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Halloween Edibles Recipes

Halloween Edibles Recipes

Posted by CANNASaver on Friday, 30 September 2022 in Canna Blog - Latest News

Trick AND Treat! Halloween is almost upon us and the spooky season of fright and delights isn’t just for the kiddies. 

For the holiday-loving adults, nothing says “Happy Halloween” while carving pumpkins, making a costume, and preparing for your haunted house of horrors; like cannabis-infused treats. 

With the day of fright creeping just around the corner, we just had to conjure up some halloween edibles recipes for your up-and-coming Monster Mash.

So, do you have what your party guests will be “carving” for? 

If you want to do Halloween right this year and truly make it something special, let us show you the edible making process and set you up with some Halloween edible recipes.

halloween weed edibles & recipes

Making Halloween Edibles

Marijuana edibles are some of the most potent means of ingesting cannabis, and quite the adult party favor at any Halloween Party! Just make sure your guests are well informed and prepared. For connoisseurs, they can be a real hoot. But for newer consumers, it can be a little intense. 

Step 1: Cannabutter

Cannabis butter, also known as cannabutter, is a primary ingredient when infusing edibles. Most edibles on the market use some form of cannabutter which produces the high that most people want. 

Cannabutter is the beginning point of your edible making journey. You're going to need a lot of flower for this step, so save on an ounce of weed to start your process.

When making cannabutter:

  • Use high quality cannabis as a plus
  • Use fatty, high quality butter (avoid using fat-free butter or margarine)
  • Grind your cannabis (Not too fine)

Shopping List For Cannabutter

  • 1 ounce shake (make sure to grind and decarboxylate)
  • 4 sticks of butter
  • 2 cups of water
  • A non-sticking baking sheet
  • Cheesecloth (or coffee maker)
  • Airtight glass jar
  • A big pot

When you are making your batch of cannabutter, it is recommended that  you use a 1:1 ratio of marijuana flower to butter. If this ends up being too much for you and want milder effects just use less marijuana. 

Your Basic Instructions For Making Cannabutter

  1. Grind All Your Flower Up: Use a grinder or your hands to break down the flower to have an even consistency. You don’t want a fine powder in the end.
  2. Decarb Your Buds: Start by Preheating your oven to 245ºF. Use a baking sheet and put loose, ground buds on it. Let it heat for 30-40 minutes. Every 10-15 minutes, stir the flowers slowly to expose all the flower buds to heat.
  3. Let Your Butter Melt: Put your stove on a low heat. Melt your 4 sticks of butter in a saucepan or slow cooker. Add 2 cups of water, this helps to regulate temperature.Add Your Cannabis Into The Mix: When the butter finishes melting, feel free to then add the decarbed marijuana.
  4. Let Your Mixture Simmer: Set the stove between 160-200ºF, let your mixture simmer on low heat for 2-3 hours. Don’t go any higher than 200ºF or you risk burning off precious cannabinoids from the mixture. Never let it come to a full boil.
  5. Strain Your Mixture: Put your cheesecloth over the jar. Then pour your cannabutter mixture through the cloth. You can throw away any plant material left behind.
  6. Refrigerate Your Final Product: The last step, put the jar of butter in your fridge. Allow the butter to solidify before cooking with it. Usually just overnight.

Delicious Halloween Edible Recipes

Okay, now you've made cannabutter, now comes the fun part – BAKING! ....FOOD, we mean!

halloween edible cupcakes

Death By Chocolate Cupcakes

The Shopping List:

  • 1/2 cup cannabutter
  • chocolate pudding mix 
  • chocolate cake mix
  • 2 cups chocolate chips
  • 11 oz dark chocolate
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 4 eggs
  • Oreo cookies

Your Basic Instructions:

  1. Pour dry ingredients (pudding mix, cake mix, etc.) into your bowl. Then add eggs, cannabis oil, and sour cream. Set your mixer on low and mix. Blend until the batter is thick.
  2. Use an ice-cream spoon and fill the cupcake molds until they are a little more than 1/2 full. Bake the cupcakes for 15 or so minutes. Let them cool afterward.
  3. For frosting to top off your cupcakes, chop up 11 oz. of dark chocolate and melt the chocolate in your microwave. Let cool for a few and then stir in some sour cream. Spread the frosting on each of the cupcakes.
  4. Crush up Oreos and top each cupcake with a dusting of cookie crumbs. Giving a dirt appearance.

The Hangman’s Nerds Rope

Shopping List:

  • Large sheet of parchment paper
  • ¼ cup cannabutter
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 3 oz. lime Jello or 4 sheets of Gelatin
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • 1/4 cup corn syrup
  • 1/2 tsp sunflower lecithin

Your Basic Instructions

  1. Add your gelatin to a 1/4 cup of water. Set this aside to let it soften. You can skip this part if you are using Jello.
  2. Add corn syrup (¼ cup) into 1/2 cup water then add to medium pot.
  3. Add the lime jello to the mixture and then heat to medium temperature until the mixture hits a boil.
  4. Turn heat down to low, and allow the mixture to simmer
  5. Stir in sunflower lecithin and slowly stir the gelatin mixture (set aside) into the mix. Allow it to dissolve while the rest simmers.
  6. Add your cannabutter then mix it in well.
  7. Pour the mixture into a rope-like mold and you’ve got yourself some Nerds rope you can get high from.  

halloween edible caramel apples

Caramel and Chocolate Covered Apples


Your Basic Instructions

  1. Line a cookie sheet with your parchment paper.
  2. Cook the bag of caramels with your milk in a large saucepan on a medium to low temperature until all the caramels are fully melty and the mixture has a smoothness. Stir frequently.
  3. Remove the mixture from the stove for 5 minutes to cool.
  4. Take the apples and skewer them. Then dip each one into the caramel.
  5. Refrigerate the apples until the caramel hardens.
  6. Take the apples out of the fridge and place your chocolate chips and your cannabis-infused chocolate bar in a bowl. Heat the chocolate for 30 seconds intervals while stirred in-between.
  7. Take the apples and dip each into the melted chocolate. Let them cool off for a few.
  8. Enjoy! A quick and easy edible just right for Halloween.


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Vape or Flower?

Vape or Flower?

Posted by CANNASaver on Monday, 31 October 2022 in Canna Blog

Canna-newbies and canna-connoisseurs are typically flocking to dispensaries for one of two products: vape or flower.

