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Colorado Pot Featured in High Times "Strongest Strains on Earth"

CANNASaver Blog
Posted by CANNASaver on Saturday, 08 October 2016 in Canna Blog

Colorado Pot Featured In High Times “Strongest Strains on Earth”

ChemDog with 32.13% THC, is an indica entered by Next Harvest. High Times states that the Chem has achieved what most people thought impossible with it’s level of potency - which begs the question: How potent can a flower go in terms of producing psychoactive THC?

The Brotherhood came in second with 27.65% THC and is also an indica. It was entered by Animas Herbal Wellness Center. It’s our understanding that it’s propagated from seed and her lineage stacks up like this: (Willie’s Wonder x Grape Krush) x (Bubba ’91 x The White).

Sour Kush 60/40 with 26% THC, a hybrid came in number three. It was entered by Black Dog LED. Next is Lemon OG Haze with 26.14% THC. It’s a sativa entered by Ethos Seed Company. Ghost Train Haze was next with 27.46% THC, sativa, entered by Greenman Cannabis in Denver with the review noting, it’s a Rare Dankness–bred strain dipped slightly.

The strongest CBD strains were tested by three different labs across four separate competitions. Coming in at number 5 out of the top six CBD strains is Colorado's The White entered by Green Grass Central City, expressing 16.57% CBD with 0.67% THC. The sixth strongest CBD strain AC/DC entered by Emerald Triangle Genetics came in expressing 15.4% CBD with 0.8% THC.

The top CBD strain, Cannatonic, entered by IDK Farms topped out at an amazing 20.8% CBD with 0.8% THC. The second highest strain was CBD OG entered by C.R.A.F.T. expressing 19.5% CBD with a fairly high level of THC reaching 9.01%.

Perkins Cut Cannatonic entered by Mota Rebel Genetics expressed 18.8% CBD and 0.7% THC and was listed as the third highest. The fourth on the list was CBDee's #1B entered by Pure West Compassion Club with Light Sky Farms. It expressed a CBD level of 18.6% with THC at 0.7%.

In 2013, Bruce Banner came in number 3 at the Denver Cannabis Cup with a high of 28.35% THC. In 2015 a well known LA dispensary by the name of Greenwolf, took home the Denver Cup for their entry, Emperor Cookie Dough. This is not your ordinary cookie dough though. This stuff has a walloping 31.1% THC. Denver's own Next Harvest, wasn't about to be stirred. Their entry of ChemDog Cut surpassed the 32% mark setting the bar high with a new all-time record of 32.13% THC.

These are impressive levels and from the looks of it, the USA is producing a more power packed marijuana plant than that of our tokking friends in Jamaica.

The top of the list of six only reaches 17.8% THC submitted by St. Best Ganja Growers apparently going by a self titled name. The entry was submitted by Kevin Samuels and the strain is called Kevies Skunk. Second on the list of entries from Jamaica is True OG entered by Kingston Skinny with a 17.4% THC level followed by Power Nap entered by Sunspice with a level of 16.8% THC.

Next in the lineup is Gummy Berry 2 entered by Bongo Mannie. It's an indica flower grown outdoors with 16.6% THC. Following GB2 is Orange Hill Ebola entered by Juna Johnson. OHE is an outdoor grown indica with a 15.8% THC level. Wrapping it up at number six is M.G. Express - G.O.E.Original, coming again from St. Best Ganja Growers this time submitted by Glendon Elcis. This flower is an outdoor grown sativa leveling out at 15.4% THC and by the hyphenated name and initials G and E in the title, one must guess Glendon Elcis had a little influence.

Consume Responsibly


Last modified on Monday, 20 January 2025

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