marijuana. THC acts like the cannabinoid chemicals that your body creates.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse notes that marijuana is the most commonly used psychotropic drug. THC is the component responsible for its effect.

THC attaches itself to the body’s cannabinoid receptors. These are the parts of the brain associated with such perceptions as thinking, memory, pleasure, coordination, and time.

THC Concentrations

THC concentration is measured in weight compared to the product. THC concentration depends on several factors. Exposure to air degrades THC. Its concentration also is affected by the cultivation of the marijuana plant, the soil, and the plants.

The hemp plant has a minimal amount of THC. It is used for industrial and medical purposes—not for recreational use. Hemp THC could be only 0.5 percent. 

Some cannabis strains can have as little as 0.3 percent THC by weight. Other strains may have as high as 20 percent THC by the weight in a sample. Some unusual varieties have tested over 30 percent THC!

According to The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the average % THC concentration in marijuana is between one and five percent. THC in recreational marijuana is widely variable.

How Has % THC Increased?

A new study by Alice Walton sheds light on changes in THC concentration.

Part of this increased THC concentration is the result of a shift in the production of cannabis plant material away from marijuana to sinsemilla. Sinsemilla is the female cannabis plant that has not been pollinated. Sinsemilla plants are grown from cuttings or seed. 

The History of % THC Rise

Marijuana plants have been around for the past several hundred years. They were first grown in Asia in 500 BC for medicinal purposes. The THC percentage wasn’t even a consideration in those days. However, some ancient cultures knew about the psychoactive properties of cannabis. They grew these specific varieties because of their higher levels of THC. These were used in both religious ceremonies and healing rituals.

The cultivation of marijuana in America dates back to the early colonists. They grew hemp for ropes, sails, and clothing. Early hemp plants had low levels of THC. The psychotropic properties of the plant were not a consideration in the cultivation of hemp.

By the early 1900s, scientists discovered that THC was what gave cannabis its medicinal properties. Researchers learned that THC interacted with areas of the brain to lessen nausea and promote appetite.

Between 1960 and 1980, marijuana’s THC content was less than 2%. There were no clear governmental guidelines or regulations over the cannabis industry. So, producers took a page from the tobacco and alcohol industries. Through improved production and plant generation, they developed strains of marijuana with a significantly higher concentration of THC.

As American Mary notes there has been a concerted effort to increase the THC percentage. Since the early 1980s, the average THC content has shown an increase from a modest two percent to between ten and twelve percent. Some even tested as high as twenty to thirty percent THC by weight! 

Is Higher % THC Better?

Is a higher concentration of THC in marijuana better? Some would argue that the more potent the product the better value for your expenditure. Others disagree.


Those who use marijuana with a higher concentration of THC are convinced that they get a greater rush with a smaller amount of products. They also argue that they need less to get the desired effect. Hence, they think they get better value for their cannabis dollar.


But, the writers of American Mary disagree. Their point is that it doesn’t take much THC to get most people feeling high. So why seek marijuana with astronomical amounts of THC? It’s like bringing a cannon to a duel. 

Others contend that THC isn’t the only consideration. When you purchase wine, you look for one whose taste you like. You don’t shop for the one with the highest alcohol content. Writer Mike Pizzo suggests that is how marijuana purchasers should choose the product they want.

Researcher Dr. Elizabeth Stuyt points out the dangers of high potency marijuana. Her study indicates that the psychoactive component of marijuana with higher concentrations of THC causes higher levels of addiction. The higher potency of any drug raises the possibility of addiction. It also increases return buyer frequency and his purchasing amounts.

Why Some Prefer a Lesser % THC

Substance contends that not all buyers make high THC a priority. For some, looking only at high THC overlooks other important factors. Searching for high THC fails to take into consideration other traits that enhance the experience.

Further, the writer contends that higher THC concentration does not translate to the most potent experience. He cites smoking Jamaican marijuana with a concentration of only 12% as being his ultimate euphoria. The THC content alone cannot explain the experience.