Longer-established marijuana smokers often go with what they’ve grown accustomed to – smoking a bong, joint, or pipe.

And why not?! 

Flower is timeless and has aged well. Flower was probably the very first way you ever delighted by marijuana’s righteousness.

Nonetheless, as legalization sores high in the sky; vaping has gotten pretty famous over the long haul.

Vaping is often seen as the new-age alternative to burning a bowl. Many people love vaping due to its ease of use and discreetness. Vaporization is the process of heating cannabis oils to specific temperatures below the point of combustion in a vape pen.

So, whether you are an experienced THC hero or a rookie looking to broaden your horizons, you've started thinking, “So which is it then? Vape or Flower?”

Let’s discuss.

smoking flower vs vape

Differences Between Vaping And Smoking Weed

Even though marijuana flower options increase in potency continuously and only seem to climb up, vaping has become prominent in the cannabis industry for providing a grander punch than regular marijuana flower.

Vaporization works by warming THC molecules to a temperature between 250-400 degrees fahrenheit which is what creates the vapor you smoke. This interaction of precise heat and cannabis oil, optimizes the way in which your body intakes cannabis. It only uses enough heat to create a highly concentrated marijuana vapor.

While smoking works by requiring combustion to smoke THC, smoking flower produces cancer-causing synthetic compounds as a side-effect of said combustion. This can cause hacking, wheezing, shortness in breath, and various other lung problems.

Marijuana vape cartridges offer an alternative to the combustion of smoking and can lighten the coughing.

Which is Most Efficient: Vape or Flower?

Let's look at some of the most efficient ways to smoke weed and where vaping and smoking flower rank...

In Terms Of Potency and Your “High”

Recent studies have found that vaping does, in fact, give you a more fantastic high than smoking flower.  

In those particular studies,  different volunteers had their pulses constantly monitored, blood pressure was checked during their smoke sessions, and had blood drawn throughout the day.

When vaped, cannabis can create much more fantastical results than with regular ol Mary Jane. Vaping has been stated by some smokers to cause those individuals to feel a lot higher than by just smoking marijuana flower; for better and worse. Per THC dosage, flower just can’t compare to vape.

Last Good and Important Note About Vaping Cannabis: This absolutely means that if you are a first-time passenger on the cannabis vaping train, be aware of how much you're intaking and go slow. 

In Terms Of Cost

The financial aspects of smoking as opposed to vaping are really comparable. 

The definitive difference depend on several factors, most notably, the manner by which you choose to indulge in cannabis.

For instance, a gram of cannabis flower can cost roughly $7-$10. So, if you smoke one gram of flower consistently for seven days, expenses could amount to roughly $49-$70 per week.

On the flip side, many people consider vaping to be at a more reasonable cost than flower. 

With control of the temperature, you are able to give your a nice dosing of THC with any sort of flame. 

With vapes being considered more potent than flower, some people can get a gram of a cartridge to last longer; though cartridge prices vary.

weed vape

Which is More Convenient: Vape or Flower?

Smoking marijuana is something you can do alone or to share as a significant method for mingling with your peers. Setting up your weed for smoking is social and fun. Ceremonial, even.

But vaping provides a more discreet experience than smoking. One of the most engaging parts of vaping cannabis is that it doesn't produce as strong of a smell as flower tends to. 

It is also easier to conceal and hide away if needed.

Which One Lasts Longer: Vape or Flower?

Which method is going to last the longest? Let's look at vape first.

Vape Cartridge Life Span

If your cartridge starts to “go bad” it won't taste as good, won’t be as potent, and can cause more coughing/headaches.

One way to check if it’s good or not is whether you notice the color and viscosity are similar to when you bought it. The oil inside the cartridge should be golden/amber in color. It also should have a general clarity to it as well.

Shelf life is typically a year in good conditions.

Flower’s Life Span

If your flower starts to go bad, you’ll notice a lot of it through smell. It begins to smell different and/or loses its smell altogether. 

The buds will start feeling different: either too wet or too dry. If the buds are wet, be careful for mold. Mold is the last thing you want to be smoking. 

If you store your flower in good conditions, it can last 6-12 months.

Which Is Healthier: Vaping Or Flower?

Though vaping is technically the “healthiest” of the smoking options, eating edibles is the only one absolute way to ingest cannabis without long term effects to your body.

Vaping’s Effects On Your Lungs

When you have a high-quality vape product, there are a few reasons why it may just become the product of choice for your marijuana needs.

As vaporizing cannabinoids promptly introduces them to your circulatory system and of course, your lungs. This enables you feel the cannabis much faster.  

Vaping is considered less damaging than smoking flower, but the real answer is, long-term data just isn’t known as of yet. Vaping is too new of a product of the market. Be mindful of low quality vaporizers that can appear just about anywhere. These are usually made with delicate plastic parts that you would rather not breathe in. 

Flower’s Effects On Your Lungs

Some might contend that marijuana smoke isn't as hurtful as tobacco smoke, though, this doesn’t absolve flower from its potential harm on your throat and lungs. 

At the point when flower combusts, the high temperature of the fire consumes a portion of the terpenes and cannabinoids.

Taking in smoke into your lungs can risk breathing in cancer-causing carcinogens. 

weed nugget

So Which One Is Better? Vape or Flower?

In the end, ultimately which is better is going to be up to you. Both kinds of marijuana are different from each other. You will just have to choose which journey to go on. But never worry, both will get you where you need to go.

Vaping Provides:

  • Efficiency
  • A discreet experience
  • A punch of flavors
  • Absolute control over temperature

Flower Provides

  • More intense effects
  • No learning curve
  • Low maintenance

Vape/Cart Deals on Cannasaver

Here at Cannasaver, we feature some good deals on vaping products in Denver.

Local Product of Colorado has a location in downtown Denver.

Current deals include:

Herbs4You has a location in downtown Denver.

Current deals include:

Flower Deals on Cannasaver

Here at Cannasaver, we also feature a few great deals on flower in Denver (and other areas – just set your location in the top left corner).

Pure Marijuana Dispensary has 3 locations spread around Denver.

Current deals for flower include:

Herbs4You has a location in downtown Denver.

Current deals on flower include:

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Tagged in: vaporizers

Practical Tips for Combating the Side Effects of High THC Cannabis

A recent article discussed the most common side effects of high THC cannabis strains and some expert tips for how to fight them.  While these tips were helpful, they just seemed to be missing something, practical experience.  Here are a few tried and true tips to fight off these bothersome little buddies of pot smokers everywhere.

