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How to Make Cannabis Infused Lip Balm

CANNASaver Blog
Posted by CANNASaver on Friday, 22 September 2017 in Canna Blog

How to Make Marijuana Infused Lip Balm in 5 Easy Steps

Homemade marijuana lip balm is easy to make, and the possibilities are endless. A simple coconut oil and marijuana tincture is all you need to create a basic homemade cannabis lip balm that can be transformed in infinite ways by adding additional herbs and oils. If you’re wondering how to make your own marijuana tincture or homemade marijuana lip balm, here is a basic recipe for a thc-infused marijuana tincture that serves as an excellent ointment for keeping your lips soft and moisturized. You only need a few basic ingredients and no special equipment is necessary.

Step 1: Get some coconut oil. Coconut oil is rich in fatty acids which bind to the cannabinoids. It also stays solid at room temperature, which makes gives it the perfect consistency for a marijuana lip balm or tincture without having to add additional ingredients to thicken the product. You can get pure coconut oil at most grocery stores or health food stores.

Step 2: Get some marijuana. You’ll need some cannabis to infuse into the coconut oil, obviously, and you’ll need a fairly good quantity of it, like at least a quarter but more if you can get it. Flowers are preferable although leaves and trim aren’t entirely worthless, so you can include them if you have some. To make marijuana tincture lip balm, you will need equal parts cannabis and coconut oil. A cup of each is a good starting place. The shake ounce deals you can get from local dispensaries are perfect for making marijuana tinctures, since you’ll need to break up the weed anyway so it will actually save you time. As an additional plus, shake is cheap! You can get a deal on a shake ounce at Nature’s Best Glendale dispensary near Cherry Creek for instance for just $50, which is about half the price of the very cheapest ounce deals on buds in Denver that can typically be found.

Step 3: Break up the cannabis flowers into small pieces. You want to break it up to the consistency you would if you were rolling a joint, maybe a little less. If you break it up too much, you will get too much raw plant matter in your final product, but if you don’t break it up enough, the cannabis extracts won’t infuse into the coconut oil as much as it should. If you don’t want to have to do all that extra work, just pick up a shake ounce for under $100 and skip this step entirely.

Step 4: Put the marijuana and the coconut oil into a heavy saucepan, and heat on a low, slow simmer for a couple of hours. You want to heat the oil and cannabis just enough that the compounds in the marijuana can infuse into the oils, but not so much that it all gets burned away before you get to enjoy it. If you can’t smell it cooking once it warms up, you need to turn the heat up a bit until you can detect an odor. Err on the side of less heat rather than more heat.You can always heat it more, but you can never heat it less once the damage is done. About two hours at 230 degrees Fahrenheit is enough to do the trick. Be careful to not let the temperature get above 245 degrees. Lift the pan off the heat every so often if you need to keep the temperature from getting too hot.

Step 5: Once it’s ready, let it cool for just a few minutes then carefully pour the oil through a strainer or cheesecloth and into a clean, dry glass jar. Let it cool completely until it solidifies, and your marijuana tincture is ready. Scoop into smaller containers to create pocket-sized lip balms. Old fashioned pill boxes work well. Store the bulk of the marijuana tincture in the sealed glass jar and keep it in the refrigerator. Refrigerated, the cannabis tincture will last at least two months.

If it seems like too much trouble to make your own homemade cannabis tinctures and marijuana lip balms, you can always just leave it to the pros and pick up some ready-made marijuana topicals from a dispensary near you!

Last modified on Monday, 20 January 2025
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