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Four Ways to Profit from Legal Marijuana

Posted by CANNASaver on Sunday, 13 December 2015 in Canna Blog


Four Ways to Profit from Legal Marijuana


by Melanie Marquis

Legal marijuana has grown into a hugely profitable and diverse industry, with Colorado recreational dispensaries alone boasting over 60 million in monthly sales. Dispensaries, cultivation warehouses, testing facilities, and marijuana-infused products manufacturers are without a doubt raking in big money, but opening such a business is no easy task. Application fees and licenses alone can run into the tens of thousands in Colorado, not to mention the enormous amount of red tape that must be successfully traversed. However, there are many other ways to tap into the cannabis market with lower start-up costs and a lot less hassle. If you've ever wondered how you might start your own cannabis-based business, check out these four ways “budding” entrepreneurs just like yourself have found success and profit in legal marijuana:

Marijuana-themed Arts and Crafts: From hand-blown glass pipes to custom-made bong stands, artisans and crafters are creating profitable products that appeal specifically to cannabis enthusiasts. If you're a creative or artistic type, this business might be right for you. Consider your interests and skill set. Do you enjoy painting and have a love of getting high in the Colorado Rockies? Perhaps you could paint mountain scenes on wooden boxes to create one-of-a-kind marijuana stashes. Are you good at making jewelry? There's a strong market for fashion and novelty jewelry featuring special detachable beads that double as pipes, lockets in which to tuck a bud, or hidden pins you can use to poke out a clogged bowl. Love to sew? Maybe you could make some cushioned bags to keep delicate glass pieces safe and snug. Identify your talents and brainstorm creative ways to capitalize. Homemade arts and crafts can be sold online, at local dispensaries and Head shops, and at many community fairs and festivals.

Professional Services: The marijuana industry is serious business, and these businesses require a variety of professional services just like any other serious business. Whether you're an accountant, lawyer, real estate agent, interior designer, copywriter, web developer, carpenter, cleaner, or a consultant, cannabis dispensaries and other big marijuana businesses could likely use your services. Specializing gives your business an edge over competitors, and with its unique needs and broad and ever-expanding customer base, the marijuana industry is a lucrative area of focus. Get to know the owners of your local herb stores, network, hand out business cards, and offer discounts or incentives for referrals to help kick-start your business.

Private Clubs: Private cannabis clubs that allow members to consume (but not purchase) cannabis on the premises are making money as well as headlines in Colorado Springs, Denver, and elsewhere. Such clubs charge a membership fee, and in exchange provide a safe place to chill out and enjoy one's herbs. The rules at these clubs differ and regulations are somewhat ambiguous, as there are currently no state guidelines specifically overseeing or licensing such clubs. Most operate under exceptions established for private clubs which allow indoor smoking at places of employment that employ three or fewer people and where access is restricted to members only. Some clubs only allow outdoor smoking or vaping, some offer food and drink, and some do not. Rules may soon become clearer and licensing requirements stricter, however, under legislation proposed by state Representative Kit Roupe, a Republican from Colorado Springs. The new regulations would establish a statewide system for licensing such clubs, and individual municipalities would be able to set their own additional rules and guidelines. It's unclear at this point what the specific licensing fees and requirements would be as the legislation is still in its draft phase, but it's likely to be a more affordable and streamlined process than it is to open a dispensary or cultivation facility. The proposed legislation is on the slate for the next session of the Colorado General Assembly which is scheduled to meet in early 2016.

Tour Companies: Cannabis-themed tour companies in Colorado and Oregon are offering tourists a convenient and fun way to check out the local herb scene. These tours may visit dispensaries, drive past cultivation facilities, provide information on local laws and weed-friendly establishments, offer tips for making the most of the legal weed, make pit stops at private cannabis clubs, connect travelers with 420-friendly lodging, and more. New tour operators are usually required to pass a criminal background check, obtain proper insurance, and meet other regulations and licensing guidelines that may apply at the state or local level.

These are just a sampling of cannabis-based business ideas that have succeeded, and there are many other business models worth considering. There is definitely money to be made in marijuana, if only you consider your strengths, do your research, consider your resources, and put your mind to it.