Start Slow

The experts will tell you to start with a low dose.  This a great game plan for more than one reason.  First, it is a slower and more controlled way to get high.  Second, it can save a ton of weed and money.  The marijuana available today is if such high quality that it only takes a puff or two of some strains to leave veterans like Snoop Dogg drooling for hours.  Save some money and stay just high enough, by going slow and adjusting as needed.

Edibles are all Different for Everyone

We have all heard about the nightmare experiences that edibles have caused and when we first got to Colorado, my husband and I were both more than a little leery of trying edibles for the first time.  Neither of us are noobs and have had more than one or two pot brownies in the past, but the stories we heard didn’t set very well.  When we finally tried some, it was not at all what we were expecting. 

The first ones we tried came as pills and highly recommended by a budtender who said she used them regularly (and looked very nicely baked).  Although the effects were mildly noticeable after eating several, it was most definitely not what we were expecting after all the warnings.  The second edibles we tried were Americana gummies.  They tasted pretty decent, and oddly enough, made our mouths a little numb as we chewed them.  Even with that immediate effect, it still took at least an hour to feel the full effects, and then it was still only a “one-beer-buzz” feeling after eating 4 each.  Most definitely not any sort of scary or bad trip.  Of course, everyone’s experience is different, just be prepared and don’t plan on operating any dangerous equipment or cooking a soufflé when trying edibles for the first time.   Also look for a dispensary running a deal on edibles because they do tend to cost a good bit more than a regular bag of treats.

Anxiety and Paranoia

The very best tip for this is to be comfortable before you get high.  Being in a situation where you fear getting caught will always intensify feelings of guilt, paranoia and anxiety.  Remember how anxious you got smoking in Mom’s house?  Or how about the paranoia in the school bathroom – knowing you would get expelled if you got caught?  What’s the very best way to combat anxiety and paranoia when smoking cannabis?  Move to a state where it’s legal. I did, and my anxiety and paranoia instantly went down 85 percent.  For most this is not an option, but here are a few tips to try:

  • Use cover scent like incense, automatic air fresheners, or ionizing air cleaners.  Hiding or eliminating the pungent aroma of good pot from intruding neighbors and unexpected visitors will ease fears immensely.
  • Don’t smoke in the main living area during visitor hours.  Save the kicked back TV time for after the kids are in bed.  In most places, the police can’t even visit without reason after 10pm, making the living room a safe and cozy place to enjoy your right to pursue happiness. 
  • Don’t be high around people or situations that make you feel guilty.  Some smokers don’t feel comfortable being high around their kids or family, while others have no problem going to the PTA meeting baked.  If your personal morals or ethics make it feel wrong to be high – then don’t be.  Don’t cave into peer pressure, just save the bowl for when you get home and enjoy it instead of getting freaked out because you find yourself too high at church.

Cottonmouth and Dry Eyes

These side effects are said to be best combated by drinking plenty of water.  Hydration it seems, is the key to everything, including reducing two of the most annoying side effects of smoking cannabis.  In addition to staying well hydrated, be sure to keep a drink nearby when you sit down for smoking sessions.  No matter how well hydrated you may be, some strains of marijuana just cause cottonmouth and that’s that.  Being well hydrated is also said to help with dry eyes.  One thing to remember not to do is rely too heavily on eye drops.  Overuse can actually end up making eyes dryer and reducing natural tear production.  Not to mention, the medicines in certain eye drops can cause diarrhea when used excessively.

The Munchies

The munchies can be a reason to smoke or a bad side effect depending on who you ask, but one thing’s for sure, they do exist and they are hard as heck to stay away from once they show up at the party.  Short of eating everything in the kitchen or inventing really strange recipes, there is one certain way to keep the munchies at bay.

Any veteran pot smoker knows that there is one sure fire way to kill a good buzz – eat.  So many long time smokers simply use will power, and their dedication to stay high, as their number one weapon in the war against the munchies.  Don’t give in and eat, and stay higher longer.  Smoke a little and eat a pizza, and an hour later you will find yourself repeating the process -  and the calories start to add up.  But smoke and wait it out, and the munchies will pass sooner or later and save 500 calories or more as well as a great buzz.

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CannaSaver Blog

THCV Strains

Posted by CANNASaver on Saturday, 18 September 2021 in Thc

Maybe you’ve heard of a nifty lil’ cannabinoid called THCV.  Perhaps it was from your cool smoker buddy who always is up on the newest type of dab, extract, edible, and exotic flower there is to offer.  Maybe it was from your crazy uncle Eddie at the family reunion while he was smoking a doobie of high THCV flower at the same time shouting at his overgrown rottweiler to get off the table and eating the snack platter that Gamgams put out for everyone to munch on.  Or, perhaps you’ve never heard of it at all and have no idea what you’re reading about and this article is going to go into. 

If so, then check out our helpful and informative blog about THCV Edibles.

What is THCV?

THCV is a non-psychoactive compound found in cannabis. THCV is a cannabinoid.  THC and CBD are also cannabinoids.  While it is similar in chemical structure to THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol, the effects it can have on the body are much different.  THCV has a less psychoactive release in the brain than THC.  People who use THCV report having more energy, less appetite, and feeling less lethargic than consuming something with higher THC.  This is because the way our bodies are able to process cannabinoids is through our own Endocannabinoid system or (ECS). 

THCV, THC, and CBD all innervate with receptors in the ECS differently which produces the different reactions we have to consume them.  The ECS helps to regulate our physical and mental well-being, appetites, sleep schedules, and even hormones can be affected.

This article is going to walk through some of the top strains that have higher than average levels compared to other strains.  

Where Is THCV Found?

The origins of high THCV strains can be traced back to some OG landrace strains in Africa and surrounding areas. 

These strains are Sativa dominant and usually average at around 15%-23% THC as well. 

Sativas are known for giving more of a creative head high rather than a lethargic couch-lock that people associate with Indicas. 

People began to notice the differences between smoking different strains and started to seek out sources of the different types of highs.  Sativas became known as "the daytime smoke" because as many people say, it gives them energy, makes them feel more creative, and can do the opposite of munchies and help to curb an appetite.