Other factors are worth considering! Writers of American Mary encourage buyers to try different strains of cannabis with a variety of cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids. In doing so, buyers will discover the flavor profiles and experiences they will enjoy the most.

 Just like with fine Scotch, choosing the best product for you is a matter of trial and error. There are over four hundred and thirty compounds in a cannabis plant. The way in which these components interact will result in a wide range of reactions from the user. Add to that the wide range of user traits and the number of expected reactions is mind-boggling.

So how do you choose? Like with any other product, consider THC as only one of the many factors in your favorite cannabis. 

It’s not just the THC content that’s important. Rather, it is how the THC combines with other characteristics of the whole plant.

So, is higher % THC better?

The answer is not necessarily.

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CannaSaver Blog

What Are Cannabinoids?

Posted by CANNASaver on Wednesday, 17 February 2021 in Canna Blog

Over twenty-two million Americans use cannabis products. According to the World Health Organization, marijuana consumption has an annual prevalence of 2.5% worldwide. Research by Bridgeman and Abazia highlights that the use of marijuana for medical purposes has increased in recent years. But what is it about cannabis that affects the human body? The answer: cannabinoids.

But what exactly are cannabinoids? To answer that question, let’s visit why cannabis is used for some people. 

VeryWellMind.com discovered that youth and adults choose marijuana to relieve anxiety or mood disorders. Research has also found therapeutic uses of cannabis that include:

  • Alleviation of nausea from chemotherapy

  • Reduction of chronic pain

  • Improvement of spasticity related to multiple sclerosis

  • Treatment of epilepsy and schizophrenia

What are Cannabinoids?

Dr. Ananya Madel defines cannabinoids as naturally occurring compounds found in the cannabis plant. The cannabis plant contains over 480 different compounds. Only sixty-six of these are termed cannabinoids.

Cannabinoids interact with specific cannabinoid receptors on the surface of cells in parts of the central nervous system.

The effects of cannabinoids depend on which area(s) of the brain is/are involved. Cannabinoids may alter things like memory, psychomotor performance, or cognition. Pleasure or pain perception may be minimized or magnified.

Cannabinoids in the Cannabis Plant

Cannabinoids are divided into subclasses that include:

  • Cannabigerols (CBG)

  • Cannabichromenes (CBC)

  • Cannabidiol (CBD)

  • Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)

  • Cannabinol (CBN)

  • Cannabinodiol (CBDL)

  • Cannabicyclol (CBL)

  • Cannabielsoin (CBE)

  • Cannabitriol (CBT)

The most abundant cannabinoid is CBD. It helps to ease anxiety and counteract the psychoactive effects of THC.

What is THC?

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is a psychoactive ingredient in cannabis. The most well-known cannabinoid compound is the delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC).

How Does THC Get You High?

Physically, you may be familiar with THC, but scientifically, what’s going on with cannabinoids and THC? 

Here’s how it works: 

Smoking marijuana allows THC to overwhelm the system. The body’s cannabinoid receptors—especially those in the brain—are intercepted. Thus, they cannot do their job. So, communication between neurons is distorted, throwing the system off balance.

THC effects are wide-ranging. The body’s reaction time may be slowed in such activities as walking, talking, driving, decision-making, mental recall, and cause-effect deductions.

THC can make you feel good, less anxious, more relaxed, and euphoric.

Popular Cannabis Strains

Now that we know what cannabinoids are and how they work, here are some popular weed strains that you may want to try:

Wedding Gelato

This psychoactive has a THC level of 25%. It melts muscle control, inducing a blissful mental state. Wedding Gelato has 60% Indica genetics and 40% Sativa genetics. 

Purple Queen

This tall plant is distinctive with bright green buds, dark purple sugar leaves, and pale pink fan leaves. This Indica-dominant product creates a relaxing, euphoric high. Users’ minds remain clear and cheerful. Purple Queen has a THC level of 22%. The effects last for several hours.

