While marijuana isn’t necessarily unhealthy, smoking it may not be the healthiest way to consume. That’s why we’ve put together the healthiest ways to consume marijuana.

Why Search for the Healthiest Ways to Consume Marijuana?
There are many reasons to consume healthy products and to prepare them in a healthy manner.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have stated that heart disease is the leading cause of American adult deaths. According to the American Heart Association, half the American population has some form of cardiac disease.
Many approaches to healthy eating including the DASH diet recommend eating a two-thousand-calorie-a-day diet that focuses on
Fresh vegetables, fruits, and whole grains
Fat-free or low-fat dairy products
Fish, poultry, beans, nuts, and vegetable oils
Limiting saturated fats including full-fat dairy products, and tropical oils such as coconut, palm kernel, and palm oils
Limiting fatty meats
Eliminating sugar-sweetened beverages and sweet snack foods
The National Cancer Institute recommends eating foods raw or lightly cooked. They caution against fried and battered foods. The institute also urges people to eat foods high in antioxidants and free radicals.
Why Choose Marijuana?
A 2016 National Survey on Drug Use and Health learned that one in five adolescents under 25 years old used marijuana. VeryWellMind.com outlines reasons youth and adults choose marijuana. Some use it to relieve anxiety or mood disorders.
Research has also found other therapeutic uses of cannabis. These include:
Alleviating nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy.
The reduction of chronic pain symptoms.
Short-term use of cannabinoids appears to improve multiple sclerosis-related spasticities.
The use of cannabinoids is being examined as a treatment for such conditions as epilepsy and schizophrenia.
What are the Healthiest Ways to Consume Marijuana?
If you are worried about the effects of smoking or you don’t like the lingering taste or smell of marijuana, there are healthy alternatives.

Try Vaping
Vaping or vaporizing the flower isn’t the same as smoking. You’re actually heating the cannabis, not burning it. This significantly lowers smoking-related health hazards. Vaping allows the user to cook the bud at a chosen temperature. This allows various combinations of terpenes and cannabinoids without burning your throat or lungs.
Lower temperature settings release sweeter, lighter effects. Vaping also allows the combustion of oils and waxes from the plant.
Eat Edibles
Cannabis-infused foods are an increasingly popular way to ingest marijuana. If you are new to making edibles, try these dark chocolate hemp protein balls from the Minimalistbaker.com.
If you are reluctant to create your own edibles, sample the increasing number of prepared varieties. Available in regular and gluten-free edibles from our trusted sources, you will discover an ever-widening selection of sugar-free, vegan, and kosher edibles.
If you want to skip the production stage, you can buy dried flower products.
Whether you’re just getting started on baking edibles or you want to expand your methods of preparing munchies, sources like Sol Cannabis provide step-by-step directions.
Create Cannabutter
You can get creative in the kitchen by creating cannabutter. You’ll find there are easy ways to make your own cannabutter. Emily Kyle offers this easy cannabutter recipe using your own dried product or with pre-dried cannabis.
Many cannabis chefs swear by this method of achieving a cannabis-rich infused butter as a base for baking. Using cannabutter to make edibles opens new product opportunities like those outlined in the recipes of MyEdiblesChef.com.
Experiment with Extracts and Oils
Oils and extracts preserve the medicinal goodness of marijuana. Those with allergies usually tolerate oils. These products are the fastest and easiest ways to enjoy the healthy benefits of marijuana. They are often consumed sublingually by placing the oil under the tongue. The substance then seeps into the bloodstream. Oils may also be injected.
Serve in Beverages
Cannabis oil may be added to the beverage of choice. Alcohol as a liquid is not recommended.
Try a cannabis smoothie. Place ice, fruit, and a little cannabis oil in your blender cup. Emulsify and enjoy.
A good way to enjoy cannabis oil in your coffee is to prepare a weekly supply of cream or milk. Add cannabis oil and puree. This works equally well with almond, hazelnut, or coconut milk. You can also stir in a dollop of cannabutter.
Create a relaxing cup of cannabis tea. Steep dry buds in boiling water just as you’d prepare tea using the leaves of your favorite brand. Using a tea strainer or a tea infuser ensures your brew will be leaf-free.
Blended non-alcoholic cocktails also accommodate cannabis oil for a tasty, healthy beverage.
Add cannabis oil to the juice of your choice by adding a drop or two to your juicer.
Experiment with Topicals
These weed-infused creams, balms, lotions, or salves provide pain relief for aching joints or muscles. They also help with skin conditions.
Chronic pain sufferers have experienced improved quality of life.
Topicals allow the cannabinoids to interact with targeted areas. The topical is absorbed by the skin.
Topicals work best when the user directs them to a specific spot rather than as full-body consumption like edibles.
Topicals are the least invasive method of cannabis use. They don’t need to be inhaled, injected, eaten, or imbibed to feel their effects.
When selecting the most effective topical, Healthline.com suggests you pay attention to

Explore Dabs using Wax, Shatter, etc.
Dabs, crumble, shatter, wax, and budder are all highly concentrated forms of cannabis. They differ in the way they are cooked.
Many users love the transparent sheen of shatter. Budder and crumble are both wax variations.
Dabbing involves using super-potent concentrated cannabis made from hash oil. Thus, there is little waste. First, a nail made of titanium or ceramic is heated. Then, shatter, crumble, or wax is placed on the heated nail. As it vaporizes, the user inhales it through a bong or a dab device. Dabbing is more like vaping because the user inhales the vapor, not smoke.
Consider marijuana smoking with a bowl, a joint, a blunt, a spliff, a bong, or a pipe.
Experienced smokers can control the degree of inhaling, the duration of smoking, and the effects they wish to achieve.
A joint is a traditional way to consume marijuana. It involves rolling cannabis in thin rolling paper. Bigger than a joint, a blunt contains cannabis inside a cigar wrap. Made of tobacco, the wrap adds to the high.
Like a joint, a spliff is a mix of tobacco and cannabis. A bong is more efficient. Joints blunts and spliffs keep burning between hits. With a bong, smoking material burns only during the two or three hits you take. Bongs get you higher with the same amount of weed and do so with less smoke inhalation.
Bongs are harder to clean and less portable than pipes. But, bongs filter out the bad while retaining all the benefits of cannabis. Bongs burn cooler than pipes but you can experience water burns.
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