Popular THCV Strains

Durban Poison

This is probably the most well-known strain on the list, or at least it was to us.  This strain is super Sativa dominant.  It is popular for a nice afternoon bong snap.  It gives off creativity and energy as for its main side effects.  It puts out a sweet and earthy aroma when smoked. Artists favor this strain for its highly Sativa effects.  It is usually round and chunky in bud structure and covered in trichomes giving it that frosty sugar-coated look.  This strain is one of our favorites down here at Cannasaver.

Pineapple Purps

Pineapple Purps is a strain that has grown in popularity over recent years. This strain has an average of 3:1 THC to THCV giving it highly psychoactive properties.  It has a sweet aroma that smells fruity and gives off a pineapple essence.  When smoked it tastes like sweet berry wine. It gives uplifting energetic effects when smoked and leaves you feeling with a head in the clouds high with bursts of energy.  This high THCV strain is used medically to treat anxiety, appetite loss, and mild cases of depression.  It possesses dark green leaves, slightly purple hairs, and is frosty with trichomes giving it a beautiful look and an even better smoke.

Power Plant

Power Plant is another African Sativa strain on our list.  This popular strain is a hybrid of Sativa and Indica with a split of around 65% Sativa and 35% Indica.   It has a higher than average amount of CBD making it a perfect blend of all different types of effects.  It will give you energy and also relax you.  Power Plant has light green leaves and a nice rich dusting of trichomes on the outer leaves.  This gives it a sweet and earthy aroma that tastes a bit like limes.  It’s known to give a clear-headed high with lots of energy.  

Red Congolese

With more people smoking cannabis now that it is recreationally legal in many states and medically legal in most of the states in the country, nonpsychoactive strains are at the top of people’s to-try lists.  This stain is no exception to that.  Red Congolese is a strain that gained popularity in California.  When grown it has an Indica like bushy structure but possesses the uplifting creative effects of a chronic Sativa.  It also has uplifting and creative effects when smoked or consumed.  It promotes mental clarity and has been used to help treat Alzheimer’s with promising results shown in this study.  This is a popular afternoon or wake-and-bake smoke for many people that struggle with nausea or tension.  

Doug’s Varin

This unique strain is known to suppress appetite due to its high levels of THCV.  It has been selectively bred over generations to gain the highly Sativa effects it gives.  It averages around 19% THC when tested.  It is a pure Sativa and boy does it smoke like one. Doug’s Varin gives off a piney, earthy smell.  It tastes like sweet citrus when smoked.  It usually flowers in 8-9 weeks making it a great choice for both indoor and outdoor growers. Along with appetite suppression, Doug’s Varin also is used to treat depression, muscle spasms, and stress. 

Thanks for checking out our blog on THCV weed strains. 

We hope you’ll go check out some of these strains at your local favorite dispensary soon!

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Tagged in: health strains

First time at a marijuana store : What to expect and how to get the best marijuana deals in denver

Have you been thinking about trying marijuana, but wondering what to expect your first time at a marijuana store? Visiting a marijuana dispensary is a great first step for a first time marijuanauser who isn't quite sure what to do or what to get. You might be wondering how to find the best dispensary deals Denver weed stores are offering, and what are the best marijuana deals in denver that you can take advantage of as a marijuana first timer. You might have more basic questions, perhaps wondering, which marijuana product is right for me? One of the best things about going to a dispensary is that the marijuana stores have expert staff members who can answer questions, explain all the different marijuana products available, and guide you towards a good selection. If you've never been to a weed store before, your first time at a marijuana dispensary is definitely an exciting experience. Knowing what to expect during your first time at a marijuana store will help you feel more confident so that you can relax and fully enjoy the experience. Here's what it's really like to buy marijuana in Colorado at any of the numerous neighborhood weed stores.

Marijuana dispensaries range from modest like Denver Recreational Dispensary to sprawling like Medicine Man Denver, and most look very unassuming from the outside. You won't see any storefront windows packed with marijuana on display, or any signage advertising the best marijuana deals in Denver. Instead, you'll probably find a very plain looking building with a simple sign that says the name of the business, perhaps embellished with a pot leaf or the traditional green cross. To find the best dispensary deals Denver locals look on CannaSaver where you can find marijuana coupons from dispensaries like Platte Valley Dispensary and Medicine Man Denver, and also get an idea of what prices are like at the different dispensaries. The best marijuana deals in Denver are never far away.

When you first go into the marijuana dispensary, you'll enter a little waiting room area that's separate from the area where the marijuana products are kept and sold. This part of the process usually feels a bit formal, sort of like being in a doctor's office. Here, someone will check your id before you're allowed to go any further into the dispensary. You absolutely won't be allowed to shop without a valid government-issued photo id that shows you are at least 21 years of age. This means that if your license is expired, or you forgot it, you're out of luck. Once your id gets the okay, the staff person will guide you into the dispensary. There are rules about how many people can be in the dispensary area at a time, so sometimes you have to wait a little bit before you're allowed to go in. There is usually not much of a wait, maybe 10 or 15 minutes at most but typically you'll be able to go right in.

Once you do get in the main marijuana dispensary area, you'll find a whole new world. You'll likely receive a friendly greeting as your eyes feast on the shining display cases and shelves stocked with jars upon jars of beautiful buds of various marijuana strains. You'll also find concentrates such as wax, oils, and shatter, a variety of marijuana edibles from candies to cookies to soda pops, pipes, vaporizers, bongs, and other smoking accessories, and often clothing, stickers, incense, and other gift products and novelty items.

The people that work the counter at the marijuana dispensary are called budtenders. The budtender will weigh out your weed for you and answer any questions you may have. Many dispensaries will let you take a quick whiff of the buds and get a closer look, so don't be shy about asking to check out the marijuana up close before you decide on a strain. When it comes time to pay for your marijuana, it's a nice gesture to tip your budtender just as you would tip a bartender.

You'll have to use cash to make your marijuana purchase, so come prepared in case there isn't an ATM nearby. Be aware that marijuana products are heavily taxed, so expect to pay up to an additional 20% or so in marijuana tax on your purchase. There is a 12.9% state tax, plus city and county taxes that vary from place to place. When you buy your weed, you'll also need to buy what is called an “exit bag.” This specially made opaque bag with a safety closure is something that the law requires, the idea being that your marijuana purchase will be discreetly concealed when you exit the store. They typically cost only a dollar or two, and you can reuse the same bag if you end up visiting the dispensary again.