Pineapple Kush

This tropical plant produces sweet, fruity flavors. As the name suggests, it is a hybrid of the Pineapple and OG Kush. It is Indica-dominant, providing relaxed, soothing, uplifting effects. The THC of 18% is relatively low.

Pineapple Kush is a popular choice for edibles and concentrates.

Sour Diesel 

This strain leaves users loose, carefree, and full of laughter. It eases stress and anxiety. Slavia-dominant, Sour Diesel originated in California. The original was a cross of Diesel, Northern Light, Shiva, and Hawaiian. The THC is a medium level of 19%.

OG Kush

This plant is known globally for its Indica-dominant high. Og Kush provides a meditative state and a permanent smile. It lifts depression and cures sleep disorders. 

This American west coast plant is a hybrid of Chemdawg, Lemon Thai, and Pakistani Kush. The mature flower produces enjoyable flavors of pine, fruit, and citrus. The plant has potent, resinous buds with a THC level of around 19%.

Green Crack Punch

This slightly Sativa-dominant plant creates surges of energy and boosts mood. The flowers contain a moderate THC level of 18%. The effect is mouth-watering hints of citrus and sweetness.

White Willow

This Amsterdam classic originated in the Netherlands. It is a nice balance of equal parts Indica and Sativa. Smokers like it for both its physical and mental effects.

THC levels usually average around 19%.

Royal AK-47

This plant produces a soft, soothing, mellow high with a fruity flavor. A descendant of plants from Colombian, Mexican, Thailand, and Afghanistan, the effects last for hours. It has a mix of 60% Sativa and 40% Indica.

The fat, tapered, dense flowers smell and taste sweet. 


This well-named plant is the result of a cross between Great White Shark and a CBD-dominant plant. The result is 20% Sativa and 80% Indica. Its effect is high energy combined with high mood. Euphoria banishes anxiety, stress, and inhibition. Users are sociable and talkative.

Euphoria has a low THC level of around 9%. The aroma is sweet and fruity.

Lemon Shining Silver Haze

This refreshing strain produces a high-energy motivation and idea generation. It is Sativa-high with a high THC level of 21%. Its effects are almost instantaneous.

The Best Ways to Enjoy Cannabis

The traditional way to experience the dried flowers of the cannabis plant is by smoking them in a joint, a pipe, or a bong.

Given cannabis products available today, there are many ways besides smoking or toking, or daubs to enjoy cannabinoids. Here are some suggestions for safe consumption.

  • Edibles, tinctures, and patches allow subtle, discrete enjoyment of cannabis.

  • For those with a low tolerance for CBD, consider CBD-rich micro-dosed products.

  • If you suffer localized pain, try a transdermal patch or a balm.

  • For a customized effect, you might try edibles or tinctures.

Why Shop at CannaSaver?

CannaSaver’s online coupon website offers new and experienced cannabis users great deals on quality cannabis products. Our illustrated, organized coupon catalog brings you a wide variety of cannabis deals for local dispensaries. 

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Shop deals from the comfort of your home, before you step foot in any local dispensary.

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CannaSaver Blog

Most Potent Forms of THC

Posted by CANNASaver on Thursday, 26 August 2021 in Canna Blog

When it comes to consuming cannabis there are many routes one can choose from. There is the tried and true tradition of rolling up a joint, or maybe even cracking a “Backwoods” or “Swisher” down the middle and loading that bad boy up with some tasty, ground flower. Or maybe you’d like to try some of those “fire extracts” your buddy has been raving about. Brownies, cookies, Rice Crispy treats; sometimes it seems like more choices than someone may want to make when all you really want is to unwind after a long day and smoke some jazz cabbage. Well, fear not, friends! We here at Cannasaver are here to sift through scientific reporting and many, many smoke sessions to bring you a guide to THC potency and give you our recommendations on what we’ve been puffing on. Here’s our take on the most potent forms of THC for you big doobie dawgs out there.

