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Turnstile - Glow On

CANNASaver Blog
Posted by CANNASaver on Saturday, 04 September 2021 in Album Notes

Self-described as a "hardcore band" by lead singer Brendan Yates, one might have a hard time believing Turnstile resembles anything remotely close to that if only the opening 19 seconds on their third full-length are heard. That said, Glow On would also be easy to pigeonhole if glanced over. But as the following 15 tracks swiftly unfold on this 35-minute adventure, Yates' assertion oscillates between dubiousness and indisputability, and descriptions ranging from Incubus to new wave become applicable. Still, the Fugazi-ness undoubedtly lingers. That said, fuck the labels, this rocks. And so much more.

Last modified on Monday, 20 January 2025
Tagged in: 420 friendly

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