If you're feeling ready for your first time at a marijuana store, use the search tool on Cannapages to find a marijuana dispensary near you. Get some marijuana coupons while you're at it, too. The best dispensary deals Denver offers include discounts, sales, daily specials, and other money-saving promotions. Just go to CannaSaver to find the best marijuana deals in Denver. With marijuana coupons in hand, options for where to go, and the knowledge of what to expect once you get there, you'll be shopping for the first time at a marijuana store like a pro.

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How Much Are Edibles

How Much Are Edibles

Posted by CANNASaver on Friday, 19 August 2022 in Canna Blog - Latest News

Cannabis is not all about smoke and fire, there are ways to make your next high smoke-free. Edibles come in many different flavors, shapes, and sizes and are a great, non-discreet way of consuming cannabis. But are they cost-effective? How much are edibles compared to other marijuana products?

A Guide to THC Edibles

Edibles are a widely available solution to engage with cannabis in a vapor-less form. Taste the wide-ranging culinary creations infused with cannabis and get a sense of the flavors you enjoy in everyday foods and snacks, that pair well with cannabinoids. 

Deals on Edibles

Types of Edibles

There are plenty of savory snacks to choose from, like: 

  • Cookies

  • Brownies

  • Tinctures

  • Dissolvable packets

  • Gummies

  • Hard candies

  • Chocolates

  • Teas

  • Sodas, and more.

How Much THC Are In Edibles?

Colorado State Regulations mandate that (recreational) edibles come packaged in no larger than 100 milligrams of THC doses with identifiable portions. The most common measurement is 10 mg in a bite. Most products will be portioned out or have a clear dosing schedule on the label. 

The exception is for tinctures and syrups which can run up to 1000 milligrams of THC in a bottle. These infused liquids will also have a measuring syringe so you can achieve the precise dosing you desire. Most single-serve drinks such as soda pops or lemonades are dosed at 10 milligrams of THC in a bottle.

What does it all mean though? What is the best bang for your buck? 

Learn about edibles

The Most Cost-Effective Type of Edibles

Tinctures and syrups are the most potent and cost-effective way to ingest THC.

By volume, strength, and price, syrup, or tincture will be the strongest type of edible you can get! These are liquids infused with THC and CBD and have the highest concentrations. The flavors are pretty good and usually resemble a sweet concoction to help this medicine go down smoothly. The activation times range from 10 minutes to 30 minutes and the doses are measured by syringe or capful. 

You can find up to 1000 mg containers from between $45 to $70 dollars. A 100 mg syrup can be found for as low as $15!

Drinks contain the least THC with about 10 mg in a bottle but are convenient and great for lighter social flights. 

Typical Prices for Other Edibles

For the pan-baked experience, there is a plethora of brownies, cookies, bars, chocolates, and stroopwafels which are doled out in 100 mg containers are the tastiest and most versatile option. These baked goods go from $6 for a bar of single-serving chocolate to an average price of $22 for a full 100 mg package of multiple cookies or chocolates. These offerings have a sufficient amount of THC in the whole package to remind you of your aunt’s space cake, but ultimately you can decide how many bites until your preferred high. 

This article starts off with the lightest infusions and saves the heaviest hitters for last.

Your taste buds will dance when a Cannabis-Infused Cola splashes over your tongue. There are many flavors to choose from such as classic, orange kush, root beer, blue razz, and purple passion. These drinks are at the higher end of the scale as far as milligrams per dollar but are great for first-timers and social buzzes. These drinks cost around $8-$10. Drinks are usually portioned at 10 mg of THC content, which is the lower end of the spectrum. You can also find bagged teas infused with cannabis. There are also strictly CBD drinks with no psychoactive effect. Those are a little cheaper. Thursdays are a good day to quench your thirst and coupons range from 10% to 25% off. You can score some coupons from cannasaver.com at these links.

Branded Edibles For Sale

Best Denver Dispensary Prices and Deals on Edibles

You’re probably hungry after breezing through this blog article. Before you go forth to find some choice chow, we’re gonna help you save some dough.

Use the search box in the upper left to seek great ganja deals at nearby dispensaries. There’s a location icon below that where you can input your area.

You can also use the headings to the right of the search bar to refine your search. You can easily find the best pot prices on leaf, concentrates, and, yes, edibles.

Here are some THC treat savings to get you started:

Pure Dispensary

Pure Dispensary is currently offering 25% OFF Thursday edibles, drinks, and more.

Green Heart Dispensary

Green Heart Dispensary is offering 10% OFF Thirsty Thursday Drinks. The most diverse range of offerings comes in the baked goods section. These products are portioned out by state law at 100 mg per container. The pricing ranges from $15 to gourmet delectables at $25. Due to the way some people metabolize THC, your body might be more affected by fat-containing cookies, the perfect amount of vegan chocolate, or you have a sweet tooth and enjoy gummies. Experiment and find out what works with your physiology in terms of activating your senses and quelling your hunger. The portions per morsel, piece, or bite are always listed on the container and usually are about 10 milligrams per piece.

The Lodge Dispensary

The Lodge has a great BOGO (Buy One Get One 50%) deal on edibles, this nets 25% off of two items. This is a great way to pick up a couple of different snacks. The 100 mg caramel stroopwafels are super tasty and potent! The lodge also has infused “forbidden fruits." These are dehydrated or freeze-dried fruit pieces infused with cannabis. That is nothing short of amazing and a fun snack for your next hike to the peak. The perfect way to stimulate your sense and make your own day or bring a smile to your significant other's face is CHOCOLATE! Make your day (and theirs) and pick up your favorite cacao-based treat. You can find almost any flavor of chocolates and truffles. From dark chocolate, with 68% cacao to milk chocolate or cookies and cream mixes all bases are covered. There are non-chocolate bars too such as key lime pie, banana pudding, apple pie, and more. These bars run about $20-$24 and their inspired flavors are remarkable and will have you craving for more! 

Herbs4You Dispensary

Herbs4you has some bulk and save coupons, like 2 packs of 100mg for $19.78 or 8 packs for $79.11. That's not all 8 packs, though. Some 8 packs are as low as $63.29 where others (N-Fuzed) are $79.

Herbs4you is also doing some great deals on Wyld edibles, where you can buy 4 for $59.33!

The Stone Dispensary

The Stone on the west side of Denver has $15 100 mg syrups. This is a phenomenal price per milligram.