The Testing

If you’ve ever been to a dispensary, I’m sure you’ve seen those percentage numbers on every different strain at the counter.  

What those numbers mean is that the entire crop of whichever strain you are looking at had to be tested by a Colorado Marijuana approved lab before it is able to be sold at a recreational store.  

  • The first things a lab always tests for are residual pesticides, heavy metals, or other contaminants that may have been left behind during the buds growing period.  

This is fantastic for us as cannabis consumers because we know coming from a reputable source that it is clean, green weed!  

  • The second thing a lab will test for is the potency of the cannabis, extract, or edible that the grower wants to sell. 

In most cases, flowers will typically range from 15% THC to as high as 35% in some strains. 

That’s some chronic weed, man.  

Wax, shatter, distillate, and rosin can range from the mid-70s to mid-90s in the percentage of THC.  

Blast off, baby!! These are your most potent forms of THC. 

Edibles are measured a bit differently in the sense that it’s not a percentage of THC per edible, it is milligrams of THC per serving.

The Flower

Just like you and I, every cannabis plant has its own set of genetics that gives it the physical characteristics and potency that it possesses.  

Some strains come in with much higher and potent THC levels than others. 

Here are some of our favorites:

Here's a deal for one of our favorite strains, Cherry Lime Haze -  $59.99 oz of Cherry Lime Haze 20% THC

This strain is a hybrid blend of Sativa and Indica.  

While it’s not one of the most potent forms of THC, it’s a great choice for a midday smoke break because it only has 20% THC levels.  

It gives a great heady high and tastes great!  

This is a great strain for encouraging creativity and relaxing the body. 

One of our favorite stores, Herbs4you, always stocks a great mix of sativas and indicas at great prices.  

Here, you can talk to a trained "bud-ologist" about the different strains they have for sale.

The Extracts

When it comes to weed and its potency, some have taken the method of getting a “high score” to a new level.  

There are several different ways to consume weed extracts whether it be through shatter, wax, dabs, rosin, distillate, or cartridges.  

All of these products tend to have a much higher level of THC than the flower your grandad used to puff on.  

Wax or shatter is usually made through a hydrocarbon method of extraction giving it a very pure and clean taste.  The rosin is made through a pressure and heat extraction giving it a very terpene-filled earthy taste, and the distillate and cartridges people smoke are a very convenient and tasty way to puff on the go.

Our friends over at The Stone Dispensary have you covered on your wax and shatter needs. 

Right now they have a deal on grams of extract so you can sample a few different flavors and pick your favorite.  

We recommend their ever-potent Wedding Cake.  

As for distillate, one of our favorite, most potent deals is from La Bodega.

They are offering two carts right now for $30.  Cartridges are one of the most potent forms of THC. They’re a great way to smoke high percentage THC on the go.  

They smell great, are discreet, and get you super ripped.


The edibles available today have come a long way since making a double boiler out of a mixing bowl and pot in your friend's kitchen to make some dank cannabutter.  There was always the one batch of cookies that came out way stronger than anyone expected and got everyone catatonically stoned for the night.  There are some great bakers out there who specialize in getting you baked. 

Edible dosage is measured in milligrams per serving instead of THC percentage.  In general, edibles will keep you high longer but creep up slower than taking a bong rip or smoking a joint.  Your body is able to uptake the THC and cannabinoids through the digestive system giving a great body high along with the head high. 

Check out our friends over at AMCH Denver for a smoking mix and match deal. 

They allow you to pick 4 different edibles for $60!  It's a great way to eat and get the munchies at the same time.  The more you eat, the hungrier you get. 

Gummies are a great way to dose out THC in manageable amounts if you need to be productive.  We love to mix CBD with THC in one tasty treat.  Check out Stone Dispensary for some dank deals on some dank gummies.  These aren't quite the same as the old Flintstones gummies we had as kids but they do pack 50 mg of vitamin THC (not actually a vitamin, don’t come at us). 

Thanks for reading our guide to the most potent forms of THC and have fun testing them out for yourselves. 

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