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(each) Verano - Live Resin Cart - Bac 9 - 0.5g
(each) Verano - Live Resin Cart - Bac 9 - 0.5g
Columbus - Rec & Med 4.99 miles
(5.66g) True OG Flower 5.66g | 2 Day | 886616
(5.66g) True OG Flower 5.66g | 2 Day | 886616
Columbus - Rec & Med 1.99 miles

August Cannascopes

CANNASaver Blog
Posted by CANNASaver on Wednesday, 18 August 2021 in Dispatches from the Highlands

Discover Your Fortune!

Aries - You were courageous to embark on the DIY house-painting, but you shouldn't have used water-color. 

Taurus - Now that it's warm enough, you can finally talk about how you'd be jogging every day but it's too hot outside.

Gemini - There’s no need to announce you’re going to the restroom, especially not on a mic during the maid of honor’s toast.  

Cancer - Though you got poked hard in the eye, a jumbo bandaid is not the solution.

Leo - The terribleness of your breath will become crystal clear when they can't resuscitate the dental hygienist. 

Virgo - It might be a greasy old gym sock covered in moldy cheese, but hey, at least it's not Cracker Barrel. 

Libra - The universe will send you three tests, at no added cost, after your couture shaving box.  

Scorpio - It's safe to say you didn't turn into your parents, but at this rate, looks like you'll be skipping right to your grandparents. 

Sagittarius - You have too much pride to ask for help, but as a stoner stuck in the mud in a dinosaur costume, no one wants to anyway. 

Capricorn - You'll realize the thing you've been missing your entire life, is thick, thick corduroy; then the mediocrity will kill you.

Aquarius - Your quest to know thyself will end fittingly in a near-direct DNA match with an extinct family of parameciums. 

Pisces - Now that you've flushed your phone, you can enjoy the things you used to do the old-fashioned way, like looking for a plumber in a phone book.

Last modified on Tuesday, 26 July 2022
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Weed Deals Near Me View All

(each) Verano - Live Resin Cart - Bac 9 - 0.5g
(each) Verano - Live Resin Cart - Bac 9 - 0.5g
Columbus - Rec & Med 4.99 miles
(5.66g) True OG Flower 5.66g | 2 Day | 886616
(5.66g) True OG Flower 5.66g | 2 Day | 886616
Columbus - Rec & Med 1.99 miles
Apothecare Certified Organic 100mg Gummies $16
Apothecare Certified Organic 100mg Gummies $16
Ann Arbor - Recreational 163.6 miles
(2.83g) Zoap Flower  2.83g | 1 Day | 860002
(2.83g) Zoap Flower 2.83g | 1 Day | 860002
Westerville - Rec & Med 9.63 miles
(0.11g) Fruit Trio | Tarts | [113.63mg]
(0.11g) Fruit Trio | Tarts | [113.63mg]
Columbus - Rec & Med 2.97 miles
Vape 1000mg Terpene Tanks $40
Vape 1000mg Terpene Tanks $40
River Rouge - Recreational 157.33 miles
1/8 Flower Select Strains $40
1/8 Flower Select Strains $40
Center Line - Medical 171.09 miles
Choice 100mg Edibles $10
Choice 100mg Edibles $10
Detroit - Medical 169.63 miles
(5.66g) U.F.O.G - Ground | Old Pal | Flower | 5.66g
(5.66g) U.F.O.G - Ground | Old Pal | Flower | 5.66g
Columbus - Rec & Med 6.62 miles
(g) Black Mamba
(g) Black Mamba
Columbus - Rec & Med 2.07 miles
1/8 Sozo Health Flower (Select Strains) $18
1/8 Sozo Health Flower (Select Strains) $18
Warren - Medical 170.91 miles
Symint Flower 1/8 $40
Symint Flower 1/8 $40
Hazel Park - Recreational 169.6 miles