Mary Jane's House Dispensary

Mary Jane's House has a BOGO (Buy One Get One for a Penny) deal on 100mg THC tinctures. This special rendition of rice crispy bars, aptly named Chaos Crispies, will fill your cravings and give you tidal waves of nostalgia, all while elevating you to the next level. With one of the best milligrams per dollar value, you can score a 100 mg pack for $13 at Mary Jane’s House, too.

AMCH Denver

If you have your medical card, you can find one of the best deals on 1000 mg Drip syrups for $45 at AMCH Denver

No matter your craving, CANNASAVER.COM will help you find the tastiest snacks, drinks, and “tincs” at the best prices.  Satiate your cravings and save your dollars with these coupons towards edibles and such.

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What is the Best Form of Concentrate?

What is the Best Form of Concentrate?

Posted by CANNASaver on Sunday, 11 September 2022 in Canna Blog

Cannabis connoisseurs love their concentrates. Whether you are a professional dabber or someone looking to expand their cannabis concentrate horizons, maybe you have started wondering what the best form of cannabis concentrate really is.

Unlike some things we buy in our lives, marijuana comes in a vast array of delectable forms. This, of course, works its way into the concentrate realm as well.

The different types of marijuana concentrates you can buy grow as more and more states legalize recreational marijuana. The world of cannabis concentrates can be a little frustrating or intimidating to navigate to those who don’t know as much about wax concentrates.

So, kick back, relax, and let’s discuss cannabis concentrates. Let’s get you the best form of concentrate possible (and some deals).

rosin best form of concentrate

What Are Cannabis Concentrates Exactly?

So cannabis concentrates, simply put, are extremely potent smokables which you typically “dab”.

They consist of various marijuana compounds like terpenes and cannabinoids

Concentrates are very high in THC and CBD. They typically can reach levels up to 4x higher than any high-tier (like Private Reserve or Top Shelf) bud on the shelf.

Differences Between Various Types of Concentrates

The key differences in concentrates are typically shown through what extraction process is used.

This comes down to whether the cannabis concentrate is Solventless or Solvent-based.


Solventless extracts are concentrates which claim to have no solvents involved while extracting (contains no propane, butane, or similar solvent). These are considered the most “organic” form of marijuana concentrates.

Solventless concentrates consist of sauce, diamonds, ice hash, and rosin.


Solvent-based concentrates  use propane, CO2, butane, or ethanol to extract the cannabinoids and terpenes from the flower. The textures, characteristics,taste, and color in the final concentrate form are typically used to name each cannabis product. 

Solvent-based concentrates include: wax, shatter, crumble.

live resin best form of concentrate

Forms of Marijuana Concentrates

Armed with more concentrate knowledge, let’s talk about the different consistencies you’ll find while shopping for concentrates.


Wax is the most common type of marijuana concentrate. In the final form, waxes are usually sticky to the touch. Its yellow/amber color gives the concentrate a look like a kind of tree sap. Waxes are often extracted using butane and propane. 

Waxes are a good first step in using concentrate products. They tend to stay pretty consistent in potency so you will always know what you’re getting into. Wax also has the ability to retain the original terpenes to the best of its ability.


The shatter form of concentrate is by far one of the most popular forms of cannabis extracts.

Shatter gets its name from looking so fragile, it might “shatter”. When packaged, you can typically find shatter wrapped in parchment paper due to shatter’s stickiness.

Shatter’s appearance presents a clear, smooth, and solid final product. Naturally, the final appearance of the product saids everything you need to know about the quality of your concentrate. Look for a honey-like appearance and absolutely avoid blackened concentrates.

Ice Hash

Ice wax is a form of bubble hash which is made by utilizing frozen plant material.

Ice wax is made by using a specialized ice extraction technique which is solventless. The outcome of this technique is pure trichomes (kief). The concentrate maintains its natural aromas and terpene profiles.


Distillates are relatively new in the concentrates area of cannabis. Many distillate  products are much more discreet and convenient to use compared to other concentrates on this list. 

Distillates are known to be much more potent than some of the other concentrates on this list. On average, shatters and waxes are between 60%-75% THC while distillates can go as high as 99% THC. 

Though with the refinement process, natural terpenes are usually non-existent in the end product.


Rosin is another concentrate which is made without any solvents. Rosin uses compressed heat to extract concentrates from dried buds or kief. 

The appearance is golden and oil-like.  The final product takes on a shatter or even ice wax consistency. Rosin is the most natural concentrate and is popular for this.

Live Resin

Live resin is special because it is extracted using live plants. Using live plants leads to live resin being higher in terpenes in comparison to other concentrates. 

The live resin process starts with a freshly harvested marijuana plant which is then put into freezing immediately. Freezing the plant preserves the trichomes from being hurt by sunlight or other THC degrading elements.

Live resins vary in appearance from batch to batch but are normally golden in color.  Live resin is typically the go to for the most flavorful of the concentrates.

Diamonds and Terp Sauce

Diamonds and terpene sauce  actually come from Live Resin as its origin point. They use a freezing process which preserves freshness and cannabinoid profiles.

After freezing, the product of live resin is stored in jars. This process builds pressure in the jars. The pressure creates THCA crystals also known as diamonds. Diamonds sink to the bottom of the consistency. The rest of the consistency is juicy terpene sauce. Rich in flavor.

best form of concentrate for dabbing

So, What Is the Best Form of Concentrate?

It's hard to pick just one, so it really depends on what you're going after...here are some categories to narrow it down.

For Aroma/Flavor

The reason many canna-connoisseurs love marijuana is for its pungent smells emitted through terpenes. Scents like diesel, citrus, earthy, floral, and fruity which full a nose with delight.

For those who enjoy these aspects of cannabis; concentrates like live resin, diamonds, and terp sauce will be right up your alley.

For Dabbing

Most of these consistencies are good-to-go for putting in a dab rig, vaporizer, nail, etc. Concentrates like wax or shatter are popularly used because of their ease of use. Concentrates like bubble hash, ice hash, or kief are not recommended to dab due to having plant material still present in the consistency.

For Purity

Distillates are the purest form of cannabis concentrate. The process which distillates use removes plant matter, terpenes, and other impurities. This leaves behind an oil that can hit potencies of 99% THC. 

For Potency

As mentioned before, distillates hit potencies of 99%, so won’t get much higher than that. Though, shatter and diamonds are up there trying to hit these potencies at 80% THC. Live resin is the third at THC levels hitting 70%.

