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Marijuana Strains for Halloween

CANNASaver Blog
Posted by CANNASaver on Saturday, 08 October 2016 in Canna Blog

Marijuana Strains for Your Halloween Festivities

Halloween is a great time for treating yourself to a little rest and relaxation. It's a time when tricksters and their treats hit the streets trying to score the mother candy load. The history of halloween is sketchy at best, but according to Peter Tokofsky, an assistant professor in the department of folklore and mythology at UCLA, the earliest trace of Halloween is the Celtic festival, Samhain, which is the Celtic New Year. Samhain (pronounced sah-win or sow-in) means "summer's end" by the Celts. "This day marked the end of summer and the harvest and the beginning of the dark, cold winter, a time of year that was often associated with human death." We'll cut short there because really and truly, the 'harvest' is all we're interested in! To celebrate, here's a list of the top fifty orange marijuana strains and if you feel like trick or treating this Halloween, why not stock up on orange weed! 
Make it a Safe One. 

 Top 50 Marijuana Strains for Halloween

1. Afghani Orange 2. Agent Orange 3. Blood Orange 4. California Orange 5. California Orange 6. California Orange 7. Californian Orange 8. Californian Orange 9. Californian Orange 10. Clockwork Orange 11. Clockwork Orange 12. Dutchmens Royal Orange 13. Jack Orange 14. Master Orange 15. Orange 16. Orange 17. Orange Berry 18. Orange Big Bud 19. Orange Blossom Trail 20. Orange Bubba Kush 21. Orange Bud 22. Orange Bud 23. Orange Bud 24. Orange Bud 25. Orange Bud X Blueberry 26. Orange Candy 27. Orange Candy Floss 28. Orange Cream 29. Orange Cream Cake 30. Orange Cream Soda 31. Orange Creamsicle 32. Orange Crush 33. Orange Diesel 34. Orange Dream 35. Orange Drop 36. Orange Fizz 37. Orange Glue 38. Orange Goo 39. Orange Haze 40. Orange Hill Special 41. Orange Juice 42. Orange Kush 43. Orange Light 44. Orange Louie OG 45. Orange Peako 46. Orange Snow Cone 47. Orange Spice 48. Orange Velvet 49. Orange Widow 50.


Last modified on Monday, 20 January 2025

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