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High THC Cannabis - Side Effects and Practical Tips

CANNASaver Blog
Posted by CANNASaver on Monday, 08 August 2016 in Canna Blog

Practical Tips for Combating the Side Effects of High THC Cannabis

A recent article discussed the most common side effects of high THC cannabis strains and some expert tips for how to fight them.  While these tips were helpful, they just seemed to be missing something, practical experience.  Here are a few tried and true tips to fight off these bothersome little buddies of pot smokers everywhere.

Start Slow

The experts will tell you to start with a low dose.  This a great game plan for more than one reason.  First, it is a slower and more controlled way to get high.  Second, it can save a ton of weed and money.  The marijuana available today is if such high quality that it only takes a puff or two of some strains to leave veterans like Snoop Dogg drooling for hours.  Save some money and stay just high enough, by going slow and adjusting as needed.

Edibles are all Different for Everyone

We have all heard about the nightmare experiences that edibles have caused and when we first got to Colorado, my husband and I were both more than a little leery of trying edibles for the first time.  Neither of us are noobs and have had more than one or two pot brownies in the past, but the stories we heard didn’t set very well.  When we finally tried some, it was not at all what we were expecting. 

The first ones we tried came as pills and highly recommended by a budtender who said she used them regularly (and looked very nicely baked).  Although the effects were mildly noticeable after eating several, it was most definitely not what we were expecting after all the warnings.  The second edibles we tried were Americana gummies.  They tasted pretty decent, and oddly enough, made our mouths a little numb as we chewed them.  Even with that immediate effect, it still took at least an hour to feel the full effects, and then it was still only a “one-beer-buzz” feeling after eating 4 each.  Most definitely not any sort of scary or bad trip.  Of course, everyone’s experience is different, just be prepared and don’t plan on operating any dangerous equipment or cooking a soufflé when trying edibles for the first time.   Also look for a dispensary running a deal on edibles because they do tend to cost a good bit more than a regular bag of treats.

Anxiety and Paranoia

The very best tip for this is to be comfortable before you get high.  Being in a situation where you fear getting caught will always intensify feelings of guilt, paranoia and anxiety.  Remember how anxious you got smoking in Mom’s house?  Or how about the paranoia in the school bathroom – knowing you would get expelled if you got caught?  What’s the very best way to combat anxiety and paranoia when smoking cannabis?  Move to a state where it’s legal. I did, and my anxiety and paranoia instantly went down 85 percent.  For most this is not an option, but here are a few tips to try:

  • Use cover scent like incense, automatic air fresheners, or ionizing air cleaners.  Hiding or eliminating the pungent aroma of good pot from intruding neighbors and unexpected visitors will ease fears immensely.
  • Don’t smoke in the main living area during visitor hours.  Save the kicked back TV time for after the kids are in bed.  In most places, the police can’t even visit without reason after 10pm, making the living room a safe and cozy place to enjoy your right to pursue happiness. 
  • Don’t be high around people or situations that make you feel guilty.  Some smokers don’t feel comfortable being high around their kids or family, while others have no problem going to the PTA meeting baked.  If your personal morals or ethics make it feel wrong to be high – then don’t be.  Don’t cave into peer pressure, just save the bowl for when you get home and enjoy it instead of getting freaked out because you find yourself too high at church.

Cottonmouth and Dry Eyes

These side effects are said to be best combated by drinking plenty of water.  Hydration it seems, is the key to everything, including reducing two of the most annoying side effects of smoking cannabis.  In addition to staying well hydrated, be sure to keep a drink nearby when you sit down for smoking sessions.  No matter how well hydrated you may be, some strains of marijuana just cause cottonmouth and that’s that.  Being well hydrated is also said to help with dry eyes.  One thing to remember not to do is rely too heavily on eye drops.  Overuse can actually end up making eyes dryer and reducing natural tear production.  Not to mention, the medicines in certain eye drops can cause diarrhea when used excessively.

The Munchies

The munchies can be a reason to smoke or a bad side effect depending on who you ask, but one thing’s for sure, they do exist and they are hard as heck to stay away from once they show up at the party.  Short of eating everything in the kitchen or inventing really strange recipes, there is one certain way to keep the munchies at bay.

Any veteran pot smoker knows that there is one sure fire way to kill a good buzz – eat.  So many long time smokers simply use will power, and their dedication to stay high, as their number one weapon in the war against the munchies.  Don’t give in and eat, and stay higher longer.  Smoke a little and eat a pizza, and an hour later you will find yourself repeating the process -  and the calories start to add up.  But smoke and wait it out, and the munchies will pass sooner or later and save 500 calories or more as well as a great buzz.

Last modified on Monday, 20 January 2025

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