One thing is for certain, all of these cannabis concentrates are a great choice for a good, clean high. What it all comes down to is what you desire out of your marijuana concentrate experience. You decide what is your favorite form of concentrate.

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Tagged in: concentrates
Most Efficient Way to Smoke Weed

Most Efficient Way to Smoke Weed

Posted by CANNASaver on Friday, 14 October 2022 in Canna Blog

From your traditional joint to modern-day vapes, there are countless ways to consume marijuana. Although the result is ultimately the same, which is, it gets you high, there are ways stoners can get the most out of their weed without sacrificing the high or breaking the bank.

Efficient Consumption of Cannabis

Exploring different ways of consuming cannabis can help you find ways of keeping your tolerance low and lengthen the time between purchases.

Regular marijuana consumption can be costly.

Depending on your tolerance and the cost of your chosen consumption method, there might be other ways of getting high that could be more beneficial to your bank account. 

Next time you visit your local dispensary, discuss with your budtender the different options and products available to you.

Don’t forget to check Cannasaver before you go, as we have new deals daily! 

Most Efficient Ways to Get High

You shouldn’t have to sacrifice weed quality or shell out big bucks the next time you visit your local dispensary. There are several ways to get high efficiently.

Let’s learn more below.

dab tool and wax

Reach new highs with dabs

Dabbing refers to the inhalation of vapors or smoke emitted from THC concentrates. This smoking method can produce strong effects as most concentrates contain up to 80% THC. If you choose to dab, you can get high with little product.

However, some dab rigs cost upward of $350 and require extra accessories such as a dab tool, blowtorch or power source, resulting in an even higher price tag.

Check out some current deals on concentrates:

Verano Sunrock Shatter 1g $65 - GreenGate Chicago

8 grams of wax and shatter for $80 - Lucky Monkey Buds II

$12.95 Shatter - Pure Marijuana Dispensary

Microdose and consider a one-hitter

A one-hitter is a slender pipe with a screen designed for intimation. One hitter allows you to smoke smaller quantities while still getting very high. Most one-hitters can only pack in a small serving of about 25 mg. Microdosing your marijuana can prolong your stash and save you money. Most one-hitters go for an average of $10, cheaper than other smoking tools such as vapes and dab rigs.

Check out some current deals for your one-hitters:

Flower ⅛ pre-packed $20/3.5g - Oz Cannabis, Detroit

$56 oz of House Choice Flower - Cannabay, Bay City

Discount Flower Oz $55.50+ - Urban Gardens, Kalamazoo

Vape your weed

Vaping your weed can produce an intense but short high when using flowers, so depending on the smoker, this might not be the most efficient method. Stoners can choose to vape both flowers and concentrates, making it versatile. Concentrates usually come in cartridges or shatter, which can be more potent than regular weed. Another benefit to vaping is that you can smoke the byproducts of your bud. Whether it is kief or resin, vaping can help you extend the longevity of your stash.

Discover deals on cartridges and wax/shatter here:

Vape Cartridges 1000mg for $30 - Skymint, Hazel Park

Grassroots, Bubba Diagonal 1g Live Sugar - EarthMed, Rosemont

500mg Verano Vape Cartridges for $55 - Zen Leaf, Naperville

weed edibles

Eat your weed with edibles

Edibles can be very potent, perfect for stoners looking to chase an out-of-this-world high.

Start with a small dose and gradually increase when you feel comfortable with the high. The catch with edibles is that it takes anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours for the high to hit, so be patient and don’t eat the whole thing at once.

Smokers with lower tolerance should be cautious about how much edibles they consume at a time.

Check out some deals on edibles:

25% off all gummies sale - Fingerboard Farm Market

Mindy’s Gummies $30 (20pk) - GreenGate Chicago

Incredible 100mg Chocolate Bars $40 - Cannabist Villa Park

weed flower

Get high with leftovers with shake

"Shake" is a byproduct of weed. Some leaves, stems or other parts in the plan fall off and form a dust-like substance. Shake can be extra potent and even accumulate kief on top, which can be more powerful than regular weed. You can even try making your edibles with Shake! Shake is cheaper than other bud and is a good option if rolling multiple joints or making edibles. 

Discover deals on shake:

2oz Shake $39.50 - Cannabay, Bay City

3.5g Shake for $40 Assorted Strains - Ascend, Montclair

$25 Trim Oz’s - The Healing Tree, Denver

Smoke and Save Efficiently with Cannasaver

Of course, the best way to be efficient with your weed is to check out Cannasaver for deals regularly! We post new sales on our website, Every. Single. Day!

Our mission is to connect you to the best dispensaries in your area

Check out our current deals and find a local dispensary near you! 

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PTSD and Marijuana: More Veterans to Gain Access

Earlier this week, the state legislature of New Jersey voted to add PTSD (Post-traumatic Stress Disorder) to the list of qualifying conditions for medical marijuana, and recently a judge in Illinois ordered that PTSD be added to the Illinois medical marijuana program, as well. While PTSD is most often associated with military veterans, it's an anxiety disorder that can happen to anyone who has been through an emotionally charged, traumatic experience, especially if that experience involved a threat of serious injury or death. The symptoms that point to PTSD include reexperiencing, avoidance, and episodes of hyperarousal that may include insomnia, social isolation, or flashbacks of the traumatic memory. PTSD persists over time because of changes that happen in the brain at the time of trauma that leave the brain hyper-responsive to adrenaline and stress.

Veterans across the country have been turning to marijuana for years to help soothe PTSD symptoms, and many are finding some relief for their symptoms. As many as 20% of military veterans who served in Iraq or Afghanistan suffer from PTSD. VA hospitals in some states like Nevada and Maine allow doctors to prescribe marijuana for their PTSD patients, but many others do not have that opportunity.

That might change with a new PTSD and marijuana study that's currently underway to determine the benefits of marijuana on veterans with PTSD. Volunteer veterans in Maryland and Arizona will be asked to smoke up to two joints a day, and report on their progress. Different strains will be tested, as well, to determine which marijuana strains might be the most effective for treating PTSD symptoms. If the study helps show some tangible benefits, it might urge more states to add PTSD to their list of qualifying conditions for medical marijuana.

