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Weed Deals Near Me View All

1G Sugar Wax $60
1G Sugar Wax $60
Center Line - Medical 171.09 miles
(0.11g) Fruit Trio | Tarts | [113.63mg]
(0.11g) Fruit Trio | Tarts | [113.63mg]
Columbus - Rec & Med 2.97 miles

Organizing Your Weed Coupons

CANNASaver Blog
Posted by CANNASaver on Tuesday, 23 August 2016 in Canna Blog

Organizing Your Marijuana Coupons

If there’s one thing that every nutty coupon mom knows, is that even a coupon for $1,000,000.00 free cash is totally worthless if you can’t find it and use it before it expires.  Now if you’re a casual couponer and only keep one or two coupons around, ready to use in the next few days, then your wallet or refrigerator door may work. But those of us who really like to get the best deals on weed, and those of us with short term memory problems, will need to get organized to see the greatest savings and here’s what you’ll need to do it.

A Container

What type and size of container depends on your lifestyle, personal preferences, and weed couponing habits.  There are many suitable containers in most homes, so you may not even need to buy anything new.  Index card boxes work nicely, like the ones sometimes used to keep recipe cards in.  There are also specialized binders and pouches that come straight from the store ready to fill with your favorite weed coupons.  But my personal favorite deal catching device is a regular old envelope.  Of course, a new one will work fine, but being frugal, I usually will just repurpose one that comes in with a bill.  The best envelopes are usually the long, business size ones because they hold even long weed coupons without folding.  Folding coupons is a real time waster and makes it hard to see expiration dates and other important details printed on the face of the coupon.

A Good System

Next, it is time to decide how to organize the coupons so that they are easy to find and use.  This is another preference call, but the idea is to set the system up so that you can use the coupon you want when you want to use it.  What good are flower coupons when you want to get a great deal on shatter?  And even a great wax deal is no good if the dispensary with the best wax coupon is on the other side of town and you’re stuck without a ride. 

Organize the weed coupons the way you use them.  If you buy many different marijuana products from many different dispensaries, then maybe the best system for you will include sections for each different type of marijuana product.  For example, separate sections for wax, shatter, edibles and bud – each with coupons from different dispensaries in Denver.  But if you only buy bud from one or two different dispensaries, maybe a system dividing the coupons by weight would serve you better.  This system would have a section for deals on eighths, one for ¼’s, and one for great ounce deals too. 

Remember, the best weed coupon filing systems are ones that you can understand and remember so that you can always use them to get the best weed deals around.  I also like to include a section at the front where I can put the coupons I am using on this shopping trip so that I don’t have to hold a stack of coupons while I shop, or hold up the line at the cash register while I dig for them in the different sections of my envelope.


It’s true, saving money on weed like anything, takes time.  Luckily, the only time it really takes to keep up with your marijuana coupon filing system now that you have it all setup, is spent checking up on expiration dates.  Some coupons have no expiration date and will essentially last forever, but many coupons do expire and once they do, they cannot be used no matter how much you whine, gripe, flirt, or complain to the budtender.  In order to avoid personal disappointment and potential problems at the cash register, it’s always a good idea to keep your weed coupon filing system free of expired coupons. 

Make a habit of sitting down for a few moments every couple of weeks, or at least once a month, and review the expiration dates.  Throw away any coupons that have expired.  Any that are nearing their expiration date can be moved to the front of the section, or even a specially designated section, to make sure that they aren’t forgotten and get used before the great deal on weed goes up in smoke.  Take it from an experienced couponer, there isn’t a whole lot that feels worse than having a great coupon for something you really want to buy and then finding out at the cash register that the coupon is expired and the great concentrate deal you thought you had is suddenly shattered.

Following these easy steps to setting up your own weed coupon organization system may seem like unnecessary work when you’re just trying to get high, but why not take a few moments and get setup to save tons of money on the weed you buy?  Saving money on marijuana is good for the budget, good for the stashbox, and can be a little fun too when you think about how much money you’re saving, and how much more pot you can buy thanks to marijuana coupons from Cannasaver.com


Last modified on Monday, 20 January 2025
Tagged in: CannaSaver

Weed Deals Near Me View All

1G Sugar Wax $60
1G Sugar Wax $60
Center Line - Medical 171.09 miles
(0.11g) Fruit Trio | Tarts | [113.63mg]
(0.11g) Fruit Trio | Tarts | [113.63mg]
Columbus - Rec & Med 2.97 miles
(0.59g) Blue Tiff Cartridge 0.84g | 1 Day | 1008115
(0.59g) Blue Tiff Cartridge 0.84g | 1 Day | 1008115
Columbus - Rec & Med 1.99 miles
Harbor Farmz Gummies 200mg  $16
Harbor Farmz Gummies 200mg $16
Warren - Medical 170.91 miles
Apothecare Extract Kief 1G $20
Apothecare Extract Kief 1G $20
Ann Arbor - Recreational 163.6 miles
(1.0g) Badder | Lula's Dabs | Hot Mint Sundae
(1.0g) Badder | Lula's Dabs | Hot Mint Sundae
Matteson - Rec & Med 269.42 miles
North Cannabis Company 1/8 Flower $25
North Cannabis Company 1/8 Flower $25
Hazel Park - Recreational 169.6 miles
(5.66g) Bavarian Cream
(5.66g) Bavarian Cream
Columbus - Rec & Med 2.07 miles
Terpene Tanks Maxx Pod $40/1G
Terpene Tanks Maxx Pod $40/1G
Detroit - Medical 167.26 miles
Flower 1/8ths (Common Citizen) Select Strains $17
Flower 1/8ths (Common Citizen) Select Strains $17
Detroit - Medical 169.63 miles
Flower 1/8ths $27
Flower 1/8ths $27
River Rouge - Recreational 157.33 miles
Crestwood - Recreational 272.8 miles
