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420 Trivia Questions

CANNASaver Blog
Posted by CANNASaver on Tuesday, 31 August 2021 in 420

Want to be the biggest weed wiz there ever was? Well, for the sake of getting some good deals at your nearest dispensary, or simply good smoke sesh conversation, here are some 420 trivia questions (and answers).

Tokin’ Trivia

Howdy, y'all and welcome to this episode of Tokin’ trivia!

Pack your bongs and get your brains ready because we’re bringin’ ya’ some smokin’ questions so hot they’ll light the joint for ya.

This is meant to be played with some friends while smoking a bowl of your favorite flavor of electric lettuce. 

Maybe it's a bowl of some delicious (The Lodge Cannabis) indoor dankity dank on sale right now

Maybe you’ve stumbled on this article in a high venture into THC trivia. 

Anyhow, we’re glad you’re here.  

This trivia category for this edition is “Stoner Movies.”

Just like any good movie, you’ll probably want to grab some snacks and pack another bowl because it’s time for Tokin’ Trivia.

Check out Golden Meds for a deal on gummy edibles while you're playing.

We're going to give you all the questions with answers at the bottom. 

Spark a joint and get your brains ready. We have been loving Strawberry Fields and their dank prerolls they have.  Right now they're running a hot deal on pre rolls at 10 for $50.

420 Trivia Questions

Here we go with our first question.

Question One: In the movie Pineapple Express James Franco plays the role of Saul, a super rad pot dealer who sells bags to Seth Rogen’s character Dale.  In one scene Saul tells Dale that he only saves the best weed for his favorite customers and gives the rest this type of pot.  What does he call the weed he gives to the people he doesn’t like?

A.) The Duff

B.) The Reggie

C.) The Snicklefritz

D.) The Scooby Snacks

Question Two: In the movie Half Baked, Dave Chapelle plays Thurgood Jenkins.  He and his two friends start selling weed to raise money to help their friend bail out of jail.  Thurgood Jenkins also is a rapper that goes by what name?

A.) Mad Marijuana

B.) Benny Bongrips

C.) Sir Smokes-A-Lot

D.) Tommy Twenty Sacks 

Question Three: Marlon Wayans was the stoner dude in this parody film from 2001. Trapped in a haunted house, 'Shorty', feeding his marijuana plant, was attacked by the possessed weed and smoked up. What was the movie?  

A.) Pineapple Express

B.) Stoned in 60 Seconds

C.) Scary Movie 2

D.) Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle

Question Four: In 2004 John Cho and Kal Penn starred in a movie about two stoned dudes who got the munchies and tried to go out to eat.  They really wanted one delicious thing and embarked on one of the most epic journeys to get it.  What were they so hungry for?

A.) White Castle

B.) Sizzler's

C.) McDonald's

D.) In 'n' Out

Question Five: In Cheech and Chong Up in Smoke the two stoned buddies attempt to bring some chronic to a rock show. They go down to Mexico to get the goods and bring them back using an ingenious method.  No one could ever see it coming.  How did they get the weed back into the states?  

A.) They put it in stuffed animals

B.) They flew the weed in an airplane

C.) They drove a van made of the weed

D.) They never got any weed into the country because they smoked it all in Mexico

Question Six: What are the names of the dynamic duo that star in the movies Mallrats, Chasing Amy, and Clerks?  

Okay you trivia turkeys, lock in your answers, and make your bets on what you think are the correct choices. 

We’ve got this month's answers coming up right after this message from one of our favorite dispensaries that supports us down here at Tokin’ Trivia. 

Kind Love is giving you $10 off your purchase just for being a new customer and coming down to check them out.  

420 Trivia Answers

Alrighty, and now the moment you’ve been waiting for, the answers to this episode of 420 trivia questions, featuring stoner movies.  

Answer Time:

For question one we asked you what the name of the weed Saul, the weed dealer from Pineapple Express sells to people who he thinks “linger” too long when they come looking for some chronic from him.  The correct answer is C.) The Snicklefritz.

Question two was what about Half Baked. Dave Chappelle’s character is also a rapper named Sir Smokes a Lot

Question three Shorty was feeding his weed plant in Scary Movie 2

Question four Harlod and Kumar went on an epic journey in search of White Castle burgers.

Question five was about a couple of OG stoners named Cheech and Chong and how they smuggled weed into the States from Mexico.  They did it in a van made out of the dankity dank.  If you haven’t seen this classic movie we highly recommend watching it while being highly high.

Our last question was about another dynamic duo that has starred in a ton of funny movies together.  That duo’s names are Jay and Silent Bob, also known as Bluntman and Chronic.  

Well, how did y'all do in this month's game? 

We hope you enjoyed yourselves and would love it if you gave some of our deals a looksee and make yourself at home reading another blog. 

Roll up a joint and enjoy.

Last modified on Monday, 20 January 2025
Tagged in: stoner trivia

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