Marijuana is believed to help relieve many symptoms of PTSD including insomnia, anxiety, and depression, and there may be even deeper benefits that have yet to be fully understood and realized. One study found that cannabinoids aided in the memory extinction process in mice, a finding that has huge applications for PTSD sufferers. The mice were exposed to a noise which was followed by an electric shock. After a few days, the shocks were discontinued but the mice were still exposed to the noise that used to precede the electric shock. In the mice that received the cannabinoids, they were able to readjust to the sound after a few days and no longer had a flinching response in fear of the anticipated shock. The mice that did not receive any cannabinoids never adjusted to the noise and showed the same flinching response as if they were going to get shocked even after the shocks had been eliminated. So why is this relevant for PTSD sufferers? People with PTSD can react to triggers in their environment that remind them of the intial trauma they experienced. For example, the sound of firecrackers can bring back memories and emotions associated with gunfire for those who have lived through such encounters. If cannabinoids can help mice develop memory extinction that allows them to disassociate stimuli from a learned response and instead react with a new response, human sufferers of PTSD could possibly find the same benefits.

To get the most benefit from using marijuana for PTSD symptoms like insomnia, the Veterans for Medical Cannabis Access website recommends low to moderate doses, preferably in the form of edibles that provide a precise, measurable dose. If you're taking marijuana for PTSD and you know you're going to be in a potentially triggering situation, the Veterans for Medical Cannabis Access website advises vaping or smoking a small to moderate amount, several times, in advance of the potentially triggering situation. As with any medicine intended to treat a health condition, it's always best to talk to your doctor first to find out the best type of medicine for you, how much you should take, and how often.

If you suffer from PTSD and you're lucky enough to live in a state that allows medical marijuana use for your symptoms (or if you live in a state like Colorado that has recreational marijuana), why not give marijuana a try and see if it could be of benefit? It could very well be the missing key that opens a new path toward hope and healing.

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Best way to smoke weed in August, August marijuana events and best dispensary deals in Denver

by The Savvy Stoner

Summer is waning and August is here, which is a little bit of a bummer for many of us who face back to school time or dread the coming of colder weather. But for now, the sun is still shining in Colorado where there's always a reason to celebrate the season with some super dank marijuana. From August marijuana events in Denver and best marijuana deals to a diy apple pipe just right for this time of year, here are the savvy stoner's top tips for enjoying the best of the Colorado marijuana lifestyle before summer truly comes to an end.

Best dispensary deals in Denver for August

Medicine Man Denver and Livwell have the best dispensary deals in Denver to grab this August. Both Denver dispensaries are offering recreational ounces for $99. At Livwell, the deal is good for select strains, with typically one or two types available. The deal is good at all their locations including Livwell Broadway. At Medicine Man, the deal is good for any single-strain top-shelf ounce and they offer a wide variety of strains to choose from. For the best concentrate deals Denver stoners are heading to The Joint by Cannabis where you can get two grams of wax or shatter for $50, recreational or medical.

Best August marijuana events in Denver

If you're looking for an unforgettable experience and network opportunities galore, check out the CannaCatwalk The Fusion fashion show in Denver that will take place August 22nd at the Denver Performing Art Complex. The show features new and unusual cannabis product lines, vendors, entertainment, a party bus, and of course, fashion. There's also the Cannazaar going on which you can catch on August 14th at Cluster Studios in Denver. With performance art, theatrics, contemporary artists, food vendors, outdoor games, shopping, marijuana party buses, and more, the Cannazaar has a little something for everyone. 

Best way to smoke weed in August

While the savvy stoner knows better than to give this kind of apple to the teacher, a homemade apple pipe is one of the most fun and festive ways to smoke weed in August. The first thing to do is remove the stem from a ripe, delicious Colorado apple. This stem-end is the end you will carve first, and once the apple pipe is complete, this is the end which you will place your mouth on to take your toke. Use a small paring knife or pocket knife to carefully cut around the core of the apple. Dig the core out carefully piece by piece, but take care to not remove too much. You'll want to remove about half of the core, so that the bottom end of the apple is still intact. Now turn your attention to the topside of the apple. You'll want to bore out a small bowl-shaped hole there, being careful to get close to, but not all the way down to, the hollowed out center core. I prefer to use the sharp end of a pencil for this, as it's easy to just poke in the pencil, swirl it around a few times, and you have a nice tapered bowl. Next you'll need to create a path for airflow between the bowl you just carved out and the hollow center. You need the hole to go all the way down to the hollowed out core of the apple, but you have to be careful to not make the hole too big or your weed will fall right through. If the hole is too narrow, you'll make your eyes pop out trying to get a hit. A toothpick is absolutely ideal, as this is just about the exact size hole you want to make. Just line up the toothpick with the middle of the bowl, and push the toothpick through carefully straight down and then up and out again in one smooth move. Now pack up the bowl and enjoy some apple-flavored marijuana.


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Weed Deals Near Me View All

10% Discount to all Veterans
10% Discount to all Veterans
Chicago - Rec & Med 276.85 miles
Aeriz   500mg Cartridges  $55-$60
Aeriz 500mg Cartridges $55-$60
Chicago - Medical 276.56 miles
$10 OFF your first preorder!
$10 OFF your first preorder!
Chicago - Recreational 275.83 miles
Gummies 100mg $24
Gummies 100mg $24
River Rouge - Recreational 157.33 miles
Choice 100mg Edibles $10
Choice 100mg Edibles $10
Detroit - Medical 169.63 miles
Pure Essential Capsules $28.00 (10pk)
Pure Essential Capsules $28.00 (10pk)
Calumet City - Recreational 262.92 miles
30% Off Bubba Diagonal 1/8
30% Off Bubba Diagonal 1/8
Chicago - Recreational 275.21 miles
Apothecare C02 Cartridges 1000mg/$45
Apothecare C02 Cartridges 1000mg/$45
Ann Arbor - Recreational 163.6 miles
Symint Flower 1/8 $40
Symint Flower 1/8 $40
Hazel Park - Recreational 169.6 miles
Get 15% off your purchase when you buy any 4 items!
Get 15% off your purchase when you buy any 4 items!
Chicago - Recreational 276.41 miles
1/8 Sozo Health Flower (Select Strains) $18
1/8 Sozo Health Flower (Select Strains) $18
Warren - Medical 170.91 miles
Church Cannabis 1G Cartridges $40
Church Cannabis 1G Cartridges $40
Center Line - Medical 171.09 miles
Flower Flight 3.5g, Flower
Flower Flight 3.5g, Flower
Chicago - Medical 275.44 miles
