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Canna Cavi

Canna Cavi
Posted by CANNASaver on Saturday, 05 December 2020 in Canna Blog

Perhaps smoking the same flower you’ve always smoked just isn’t cutting it anymore and you’re looking to elevate your experience? If you’re anything like us, sometimes it takes a little more than the usual amount of weed to get that high you’re looking for.

Or, maybe there’s a special occasion that you’re looking forward to and need a little “special occasion smoke.” In either case, have you ever heard of Canna Cavi? It may be just the thing you’re needing, to take it up a notch or four.

What is Canna Cavi?

Simply put, Canna Cavi is premium flower (either an uplifting sativa, an indica, or a hybrid, depending on which you prefer) soaked in a cannabis concentrate hash oil, flavored with terps and usually rolled in kief. It’s basically caviar and/or moonrocks, all in one. It’s also the name of a specific brand that specializes in making these out-of-this-world products.

What is Caviar Marijuana?

When you think of caviar, what comes to mind? For us, it’s sophistication, caviar marijuana, or cannabis caviar as it's sometimes called, is often the same exact product as moon rocks. Like Canna Cavi, It's flower buds that have been soaked in hash oil, and usually (but not always) coated in kief. 

Sometimes caviar marijuana refers to marijuana that has been saturated in hash oil, but that does not have the added layer of kief on the outside. Moon rocks always have both the hash oil layer and the kief coating, whereas caviar always has the hash oil, but may or may not have the kief layer. To put it another way, moon rocks are always caviar, but caviar is not always moon rocks.

What are Moon Rocks?

Moon rocks are choice marijuana buds (a few terpenes and strains to choose from with these) that have been dipped in hash oil and then rolled in a layer of kief. Typically, only high quality top shelf marijuana is used to make moon rocks, as the whole goal is a highly potent product. 

Often, the bud will be coated in hash oil and kief produced from the same strain as the bud that's being utilized. Since moon rocks have the THC content of not just the bud, but also the hash oil and the kief, it can contain as much as 50%-91% or more THC.

Caviar vs. Moon Rocks – What's the Difference?

Moon rocks and cannabis caviar are relative newcomers on the marijuana market, and if you haven't tried them yet, you're missing out on an extremely powerful high. Both moon rocks and caviar are high THC marijuana products that exceed the buzz brought on by ordinary marijuana exponentially. 

So, what’s the difference between moon rocks and caviar? 

Essentially nothing, really. 

Cannabis caviar is almost always the same product as moon rocks, but not always. Caviar can come in many different shapes and forms, whereas moon rocks are more of a rock-like (imagine that) shape, covering the entire flower bud. 

Moon rocks are always going to have the hash oil layer, followed by a kief coating (that will vary to some degree, how much kief is actually on each moon rock).

Moon rocks (and caviar) have become quite popular in the Denver and Colorado areas, as people are looking for a new high, a new experience and a new product. Want to get even higher than usual? Moon rocks will do the trick.

How Do You Smoke Caviar or Moon Rocks?

Both moon rocks and caviar are pricey as well as delicate, so you'll want to take care how you're blazing it. If you have some caviar devoid of the kief outer layer, it might be a bit sticky or stiff to the touch. If you have moon rocks, there's a powdery layer of kief to contend with. 

  • You don't want to waste any of that good THC, so handle with tweezers or a fork, something metal that won’t stick to the amazing cannabis stuff. 

  • Then, place your moon rocks or caviar on a smooth, hard surface and simply cut off little bits to smoke using a pocket knife or metal nail file. 

  • Don't pack the bowl too full or it will be hard to light, and tilt the bowl part of the pipe downward slightly as you hit it so that the liquified hash oil will stay on the bud in the bowl rather than running down into the mouthpiece potentially clogging your pipe. 

  • Other than that, just smoke it as you normally would, just like a bowl topped with any type of concentrate.

You might want to go slow your first time smoking moon rocks or caviar; they have a reputation for knocking out even the most experienced stoners.

Where Can I Find Canna Cavi Near Me?

Unfortunately, we don’t have any current deals on Canna Cavi specifically, as it’s only available in some areas (ask your local dispensary where you can find it if they don’t carry it). However, we do have some pretty outstanding deals on both caviar and moon rocks, which we have seen grow increasingly popular in different dispensaries around Denver.

If you can’t find any good deals that catch your attention on caviar or moon rocks, you can also try making your own moon rocks! You can purchase the ingredients separately or make them yourself, and put them all together. Here’s what you’ll need for that:

  • A large bowl of kief - If you don’t have any kief, or if you’re low, try purchasing some flower to make into kief. If you freeze your weed, you’re likely to get more kief that way, too.

  • Your favorite cannabis flower buds - Running low on flower? Don’t worry, restock with some of our flower deals.

  • Hash oil/concentrate - There are always some great deals going on with concentrates.

Now that you have all the ingredients, it’s time to put them all together!

Take your flower bud and remove all the stems, so you’re left with only premium bud. 

  • Using tongs, take the bud and cover it with hash oil. You’ll want to do so using something like a distillate syringe or something that will easily disperse all the concentrate.

  • After the bud has been entirely coated with concentrate, drop it into your bowl of powdered kief. With a poker, you can move the concentrate-covered bud around in the bowl to make sure kief is attached to all sides of the creation.

  • Take the moon rock out of the bowl and allow it to dry. You can use baking paper or wax paper to do so. We also recommend you freeze the moon rocks to allow them to dry out (it’s all based on personal preference).

And there you have it - you’ve made your own moon rocks! It’s no Canna Cavi, but it's your own version of what they sell!


Last modified on Monday, 20 January 2025

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