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(0.11g) Clementine Climb | Gummies | [92.5mg]
(0.11g) Clementine Climb | Gummies | [92.5mg]
Columbus - Rec & Med 2.97 miles
(0.59g) Blue Tiff Cartridge 0.84g | 1 Day | 1008115
(0.59g) Blue Tiff Cartridge 0.84g | 1 Day | 1008115
Columbus - Rec & Med 1.99 miles

Stoner Valentine's Day Gifts

CANNASaver Blog
Posted by CANNASaver on Monday, 25 January 2021 in Canna Blog

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and everyone is wondering what exactly they should get their partner to make it extra special. And yes, that includes all the stoners out there. And if you’re feeling like just buying your partner’s favorite strain might not be enough this year, then here are some products to liven it up a little – the icing on the cake, as they say. These are some of our favorite stoner Valentine’s Day gifts.

Best Stoner Valentine’s Day Gifts

We get it, it’s hard to think about what your significant other may appreciate this time of year, especially if you’re too stoned. We got you! Light up that joint and read on for some good inspiration!

Cannabis Chocolates

What more could anyone ask for? Chocolate is a Valentine’s Day staple and adding a little bit of weed into the cocoa mix gives the gift that “little extra” that regular chocolate just can’t deliver. You can find some coupons on chocolates here.


“Flowers don’t tell, they show.” – Stephanie Skeem

Generally speaking, roses are a go-to for Valentine’s Day. That being said, there are definitely better types of flower out there. Can’t really smoke roses, can you? However we have heard of rolling blunts with rose petals, so you could try that! Class it up by turning your flowers into a weed bouquet. 

Couples’ Massage

There are very few people that don’t enjoy a nice, relaxing massage. Double the relaxation by maybe enjoying the chocolates you got your partner before going in. It’s worth it. 

Cannabis Lotion

Okay, so maybe you don’t want someone else rubbing up on your sweetheart. Fair enough. But keeping them from getting a massage seems cruel, so try giving them one yourself. Coupling a massage with a cannabis skin lotion can really elevate it to the next level.


Food! Everyone loves food. If you’re smart, you’ll be making your significant other a romantic dinner for Valentine’s Day. Liven it up with some edibles in the mix. Get baking and get baked.

Cannabis Candles

What better way to set the mood than with some romantic, cannabis-infused candles? It is Valentine’s day after all. Turn up the charm with candles that have a little extra kick.

New Glass

Back in the day, “fine China” used to be a great way to show your sweetie some love. Certainly, we’ve evolved a bit. In this case, don’t think of flatware as plates and bowls; at least not the bowls you eat out of. Grabbing a new glass pipe to smoke out of together is a better way of keeping up with the times.

Pre-rolled Love

Some people like to roll their own joints. A lot of people don’t. If your partner prefers to smoke without the work, a pack of pre-rolls is a perfect way to show you care. 

Cannabis Seeds

“Love grows by giving.” – Elbert Hubbard 

Growth is an important facet of any relationship. Why not symbolize that with a couple of seeds of your own, that grow in tandem with your relationship? Easier than raising other things.

Homemade Crafts

It’s hard to beat an old-fashioned joint. Be that as it may, Valentine’s Day is a special occasion. Trying your hand at rolling unique joints, like the tulip joint, is a great way to show your partner that they were on your mind. 

Weekend Getaway

Valentine’s Day falls on a Sunday this year, perfect for a nice 420-friendly getaway with your stoner beau. The COVID-19 pandemic has made travel harder this year, but a nice alternative to a hotel is finding somewhere warm, packing a tent, some food, and a bowl, and camping the weekend away.


No one likes to admit it, but packing a bowl or rolling a joint can sometimes be a chore, especially when you just want a quick toke. Good thing vaporizers exist. Perfect for an easy smoke, they can fit in your pocket and work like a charm. 

Cannabis Lube

It’s pretty easy to explain this one. 

  • Weed? Check. 

  • Lube? Check.

I’m fairly sure everyone knows why this gift is sure to make your partner happy.

Soda Pop for Your Sweetheart

Is it soda or pop in Denver? Asking for a friend. Regardless of what it’s called, a nice way to switch it up is with some Keef Cola, a cannabis-infused soda (pop)? If Michael Bublé is singing about it, you know it’s a good Valentine’s Day gift. 

Weed Apparel

Yes, it can give a “Yeah I totally smoke weed” vibe sometimes, but there’s nothing wrong with showing a little love for your favorite honey by getting them something that shows a little love for their favorite flower. Things like pot leaf underwear can make for a funny, yet charming Valentine’s gift.

Marijuana Cookbooks

Weed and food go hand in hand. There are very few combinations that can stack up. Peanut butter and jelly? Close second. If your partner loves to cook and loves to smoke, a prime gift would be one that combines both. You can find marijuana cookbooks that can merge cooking and weed. Really, it’s a gift for both of you.

A Night In

No doubt that we’ve all been spending plenty of nights in, over the past year. With that in mind, it’s certainly possible to spice it up a bit. A romantic dinner, a romantic blunt, and a romantic movie can make for a fantastic quarantined Valentine’s Day. 

Stoner Flicks

Being high can make mostly anything fun. But one of the best activities is chilling out and watching classic stoner movies, like Half-Baked or Pineapple Express. A night in doesn’t have to be limited to rom-com. 

Grassy Gift Basket

Can’t decide on just one thing? Well luckily, you don’t have to. If you really want to step up your Valentine’s Day game, you can mix and match any of the above to really bring it home. Chocolates, lotion, and pre-rolls? You don’t have to be that charming, but it definitely isn’t going to hurt. 

All in all, you know best. It’s Valentine’s Day, and hopefully, you know what your stoner sweetie likes. Getting the right gift is a great way to show them that you really care. For specials on the above-mentioned products, you can check out websites like Cannasaver for deals that won’t break the bank. 

Happy Valentine’s Day, you crazy stoners!

Last modified on Monday, 20 January 2025
Tagged in: strains holiday

Weed Deals Near Me View All

(0.11g) Clementine Climb | Gummies | [92.5mg]
(0.11g) Clementine Climb | Gummies | [92.5mg]
Columbus - Rec & Med 2.97 miles
(0.59g) Blue Tiff Cartridge 0.84g | 1 Day | 1008115
(0.59g) Blue Tiff Cartridge 0.84g | 1 Day | 1008115
Columbus - Rec & Med 1.99 miles
CBD Intensive Salve (Boho Botanicals)  1000mg/$50
CBD Intensive Salve (Boho Botanicals) 1000mg/$50
Center Line - Medical 171.09 miles
Symint Flower 1/8 $40
Symint Flower 1/8 $40
Hazel Park - Recreational 169.6 miles
Crestwood - Recreational 272.8 miles
Gummies 100mg $24
Gummies 100mg $24
River Rouge - Recreational 157.33 miles
1/8 Sozo Health Flower (Select Strains) $18
1/8 Sozo Health Flower (Select Strains) $18
Warren - Medical 170.91 miles
(each) Vapen - Cart - King Louis XIII (I) - 0.84g
(each) Vapen - Cart - King Louis XIII (I) - 0.84g
Columbus - Rec & Med 4.99 miles
Flower 1/8  Prepacked  $20/3.5G (Select Strains)
Flower 1/8 Prepacked $20/3.5G (Select Strains)
Detroit - Medical 167.26 miles
Flower 1/8ths (Common Citizen) Select Strains $17
Flower 1/8ths (Common Citizen) Select Strains $17
Detroit - Medical 169.63 miles
