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Kind Tree Little Flower 3.5G /  $40.00
Kind Tree Little Flower 3.5G / $40.00
Maplewood - Medical 205.63 miles
(each) Vapen - Disposable - Fruit Punch (S) - 0.84g
(each) Vapen - Disposable - Fruit Punch (S) - 0.84g
Columbus - Rec & Med 297.05 miles

Do Terpenes Get You High?

CANNASaver Blog
Posted by CANNASaver on Saturday, 16 January 2021 in Canna Blog

Oh the juicy terps, glorious terpenes. By now, I’m sure you know all about wonderful terpenes. 

Wait, you don’t? 

Well, let’s boot in and upload that knowledge upon you. 

What are Terpenes?

Terpenes are biological aromatic compounds found in many different plant species. In cannabis, they are responsible for the various flavors and aromas each strain obtains. The terpenes produce citrus, pepper, pine, and floral tastes/smells gathered within the buds or more specifically in the trichomes (kief).

They promote relaxation/stress relief for indica strains.

As for the sativas, they produce focus, uplifting, and energy.

So now that you are an expert, you’re probably headed to your favorite dispensary to purchase a fresh jar of juicy terpenes. They are going to get you higher than you have ever been. Well, let’s stop there and ask this question:

Do terpenes get you high?

A Closer Look At Terpenes

So now that you have a little knowledge of terpenes and that they exist, let’s dive in a little closer. Terpenes come in a big bag of different types which influence the type of high you will experience while you smoke. Let’s consider terpenes a type of “choose your own adventure” for the cannabis world.


This juicy citrus terpene is found in various different fruits such as oranges, grapefruits, berries, and lemons. Limonene reduces anxiety. This occurs by the terpene increasing your serotonin and dopamine production within your brain, thus improving your overall mental health. A happy brain is a good brain.

Limonene has a high availability which essentially means it will allow a substance, cannabis in our case, to enter your bloodstream and have an actual effect on your body.

Some other added benefits include being an antiseptic and helping overall gastrointestinal health.

Some strains which contain Limonene include:

  • White Widow
  • Hindu Kush
  • Goji OG
  • Banana Kush


The most common terpene amongst the marijuana ranks is myrcene. Studies have shown myrcene improves cell membranes in the body to absorb nutrients. Myrcene makes up 20% of all the terpenes found in all cannabis strains. The terpene also appears as the most dominant among 40% of shelved marijuana strains. With these percentages, there is a very good chance you have had plenty of this terpene. 

Myrcene affects the blood/brain barrier. The terpene lowers the barrier allowing THC to pass through easier thus allowing for a sustained high. The terpene protects against circulating toxins/diseases which cause brain infections. This process does not raise the psychoactivity of THC but naturally increases the sense of chill and couch-lock. This allows the marijuana to hit fast/strong. Typically completely halving the onset time. 

Some health benefits from Myrcene are digestion improvement, relaxing muscles, reducing asthma flare-ups, and aiding sleep.

Some strains which contain Myrcene include:

  • Green Crack
  • Ak-47
  • Blue Dream
  • 9 Pound Hammer


This woodsy, lumberjack of a terpene is the most common terp in nature. Pinene is found in pine trees, coniferous trees, rosemary, and other plants. In the marijuana world, Pinene has earthy, woody, and piney tastes/aromas. This terpene hits with stimulation, focus, and clarity receptors in your brain. The terpene is also a bronchodilator, a broad-spectrum antibiotic, and, believe it or not, it improves your memory.

Some strains which contain Pinene include:

  • Mimosa
  • Do-Si-Do
  • Island Sweet Skunk
  • Jack Herer


Linalool is a bit of a flower child. Overall floral with a hint of spice, the terpene is found in lavender, rosewood, birch bark, and cinnamon. Linalool is aromatherapeutic which promotes health and an overall sense of well-being.

The terpenes reduce anxiety and allow the feeling of sedation. Linalool helps prevent heart disease and is slightly pain-relieving. The flower child also produces vitamin E which has anti-aging properties. 

Some strains which contain Linalool include:

  • Grand Daddy Purp
  • Amnesia Haze
  • Wedding Cake
  • L.A. Confidential


Oh, the spice with everything nice. Caryophyllene is found in basil, black pepper, and oregano. The terp has spicy, woody, and pepper aromas/flavors. High caryophyllene terpenes are noticeably pain-relieving and inflammation-reducing. The terpene binds with CB2 receptors in the brain which improves brain health and overall well-being.

Caryophyllene can also counteract the effects of THC. This could be good for those who need to be less high/anxiety-ridden. This spicy girl is good for digestion, pain relief, and relieves itchy skin.

Some strains which contain Caryophyllene include:

  • Skywalker OG
  • Super Silver Haze
  • Chemdawg

The Terpene Experience and Getting High

So I know you’re thinking as you stand at your favorite dispensary with your mouth watering at the sight of the jar of fresh terpenes, “Do terpenes alone actually get you high?”. 

Unfortunately, the short answer is no

This simply breaks down to the terpenes themselves containing no THC. For those needing a friendly refresher, THC delivers the high we are all fondly familiar with. The terpenes interacting with THC and other cannabinoids are where the terpenes shine. They come in and become a “pick your own high” known as the Entourage Effect.

The Entourage Effect is the combination of THC, any terpene, and CBD. Many believe that cannabis is improved by adding terpenes. Terpenes work closely in the brain interacting with your body’s naturally forming cannabinoids pairing divinely with consumed THC and/or CBD. The combination is much stronger than THC, CBD, and terpenes alone. 

The Entourage Effect indirectly works as a major chemical compound and increases the potential benefits of everything involved. This improves mood and biological responses which boosts the quality of life. For those with marijuana anxiety, certain terps keep paranoia and anxiety completely away.

Now that you are an actual expert, make sure you grab that jar of terpenes. They allow you to choose the flavor/smells you enjoy. Then, remember to also buy some stinky, dank flower because terpenes alone will not get you high. But the Entourage Effect swoops in to boost cannabis effects longer, faster, and stronger. Helping to improve your body beyond your high.

Health and getting high, who would have thought...

Last modified on Monday, 20 January 2025

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