Smoking Weed in Las Vegas - A Weed Tourist Guide
Visiting Las Vegas from out of state is an exciting and fun experience, especially if you know how to make the most of your Vegas travel adventures. Whether you're visiting casinos, catching a show, doing some 420 travel or relaxing at a world class spa, there's plenty of sights to see and activities to enjoy in Las Vegas. Here are some tips from the Savvy Stoner to help you make the most of your trip to Las Vegas.
Las Vegas Travel Deals
If you're looking for Vegas travel deals, hotel discounts, Las Vegas transportation options, discount Vegas tours or Las Vegas package deals, one good resource to check is VegasWeed.net. Here, you’ll find links and information about legitimate Vegas travel deals. Take some time to shop around and compare prices before you book your trip, and check out online reviews, as well. That bargain hotel might not seem like such a good value when you actually see the place, so it's a good idea to see what other travelers recommend, or go through a site such as VegasWeed.net to make sure you get a true value that meets your expectations.
How to buy weed in Las Vegas
This past November, voters decided to make recreational marijuana legal in Nevada. Starting January 1, 2017, anyone age 21 or older can legally possess and consume up to an ounce of marijuana in Nevada. Dispensaries won't be open for recreational sales however until all the details are ironed out. Officials estimate that we can expect to see the first Nevada recreational dispensaries opening sometime between spring and fall of 2017.
If you're traveling to Las Vegas in the meantime, the good news is that if you have a medical marijuana license from out of state, you can buy weed at any of the medical marijuana dispensaries in Nevada. All you need is your out of state medical marijuana card and a valid photo i.d. such as an out of state driver's license or state issued i.d. card.
Las Vegas dispensaries
If you're looking for marijuana dispensaries in Las Vegas, you don't have to look too far to find one. Many dispensaries such as Sahara Wellness, Essence Dispensary , and Las Vegas ReLeaf are located on or near the Vegas strip. Another good one to check out is Euphoria Wellness. Located at 7710 S. Jones Blvd, this southwest Las Vegas dispensary offers medical marijuana, concentrates, and other high quality medical marijuana products. You can already get coupons for Euphoria Wellness and find other Vegas weed deals on CannaSaver. There are ounce specials, grams specials, concentrates deals, and more.
More Las Vegas travel info
The key to a good travel experience is preparation - know before you go. If you need more information on Las Vegas marijuana laws or how to get medical marijuana in Nevada, check out VegasWeed.net. Along with Vegas travel deals and the latest marijuana news, there's also up to date information about marijuana laws and regulations in Nevada. You can even apply for your Las Vegas medical marijuana card right on VegasWeed.net.
Whatever your Las Vegas travel adventures may bring, may you take a moment while you're there to enjoy the green!
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