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According to the Colorado Department of Revenues most recently published marijuana tax report, during the first eight months of 2016, Colorado medical and adult-use marijuana hit $846 million jumping 33% from the same period last year.  According to a Pew Research Center poll, 57% of Americans say marijuana should be legal so it's easy to see why pot sales are on the rise.

In Colorado,  medical and retail marijuana is presented with a 2.9% sales tax and retail marijuana is presented with 10% special sales tax. These tax dollars recently funded a television commercial that can be found online and should be hitting a television set near you very soon.

The state is attempting to run television commercials telling parents to talk to their kids about pot. LOL!  Come on Denver, you're missing the point just like the mighty ones that funded the DARE program.  Now if you smarten up, you'll produce commercials telling kids to talk to their parents about weed!

It is amazing that children are used in the pot wars. In some sociopaths minds, saying legalizing pot will keep it out of the hands of children, is like saying there's a drought when the planet is mostly water. Do you remember being 13?  I can walk into any neighborhood and within a very short time, some teen will be able to do a drug hook up.

Not to digress, that's another topic.

$126 million in recreational cannabis sales was reported for the month of August which is said to be a new record for the state’s marijuana industry.  Rec sales were nearly $85 million of the total. That's up 43% from the same time a year ago.  It's reported that Adult-use sales jumped nearly 50% over the same period this time last year through August. The  comparison is during the first eight months of 2015.

According to a Pew Research center study poll, younger Americans are leading the shift in support of cannabis legalization, and it's no wonder. Younger Americans have grown up in favorable circumstances led by direct knowledge instead of propaganda. They have encompassed technology at a rate that propels the advent of new technologies so rapidly, last year's generation is still trying to figure out how to program their VCR while the younger generation forces expansion and growth. - Hey, didn't anybody ever tell you those VCR things are obsolete? - Lest you remember - or forget - Blockbuster Video Rental Stores? LOL!

The University of Colorado Leeds School of Business released a report that Colorado’s employment growth is meeting expectations and the economy continues to outperform the nation. The report stated that Colorado Employment is growing faster, housing is hotter and incomes are higher. Food and chemical manufacturing added 1,200 jobs between 2014 and 2015 and manufacturing as a whole added 6,100 jobs.

The legalization of marijuana is expected to continue to drive growth in retail sales and employment in Colorado and many other states as the November ballot quickly approaches.  A recent national Gallup poll showed that 58% of respondents were in favor of nationwide legalization so it easy to see where this is headed. Less alcohol related accidents and deaths is one outcome we can insure!

Be Well.


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CannaSaver Blog

Lush Lighting | Dominator 2xXL

Posted by CANNASaver on Saturday, 17 May 2014 in Canna Blog

Lush Lighting is the first company to stabilize the production of highly energized photons in grow lights! LED's can now reduce your operating cost while increasing your revenue!
Lush Lighting is the first company to stabilize the production of highly energized photons in grow lights! LED's can now reduce your operating cost while increasing your revenue!

Get out of the dark ages, it's time to see the light! For major savings and maximum yield, see for yourself what people are discovering about the here-to-stay, science-grounded, energy and cost-effective LED grow lights! Veg out with our higher blue spectrum Vegetator or Herbalvador unit. Or go from start to finish with our all-stage units: Lumentator, Dominator or Dominator 2x XL! Use this coupon to knock off 25% and start growing with the big boys!

For more information:
1. Click through to The Lush Lighting page... CannaSaver - Lush Lighting Page
2. Go to the Lush Lighting Web Page @ Lush Lighing
3. Call Lush Lighting direct at 888-960-4LED
Don't forget to use Coupon Code "Canna420" to receive 25% OFF your order


       Lush Lighting | Dominator 2xXL
   >300 High Intensity 3 watt LED's!
   >650 watts, about half the power of HPS!
   >Warm but easier to cool than HID!
   >Grow larger flowers that weigh more!
   >Increase penetration and sq. ft. value!
   >Outperform HPS in every way!

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Organic Pesticides and Cannabis Production


 I’ve gotten a good amount of questions into whether or not the weed my dispensary grows uses pesticides or is organic, the majority of people inquiring getting quite unhappy with my responses. The pesticide/organic stigma is of course a carryover from more heavily regulated industries like the food industry, and unfortunately with the way that dispensaries work these days it is not quite as available of an option for the marijuana industry. 

First off, noone in the recreational or medical side of marijuana sales can be actually considered organic, whether or not it technically is, because none of it has been tested by the FDA to receive that status. This brings up the question “What does that official classification actually mean?” One of the more interesting things is that if you do claim your weed is organic you can potentially be sued. There have been several dispensaries that had to change their names because they initially went with some kind of name referencing “organic,” which again they do not have clearance to use. 

As far as pesticides go, the dispensary that I previously worked for did use them, much to the chagrin of many snooty customers, trying to berate me for a decision that my company made to protect their product. In the current industry, at least in Colorado, most larger scale producers have to use pesticides on their product because of their scale alone. The goal for many dispensaries is always to expand into larger and larger grows, so as to minimize loss pesticides are a necessary “evil,” as one plant getting sick in a hundred plus plant grow can be devastating to the entire environment if not treated. As far as I know the only dispensaries I’ve heard of not using any pesticides are primarily the smaller, medical only locations. 

These conversations are always hilarious to me. It makes me wonder how much stock people put into labels and ingredient listings, and how much they actually know about the production of products they take to be the “clean” ones they pride themselves on maintaining consumption of. And on that note, some people that I know have been smoking for years previous to any kind of regulated cannabis, in which case there is a good chance they’ve had something with pesticides used on it, or that wouldn’t technically count as organic just because of how it was grown, not to mention I’ve heard a ton of stories about growing amazing weed with just Miracle Gro. 

At the end of the day, pesticides are necessary for full sized production facilities, and the CDPHE is very involved in making sure that everything used is above board, limiting the useable pesticide brands to six that are allowed to be used in growing marijuana, I believe. Not to mention no matter what is used in the product’s production should be flushed out before curing, unless the growers literally don’t know what they’re doing, and that stuff is instantly recognizable, it will make you want to die. 

I’m not saying don’t inform yourself to the specifics of your dispensaries products, but don’t look down on me if I tell you there are pesticides used during production, you made this industry what it is. Not to mention there’s probably toxic dust in every inch of air that exists outside of a can.  


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CannaSaver Blog

Garden Spring Cleaning Tips

Posted by CANNASaver on Thursday, 19 May 2022 in Canna Blog

cannabis production tips

In order to grow strong, healthy plants, you must start with and maintain a clean, pest-free indoor grow area. Any buildup of trash or materials makes for a breeding ground for countless pests and organisms that are not a welcome sight in any grow room. While it is important to start with a clean grow room for best results, it is equally as important to maintain the sanitary nature throughout your grow cycle.

Before any plants are introduced into your grow room, you should perform a thorough cleaning and sanitization of your prospective grow area. While cleaning the area, keep an eye out for any cracks or crevices that may allow access, no matter how small, from the outside world. This access is enough to let in any organisms looking for a breeding ground to call home or a ray of light that could potentially cause your plant or plants to hermaphrodite. 

Once all dirt, dust and debris is cleaned up the area should be sterilized. While there are many methods and products out to facilitate the sterilization process, in the grow room we typically use bleach or hydrogen peroxide. While the space is empty, there is plenty of room to move around and access all areas that may not be accessible mid-grow, so bleach the ceilings, the walls and the floors before anything moves in. This will ensure you are starting your grow with a clean slate. 

Once you begin filling your room with plants, it is a good idea to maintain a regular cleaning schedule, as infestations are easier to control than they are to contain. Be sure that all dead plant matter is removed immediately, clean up any and all liquid spills, and avoid clutter as any dark corner is a breeding ground for many things. Also, regularly wipe down and/or clean hoods and ballasts, among all other electronics, with compressed air to keep them clean and operating at full capacity. It is also important to regularly check the filter on the air conditioning unit and any filtered equipment you use. 

Cleanliness is an ongoing task in a grow room and one of the most important, as failure to maintain your grow room could lead to epic infestations. As long as you develop and maintain a schedule, it will quickly become second nature, and your grow will surely thrive because of it. 

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Apothecare C02 Cartridges 1000mg/$45
Apothecare C02 Cartridges 1000mg/$45
Ann Arbor - Recreational 163.6 miles
North Cannabis Company 1/8 Flower $25
North Cannabis Company 1/8 Flower $25
Hazel Park - Recreational 169.6 miles
